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Paterno near death...

The Poojer

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Wow. I guess death really does wash away all your sins. I thought the guy up the street was a great dude. Then he got busted with kiddie porn & I decided he was a scumbag. But he got killed in a car accident so I've decided again that he's a great guy.

Joe Pa did many great things too and those should not unnoticed. We still don't know the entire story with Sandusky and we may never know the whole story. I know Joe Pa had a great influence on many young men that played for him and he gave most of his salary back to the university and lived in the same ranch house for his entire time coaching because he felt education was more important than having things. You can vilify if you want and I won't blame you. If the allegations are true it is sick what happened, but I won't ignore what Joe Pa did that was good.

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Without a reason to live he has no reason to live


With all due respect to Mrs JoePa, it's pretty clear what is/was his one true love.


This whole thing is just awful. I can understand the sentiment that he failed to act when faced with information about the abuse. There is just no excuse for that. But on the other hand, being a proud Pennsylvania native I've known about and followed JoePa and Penn St my entire life. My father graduated from there (different campus) and I was recruited by Penn St as a junior in high school for a spot on their track team. (I can't even tell you guys what a great feeling it was to have a program of that standard show interest in me as an athlete...it was really an honor.)


It's really a crappy way to feel about the whole thing, but that pales in comparison to what alumni of the school feel, not to mention those who were victims of that evil fuk Sandusky. I'm honestly having a hard time processing this entire situation. :(

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Are you all literally so blinded by your love of football that you actually care about this man? HE KNEW CHILDREN WERE BEING RAPED AND DID NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. !@#$ HIM AND MAY HE BURN IN HELL. If he wasnt a !@#$ing coach of a game no one would defend him. So pathetic. Burn in hell "JoPa"

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Are you all literally so blinded by your love of football that you actually care about this man? HE KNEW CHILDREN WERE BEING RAPED AND DID NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT. !@#$ HIM AND MAY HE BURN IN HELL. If he wasnt a !@#$ing coach of a game no one would defend him. So pathetic. Burn in hell "JoPa"


Part of me honestly agrees with you completely....I think it would be different if JoePa was in the role of Sandusky. You can argue the point that JoePa's failure to act was equally as bad, and it would be a really solid argument especially since we're talking about the sexual abuse of kids. But since we have a target to put ALL of our hatred on, it leaves some of us feeling both sad for JoePa AND also disgusted by the events that took place and his role in them. I don't know if that makes any sense what I said there, cause it's 8am and I'm coming off an all-nighter, but I'm trying my best lol


Perhaps football was too important to him. Hard to say how he will be judged in the future but I suspect not kindly. He allowed his love of the game and PSU to cloud his judgment.


I agree...he definitely did.

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Joe Pa did many great things too and those should not unnoticed. We still don't know the entire story with Sandusky and we may never know the whole story. I know Joe Pa had a great influence on many young men that played for him and he gave most of his salary back to the university and lived in the same ranch house for his entire time coaching because he felt education was more important than having things. You can vilify if you want and I won't blame you. If the allegations are true it is sick what happened, but I won't ignore what Joe Pa did that was good.

I'll put it this way. I can't see inside that guy's soul and tell you it's content. I can tell you this, anyone who is a geate person, as he is made out to be, wouldn't have handled this situation as he did.


You can argue that he's human and thus flawed, or he was stuck in a tough spot as to whether to protect his friend, or that he's not culpable because he passed the buck, but at the end of the day the best case you can hope to make for him is that he's not a complete scumbag. And maybe he's not. I don't know all the ins and outs of what happened, but I do know that great men who care so much about the !@#$ing children wouldn't have done what he did.


And personally, I always found it a little creepy the way he talked about molding boys into men. I've known other coaches and military men who have taken pride in this, and I myself have managed teenage guys and taught them responsibility, but it's something about the way this guy talked about it that always made my skin crawl.


So he may not be a monster, but he's certainly no one to be admired or held up as an icon of anything positive.


Sad but true Horsemen. Valvano was a habitual NCAA rule breaker...but now the JimmyV fund has raised $115M for cancer research and Roy Williams and Mike Krzyzewski, who hated competing against a cheater work on behalf of his legacy.


JoePa turned the other way to protect a friend, a program and a legacy he built -- but it was horribly wrong and its his last act...you are only as good as your last act unfortunately. Somehow however tonight for those of us of faith in God like JoePa--I think God has added to heaven's football staff...and JoePa has been forgiven..

I just threw up in my mouth

Edited by Rob's House
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You've gotta give prayers to joe pas family right now. My grandma passed last year over a slightly extended time. Based on joepas interview last week, he's got the same voice that my grandma had. His time is close and it's tough on his family. With that said, it's a very sad situation. Legendary coach, seemingly a great person, but he just didnt do enough in a terrible situation. Men are born from moments of great conflict. Paterno didn't do enough. Definitely not as bad as that sh-- ginger asst. coach or Sandusky himself, but a terrible action to not act is pretty bad. He will have to live with his lack of action for eternity. His day of judgement is coming fast. Unfortunate that his family's legacy is soiled forever by an act to not act.

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I'll put it this way. I can't see inside that guy's soul and tell you it's content. I can tell you this, anyone who is a geate person, as he is made out to be, wouldn't have handled this situation as he did.




This is pretty much where I am.


I will forgive any person's mistakes to a point of neutrality, but the perpetual canonization of Paterno in that whackadoo football obsessed town is disturbing.


I hope the man's family can find peace.

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