Bills/Sabresfan Posted December 27, 2004 Posted December 27, 2004 I'm sitting at my in law's computer thinking about next Sunday's game. I'm also thinking about all of the great Buffalo games I've attended over the years. One chant that gets me revved up is "Let's Go Buffalo!!" When I think of 80,000 people standing in unison chanting this I feel tremendous civic pride. I will not be able to attend the game next Sunday but for those of you who are going please start this chant for me. This is the most significant Buffalo home game in many years and I hope that all of you who are going make the Ralph rock! LET'S GO BUFFALO!! - (As you're reading this start saying this to yourself over and over again.) To my buddy, Jim Floriano, known as "Flomoe" on TSW enjoy the game. I wish I was going with you.
lawnboy1977 Posted December 27, 2004 Posted December 27, 2004 I'm sitting at my in law's computer thinking about next Sunday's game. I'm also thinking about all of the great Buffalo games I've attended over the years. One chant that gets me revved up is "Let's Go Buffalo!!" When I think of 80,000 people standing in unison chanting this I feel tremendous civic pride. I will not be able to attend the game next Sunday but for those of you who are going please start this chant for me. This is the most significant Buffalo home game in many years and I hope that all of you who are going make the Ralph rock!LET'S GO BUFFALO!! - (As you're reading this start saying this to yourself over and over again.) To my buddy, Jim Floriano, known as "Flomoe" on TSW enjoy the game. I wish I was going with you. 179276[/snapback] I know what you mean!! I often find myself during games yelling out "Come on Buffalo", instead of "Come on Bills" or yelling a players name. I think when I say "Come on Buffalo" or "Let's go Buffalo", it's more of a subconsiance (sp) really. This team niot only plays for itself, but I think more than any ither team in the league, or in any damn sport for that matter, they play for their community. I don't think there is any team in the NFL who's fans indentify with them more that Buffalo Bills fans. I am not saying this as a knock on other teams fans. There are some great football towns, PGH, GB, NE, CHI, CLE, all these cities have fans who root for their team through thick and thin. But when it comes to Buffalo, all we have is the Bills. We don't have big city life like Boston or NY or Chicago. We don't have a outstanding attribute like Washiongton or San Fran or Miami. We don't have big oil like Dallas or cheese like Wisconsin, haha, or steel like Pittsburgh or big college sports like in Ohio and Fla and Georgia and Texas. We have the Bills, thats what we are!! Damnit, give us some hope, we need a playoff birth like you wouldnt believe!! Thanks you.
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