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This election isn't about appeasing the tea party, it's about the independents. The tea party so fear Obama getting another term that they'll be forced to go along for the moderate Romney ride.

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When the GOP candidates start talking about increasing profits for drug companies by streamlining the FDA approval process, giving out tax holidays to corporations that shift workforces overseas, and wants to 'streamline' approval of all energy projects regardless of environmental impact, there is no WAY I could vote for a Republican candidate. This isn't stimulating the economy to help the lower and middle class, but to help the upper class at our expense, as usual. 'Stimulating the economy' and 'Job creation' means subjugating us, and so now those of us like me who are disgusted with Obama will be forced to vote for him.


ONE TIME I would like to hear them answer up for a law banning lobbying in Congress... just ONCE. The tumor of corporate lobbying has grown so much that the disease has ravaged our government, regardless of party. Someday it will end...



Companies hire when they are doing well and profitable.



I know...its a tough concept to understand.


Guy....a piece of advice...getting your updates on the economy from someone banging a pot on a streetcorner while barking "1%!!!!!" at anyone who walks past him wearing a suit....yeah...MIGHT not be such a great idea.


Companies hire when they are doing well and profitable.



I know...its a tough concept to understand.


Guy....a piece of advice...getting your updates on the economy from someone banging a pot on a streetcorner while barking "1%!!!!!" at anyone who walks past him wearing a suit....yeah...MIGHT not be such a great idea.


They hire who exactly? Are their profits reflected in their price structure? Are the medicines they streamline safe? We can ignore those questions obviously because only profits should be a consideration for employment in this country, right? Who cares how companies profit, so long as money is made? Horrible philosophy, if you ask me.


Who said I agred with the occupy movement? Not me... did you ask? No, you assumed. BZZT... wrong.


When the GOP candidates start talking about increasing profits for drug companies by streamlining the FDA approval process, giving out tax holidays to corporations that shift workforces overseas, and wants to 'streamline' approval of all energy projects regardless of environmental impact, there is no WAY I could vote for a Republican candidate. This isn't stimulating the economy to help the lower and middle class, but to help the upper class at our expense, as usual. 'Stimulating the economy' and 'Job creation' means subjugating us, and so now those of us like me who are disgusted with Obama will be forced to vote for him.


ONE TIME I would like to hear them answer up for a law banning lobbying in Congress... just ONCE. The tumor of corporate lobbying has grown so much that the disease has ravaged our government, regardless of party. Someday it will end...




Holy Cliche-Fest Batman !



Perhaps your upper class = GOP mantra could use a little more insight on of who actually is the 1%




Oh and by the way:

The Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995


In 1995 Congress completely rewrote the 50-year old law (the Federal

Regulation of Lobbying Act of 1946) which had required certain registrations and

disclosures of lobbying activities directed at Members of Congress. The new

“Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995" provides more specific thresholds, and clearer

and broader definitions of “lobbyist” and “lobbying” activities and contacts which will

trigger the requirements for the registration and reporting of persons who are

compensated to engage in lobbying.


The Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 is directed at so-called “professional

lobbyists,” that is, those who are compensated to engage in certain lobbying activities

on behalf of a client or an employer. In addition to covering only those who are paid

to lobby, the initial “triggering” provisions of the law cover only lobbying activities

which may be described as “direct” contacts with covered officials. The law’s

registration requirements are not separately triggered by “grass roots” lobbying

activities. That is, an organization which engages only in “grass roots” lobbying,

regardless of the extent of “grass roots” lobbying activities, will not be required to

register its members, officers or employees who engage in such activities.


Let's see...............who "took over" congress back then.....................?










How did he screw over the middle class?


Buy helping corporations make money. Don't you know that is the ONLY way corporations can make money?

Posted (edited)

Did I just read Baltimore say something about Conservatives allowing drug companies to make more money?


Guess you must have been absent during the health insurance debate of 09/10






* The pharmaceutical industry keeps its $80 billion agreement to provide savings and rebates. Its fees, to be divided among companies such as Pfizer and Merck & Co, would be delayed from 2010 to 2011, increasing from the initial $2.3 billion a year to $2.7 billion.


* Overall, wider insurance coverage could help offset the costs by providing more potential customers.


* Drugmakers warded off deeper price cuts in the Medicare program for the elderly. The House had sought to fully close the so-called "doughnut hole" where coverage drops temporarily after reaching a certain limit, but the bill maintains the industry's 50-percent discount. The government will pay for another 25-percent discount.


* Lawmakers rejected Obama's plan to end lucrative "pay-for-delay" settlements with brand-name drugmakers, a win for both generic and brand-name companies.


* The bill also discards an earlier provision that would have extended a hospital drug discount program.




* While the bill sets up a regulatory path for generic versions of expensive biologic drugs, Amgen and Roche's Genentech unit and other biological drugmakers won a 12-year period of exclusive sales for brand-name drugs before facing competition from generic rivals




Enough of the ¨Pious Bologna¨ the fact of the matter is in order for our ¨Agent of change promising of hope and transforming how Washington works high esteemed¨ president to get through his Awful health insurance bill, he cut a deal with the drugmakers to not oppose the bill and recieve advertising funds to fight FOR it. In exchange, they got all these benefits.


If he really cared about lowering costs, he would of allowed Imported drugs to come from Canada, but he didnt. So enough of the bull ****.

Edited by Magox

ONE TIME I would like to hear them answer up for a law banning lobbying in Congress... just ONCE. The tumor of corporate lobbying has grown so much that the disease has ravaged our government, regardless of party. Someday it will end...


Maybe we'll see an end to corporate lobbying when we see an end to labor-union and special-interest lobbying.


Yeah.... Don't hold your breath.


Or actually, on second thought, maybe you, ...lybob, pbills, conner, Mickey, etc. should hold your breaths.


Maybe we'll see an end to corporate lobbying when we see an end to labor-union and special-interest lobbying.


Yeah.... Don't hold your breath.


Or actually, on second thought, maybe you, ...lybob, pbills, conner, Mickey, etc. should hold your breaths.



These lemmings dont see it that way. I am all for corporate lobbying as long as their is still lobbying for unions. Of course they don´t see how Union wages and benefits have placed states and local governments on the verge of bankrupcty and have indeed caused local and state taxes to go up virtually almost everywhere in the U.S causing us the taxpayers to foot the bill. No, but its ok, its always corporate greed that is at fault, never the ones they support.


Conservatives are for the private sector, and libs for big government, of course I´m over generalizing but thats pretty much what it boils down to in regards to who our representatives are bought off from.


So you get more corporate lobbying from the side of the conservatives and more union lobbying for the libs.


If you want to get money out of politics, you do it across the board. No union or corporate lobbying. Also this notion of taking money out of politics is being corrupted because of Corporate money is ridiculous and hypocritical.


Here are some more fun facts about money and politics.


Just when we'd been told the Chamber of Commerce had bought the election, along comes the American Federation of State, Country and Municipal Employees to pour nearly $90 million into the campaign.


According to The Wall Street Journal, this makes the public-sector union the biggest spender of all the outside groups. The National Education Association and the Service Employees International Union rank among the top five. Collectively, these three unions representing millions of public workers -- only the SEIU is majority private -- are devoting an estimated $170 million to an election Democrats insist that they are losing because of the nefarious influence of outside money.


You can verify those numbers in a number of different sources, and it doesnt just go back to these past elections, it goes way back.


So i don´t wanna hear you lemmings mention the influence of corporate money in politics without prefacing it with the even more disgusting amount of money that unions use, and in many cases against the will of their members, which makes it even more appalling.


How did he screw over the middle class?

By earning profits and making money. See, there's a finite amount of money in circulation, therefore all money made is at the expense of the lower and middle class. The only way to get rich is by plundering the lower class.


They hire who exactly? Are their profits reflected in their price structure? Are the medicines they streamline safe? We can ignore those questions obviously because only profits should be a consideration for employment in this country, right? Who cares how companies profit, so long as money is made? Horrible philosophy, if you ask me.


Who said I agred with the occupy movement? Not me... did you ask? No, you assumed. BZZT... wrong.



So youre upset I made assumptions about your point, but then you go on and assume what I was thinking. Brilliant.


By earning profits and making money. See, there's a finite amount of money in circulation, therefore all money made is at the expense of the lower and middle class. The only way to get rich is by plundering the lower class.


Because we know the lower class has tons of money to plunder. :lol:


The more I hear from Willard, the more I'm confident that Obama is assured of a second term. By the time the Republicans are done exposing him as the poster child of corporate greed at the expense of middle class workers, it will be easy for Obama to deliver the knockout punch. It won't matter if he picks Rubio, Palin, or Christie for his VP, by the time the general election campaign begins, he'll be defined. And wait until there's more of a call for him to release his tax records. You can't go on offense when you're on defense. Just look at all the posts here trying to defend him. And this doesn't even take into consideration how Obama's commander-in-chief record on Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and Bin Laden and al Queda's leadership compares to Romney.

You need to get out more often. The ONLY people who believe this are the far-left nutjobs like yourself who somehow still believe Obama is doing a great job, and that the GOP has obstructed every single thing he's tried to accomplish since his first day in office.


The world that matters to Obama's election -- the independents -- think you're batschittloony because most independents know who hires them, and it's usually some other poster child of corporate greed who has enough money to keep them on payroll.


Not to mention, the moment a guy like Obama starts giving Romney crap about dumping money into failed businesses so a select few friends can make a few million bucks, Romney need only mention that the difference between the two of them is Romney would invest his own money and risk failure while Obama would risk failure with taxpayer money (Solnydra, Solyndra, Solyndra). Whos is REALLY the bad guy in that scenario?


You better start cheering for Huntsman, or Obama could be your only hope.


It's amazing to me how badly the left is crapping their bleeding heart shorts over Romney.


Romney doesn't need the Tea Party. He needs the independents, which is how he's playing it, because he knows the Tea Party is more interested in making Obama a one-termer than they are ensuring they have a true conservative candidate. In spite of the left's best efforts to portray them otherwise, the Tea Party is not stupid. They saw what happened with people like Sharon Angle and they are not going to make the same mistake again when so much is at stake with Obama at the helm. If fact, you could argue that you WISH the Tea Party was embracing Romney because at least then you could start referring to him as a far-right extremist racist Islamophobic gun-clinging hater of teachers, police and nurses.


You can't even do that, now.


You're only hope is either Huntsman (so you won't be forced to vote Obama again) or a Ron Paul third party run, which becomes increasingly unlikely because the more he stays close to Romney, the longer he stays in the primaries, and the less time and money is spent doing what is necessary to make an independent run.

Posted (edited)

Because we know the lower class has tons of money to plunder. :lol:



"Plunder" and "screwing over" is code for having the audacity to ask one of the lower classes to actually DO REAL WORK for their money.


That why liberals HATE businesses. Instead of just handing out money...they "force" people to acutally earn it.


I know.....terrible.

Edited by RkFast

"Plunder" and "screwing over" is code for having the audacity to ask one of the lower classes to actually DO REAL WORK for their money.


That why liberals HATE businesses. Instead of just handing out money...they "force" people to acutally earn it.


I know.....terrible.

I find that funny. Both sides want to keep stuff for themselves- I don't like that fact, but I am realistic enough to know that it is human nature, and my not liking it is irrelevant. Even when making record profits, businesses want that one penny more. Even when not working, the lower classes want money. There is no fix for this, although people will waste time and energy on the problem anyways.


As far as Romney- I don't like him and don't trust him. But cherry picking his words to create a sound bite is a joke. Sad thing is that it's likely to work.


Maybe we'll see an end to corporate lobbying when we see an end to labor-union and special-interest lobbying.


Yeah.... Don't hold your breath.


Or actually, on second thought, maybe you, ...lybob, pbills, conner, Mickey, etc. should hold your breaths.


Fine, get rid of it all across the board. Sounds like an outstanding solution.


You first... or maybe we should go for the Hitler plan of 1933 so you can no longer have ANY opposition to your policies. Sounds about right after your statement :thumbdown:


It's amazing to me how badly the left is crapping their bleeding heart shorts over Romney.


Romney? No one is worried about Romney winning in 2012... the only fear comes from the conservatives as they have as much vitriol for Romney as they do for Obama! Add in the Ron Paul wackos, and you have some QUALITY entertainment!!!!

... the only fear comes from the conservatives as they have as much vitriol for Romney as they do for Obama!

Saying that over and over doesn't make it true. I know you think it does. I suspect you're more likely TOLD it does. But it doesn't, and anyone with the ability to think for themselves knows it.


But you keep saying it if it somehow makes you feel better.


Saying that over and over doesn't make it true. I know you think it does. I suspect you're more likely TOLD it does. But it doesn't, and anyone with the ability to think for themselves knows it.


But you keep saying it if it somehow makes you feel better.


I listen to CSPAN radio... the calls fuming over Romney on the Republican line are hilarious. They call him Obama's twin brother... :rolleyes:

Even when making record profits, businesses want that one penny more

The reason companies want one penny more after making record profits is because there is long, dark, skeletal wasteland of companies no longer in business because someone with your line of reasoning said "You know what? This is enough. We don't need more than this."


You never stop trying to succeed. You never stop trying to outdo yourself. You should always seek a higher goal and rate of return. Always.


Because when you don't, you end up as someone like Obama, a failed leader whose most embarrassing and telling statement, as far as I'm concerned, was when he said "I do think at a certain point you've made enough money."

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