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The Official Mitt Romney thread

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Like Alan Alda said as Republican nominee Arnold Vinick in the West Wing, "From now until the end of the campaign, ask me anything you want about government. But if you want to talk about religion, please go to church."

Yes. I remember that as well. But, that came from a guy who is crusading to get religion removed from public discourse...and also ended his show by having a younger minority guy, who was a good speaker, win a populist campaign based on moving all of health care into....F'ing Medicare. :wallbash: Unbelievable Idiocy. And, naive, and ignorant idiocy at that.


Soorkin made life imitate his art.....and we are paying for it to this day.


The only thing that doesn't follow? Soorkin's populist president actually had more than 2 years of elected Federal experience, and had actually won hard fought campaigns prior.


I suppose even a guy as imaginative as Aaron Soorkin couldn't conceive of having a guy who cake walked his elections because they were either against nobody or scandal-ridden political suicides, and had 2 years of voting present in the Senate, actually run for President.

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Since D_i_N has stopped giving us updates, Mitt takes the Maryand, D.C., and Wisconsin primaries. Gingrich is all but gone. Santorum is apparently waiting to be humiliated in Pennsylvania (a "home" state of his) on the 24th before he turns tail. Mitt now taking aim at Barry.

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Since D_i_N has stopped giving us updates, Mitt takes the Maryand, D.C., and Wisconsin primaries. Gingrich is all but gone. Santorum is apparently waiting to be humiliated in Pennsylvania (a "home" state of his) on the 24th before he turns tail. Mitt now taking aim at Barry.


Let me tell ya, Santorum isn't making any friends among the rank and file for this crap.


Book deal? Probably.

Speaking fees? Out of the question.

2016/2020? Nope.


He had his say, he talked his bit. I can respect someone who enters the race to do give voice to issues they care about. But when it came time to bow out gracefully, he's staying in the back corner of the stage juggling balls, chasing ferrets and taming fleas. He has no grace. And even people who supported him started to say that it's time and switched their votes. He's not getting them message even when it's loud in his ears. I don't think people want a president who refuses to get the message.


He's going to get embarrassed on the 24th.


I don't know what he's expecting at the nomination convention, but it definitely isn't the narrative that's bouncing around in his head. He's sharing sentiments with Newt "Moon colony = 51st state" Gingrich. That's when you know it's time to stop drinking so much Dimetapp.

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Since D_i_N has stopped giving us updates, Mitt takes the Maryand, D.C., and Wisconsin primaries. Gingrich is all but gone. Santorum is apparently waiting to be humiliated in Pennsylvania (a "home" state of his) on the 24th before he turns tail. Mitt now taking aim at Barry.

Santorum to get embarrassed again, you mean.


And its almost etch a sketch time for Romney!

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Do you seriously want to compare Romney's position changes to Obama's?


Just call him an idiot and let it go. Don't feed the troll.


Hitting the troll over the head with a 2x4...that's fine. Just don't feed him.

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Just call him an idiot and let it go. Don't feed the troll.


Hitting the troll over the head with a 2x4...that's fine. Just don't feed him.

Will he listen to you? Gees, I sure hope so. It's cute how you two do communicate in your relationship, though. I appreciate that

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Nah, that's just a waste of a good piece of wood.


Use construction-grade, #2 pine. It's like ten cents a foot.


Yet you keep coming back for more. Pretend that's different somehow, you dolt.


I think it makes him feel loved.

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I'd be so surprised if this clown Romney beat our President in the election. Sure, Romney has a majority of the idiot vote, but after that women hate the GOP, Hispanics see the GOP as Nazis and the President is not unpopular.


You're voting for Romney? I might have to reconsider. Woman hate the GOP? You hate the GOP. Are you really Denice in Norfolk, the fleet's depository?

Edited by 3rdnlng
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I'd be so surprised if this clown Romney beat our President in the election. Sure, Romney has a majority of the idiot vote, but after that women hate the GOP, Hispanics see the GOP as Nazis and the President is not unpopular.


Reference to clown? Check

Reference to idiots? Extra Credit


Reference to Our President? Check


Reference to women haters, war on women, etc? Required of any talking point


Linking Republicans to Nazis? Doubleplusgood


Congratz Dave! Your regurgitation of DNC/MSNBC talking points has earned you enough Kool-Aid® points for an Autopen signed glossy of our Beloved Benevolent Dear Leader.


You're a shining example of the Outer Party. Next time throw in a few references to Teabaggers, Trayvon Martin, and making the rich pay their fair share, and maybe you'll earn enough Kool-Aid® points to earn a Beloved Benevolent Leader Basketball*


*Autopen Basketballs are not available until after election due to hateful racist Republican enacted election laws meant to oppress the Proles

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