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Erik Erikson HATES Romney! He is one of those uncompromising sort of ideologues that I believe are bad for the country. He is sort of like that Marco Molitsas or however his name is spelled from DailyKos, one of the most vile pieces of political pieces of sh*t on this earth. Unfortunately it's these extreme purists from both sides that get the most attention.


A true mandate that gave no exceptions to getting out of purchasing health insurance would make Obamacare work. And that's what Romney was advocating. Not this joke that makes it more attractive to NOT have insurance until you need it and for employers to dump employees onto government plans, not to mention all the exceptions made for cronies of Pelosi, Reed, and the like.


He is scared poopless of him. Michigan D's showed their fear by running to the polls to vote for Rick.

What's more interesting is that no D who voted in that primary had any business voting for Romney, considering he's not only the front-runner but the only candidate with a shot of beating Barry. Yet 18% did.


What's more interesting is that no D who voted in that primary had any business voting for Romney, considering he's not only the front-runner but the only candidate with a shot of beating Barry. Yet 18% did.


This is why libs like DIN are so scared of him. Obama will lose against Romney.


Says the man who routinely posts stuff from Prison Planet. :unsure:



No, that is not correct. Sometimes the only people posting something that has a legitimate origination are sites that I don't visit but are picked up by someone else. Yes I posted a speech that Andrew Breitbart made at CPAC that was legit but posted on Infowars. I got it through Drudge. What is the big deal?


No, that is not correct. Sometimes the only people posting something that has a legitimate origination are sites that I don't visit but are picked up by someone else. Yes I posted a speech that Andrew Breitbart made at CPAC that was legit but posted on Infowars. I got it through Drudge. What is the big deal?


It is from Prison planet you idiot. I posted that in a reply to where you criticized a source. Totally relevant.

Posted (edited)

It is from Prison planet you idiot. I posted that in a reply to where you criticized a source. Totally relevant.



No, you're not going to get away with this schit. Andrew Breitbart's speech was legitimate and just because it was posted on Infowars/Prison Planet doesn't make it illegitimate. A bunch of other sites had it posted too.


I did not criticize a source. You guys criticize Redstate as being far right when it suits you but when DIN sees an article from there that he likes, he posted it. That was the criticism. You might want to do something about your reading comprehension skills. You ripped on Chef Jim in the Arizona thread for no reason whatsoever because you obviously misread what he wrote.

Edited by 3rdnlng

No, you're not going to get away with this schit. Andrew Breitbart's speech was legitimate and just because it was posted on Infowars/Prison Planet doesn't make it illegitimate. A bunch of other sites had it posted too.


I did not criticize a source. You guys criticize Redstate as being far right when it suits you but when DIN sees an article from there that he likes, he posted it. That was the criticism. You might want to do something about your reading comprehension skills. You ripped on Chef Jim in the Arizona thread for no reason whatsoever because you obviously misread what he wrote.


You really want to defend posting stuff from Prison Planet? I ripped on Chef until he admitted JFA was an asshat. You still seem to support him. How do you feel about Mexicans?


You really want to defend posting stuff from Prison Planet? I ripped on Chef until he admitted JFA was an asshat. You still seem to support him. How do you feel about Mexicans?


Wrong thread to be talking about Mexicans. Ask that in the other thread. Let's keep this about this conversation. I posted stuff from CPAC. No comments on the Redstate criticism canard?


Wrong thread to be talking about Mexicans. Ask that in the other thread. Let's keep this about this conversation. I posted stuff from CPAC. No comments on the Redstate criticism canard?


God, you suck at this.


He is scared poopless of him. Michigan D's showed their fear by running to the polls to vote for Rick.

Scared? What am I afraid of, the Liberal Republican who will probably be a lot like Obama. Romney is a Conservative now, but in the general election he will be Mr Moderate and if he wins who the he'll knows? Probably be a Schwartzagger republican that the right will hate


You really want to defend posting stuff from Prison Planet? I ripped on Chef until he admitted JFA was an asshat. You still seem to support him. How do you feel about Mexicans?


Oh yeah you ripped me good man. You lost that one admit it.


This is why libs like DIN are so scared of him. Obama will lose against Romney.


Lol. Pretty unlikely Obama loses to anyone the Republicans finally decide on. Romney will at least make it close though.


Still have the Republicans controlling all of Congress though.


Lol. Pretty unlikely Obama loses to anyone the Republicans finally decide on. Romney will at least make it close though.


Still have the Republicans controlling all of Congress though.

We have a new challenger!


Please explain how Obama has this contest wrapped up even before its begun?


We have a new challenger!


Please explain how Obama has this contest wrapped up even before its begun?


"I'm Barack Obama, and I'm here to protect you from the bogeyman" plays really well with too many people.

Posted (edited)

"I'm Barack Obama, and I'm here to protect you from the bogeyman" plays really well with too many people.

It's somewhat impressive how he effectively paints the other side as "playing petty politics" with gasoline prices and Iran and that he is above the fray since he actually has real responsibilities as Commander in Chief. There is actually alot of truth to that. But what I find to be quite remarkably hypocritical is that he did the exact same thing when he was running his campaign in 07/08, and on the exact same subjects, gasoline and Iraq. I suppose he believes that we all have a severe case of amnesia and that we don't remember him replicating the same "petty politics" that his critics on the trail are practicing today, or maybe he calculates that the other members of his campaign staff, you know, the media, won't hold him accountable to the same standard he is with his opponents.

Edited by Magox
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