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The Official Mitt Romney thread

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A friend of mine pointed out this morning that Mitt Romney has outspent Newt Gingrich $7 million to $.0008 million in Florida just to watch his 15 pt lead implode overnight.


The Republican base does not trust Mitt Romney. Because they do not trust him, they do not like him as a candidate. His campaign, all too clever to try to sit on an ephemeral lead that any outside observer could see was more vaporware than reality, has decided to go fully negative now against Gingrich.


This guy can't even buy the election, which is what he is trying to do, but his coziness with the press is so undeniable. The press hates Newt.


This is a great article

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I've figured it out, you listen to Sean Hannity on the radio during the afternoon (which I don't believe I have ever listened not even 1 minutes worth in my entire life) , you read artices on Redstate, you are in reality a hardcore rightwinger. This whole shtick you have of you know, acting like the biggest leftist moron is all a charade, you do this to tarnish liberals, to make them appear as if they just fell off of the turnip truck.



Bravo Dave







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And yet the basis of Clinton's administration's "balancing the budget" was driven by higher capital gains tax revenues, which were stimulated by a nearly 30% REDUCTION of the capital gains tax rate.


Now, how did that one come about, our mathematically challenged posters?

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Lost in all of this is the fact that when taxes are raised, you are assuming those collecting them will use them in a rational, intelligent manner. I know I am a Canadian, but from my point of view, I'm not sure I'd trust any level of American government to spend wisely at this point.

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Lost in all of this is the fact that when taxes are raised, you are assuming those collecting them will use them in a rational, intelligent manner. I know I am a Canadian, but from my point of view, I'm not sure I'd trust any level of American government to spend wisely at this point.


I certainly don't living under the Charest tyranny.

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Ouch. Things are much better here in the beautiful province of Saskatchewan....


Politics is a tricky thing. Most people here vote for the Liberals as the alternative is the PQ which would mean that if they came back into power, people like me would be rounded up into labor camps to rebuild the french empire :lol:

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I've figured it out, you listen to Sean Hannity on the radio during the afternoon (which I don't believe I have ever listened not even 1 minutes worth in my entire life) , you read artices on Redstate, you are in reality a hardcore rightwinger. This whole shtick you have of you know, acting like the biggest leftist moron is all a charade, you do this to tarnish liberals, to make them appear as if they just fell off of the turnip truck.



Bravo Dave







Well no, I just can't listen to GR anymore because th Sabres are so depressing. Again with the attack on me? Simply for pointing out a flaw with PPP's great hero Mittens? Touchy, touchy! :blush:

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As my 4-year-old niece says, "Really?? REALLY!!??"


How many Mitt Romney Evil Rich threads are you going to start? Just on the front page I count four emanating from your maw.


Grow up.


Ignore him and he'll go away.

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Dear Liberal Retard:


We will gladly and happily advocate for the removal of the designation of corporations as "people" and all the political power that goes along with it when you do the same for Unions.




Every single taxpayer thats not a member of a Union...and some who are.

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Dear Liberal Retard:


We will gladly and happily advocate for the removal of the designation of corporations as "people" and all the political power that goes along with it when you do the same for Unions.




Every single taxpayer thats not a member of a Union...and some who are.


And you said you weren't going to retort. kitty.

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