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He knows what he wrote, I know what he wrote. Notice the conspicuous silence on that point too...

What point are you talking about? You haven't made a point since you started this thread. Tell us. What was so reprehensible?


Would everyone else please stop hitting the pinata until he answers? Thank you.

Edited by LABillzFan
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He knows what he wrote, I know what he wrote. Notice the conspicuous silence on that point too...well at least until now when I'm sure this will be addressed because I'm calling attention to it.


I'm just asking you to remember it going forward.




Huh? What does this have to do with what I wrote? I guess you're on the tapeworm thing too. Seriously, make your point and move on. You're not getting style points.


I have no beef with you. Let's keep it that way.



BTW, I could give two ***** about all this these last few pages, and LA can take care of himself. I was just showing you how when someone/you are so anal retentive can be so !@#$ing annoying. Grow up.



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First smart thing you've said since joining.


And for kicks, I just went through the thread and a bit curious which of LA's posts offended you? Are you a popcorn ceiling installer and he just degraded your profession?


Thanks for contributing.

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BTW, I could give two ***** about all this these last few pages, and LA can take care of himself. I was just showing you how when someone/you are so anal retentive can be so !@#$ing annoying. Grow up.


I'm a grown man; you're the B word.


And if LA can "take care of himself," get his rooster out of your hand.


Lastly, you queers are doing a pathetic job of closing ranks. I'm one guy handling you all....solo.


This is all you got. You best to come with a bit more umph. You, Chef Jim, GG, and Jauronimo are a bunch of pre-pubescent teens getting excited cause you're developing a bit of peach fuzz.


!@#$ing homos. Come with it, or stop wasting my time.


You all can't even insult with any degree of certitude.

Edited by Juror#8
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I'm a grown man; you're the B word.


And if LA can "take care of himself," get his rooster out of your hand.


Lastly, you queers are doing a pathetic job of closing ranks. I'm one guy handling you all....solo.


This is all you got. You best to come with a bit more umph. You, Chef Jim, GG, and Jauronimo are a bunch of pre-pubescent teens getting excited cause you're developing a bit of peach fuzz.


!@#$ing homos. Come with it, or stop wasting my time.


You all can't even insult with any degree of certitude.


Exibit A

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Ahhh, did someone offend you? What a !@#$ing wuss. If you can't handle the shitstorm go inside junior.


Oh I love the shitstorm sweetie pie.


Now where is my !@#$ing sandwich?


Get back in the kitchen where you belong and make me my !@#$ing food.


BTW, I could give two ***** about all this these last few pages, and LA can take care of himself. I was just showing you how when someone/you are so anal retentive can be so !@#$ing annoying. Grow up.


Exhibit A


Ahhh, did someone offend you? What a !@#$ing wuss. If you can't handle the shitstorm go inside junior.


Exhibit B

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I'm a grown man; you're the B word.


And if LA can "take care of himself," get his rooster out of your hand.


Lastly, you queers are doing a pathetic job of closing ranks. I'm one guy handling you all....solo.


This is all you got. You best to come with a bit more umph. You, Chef Jim, GG, and Jauronimo are a bunch of pre-pubescent teens getting excited cause you're developing a bit of peach fuzz.


!@#$ing homos. Come with it, or stop wasting my time.


You all can't even insult with any degree of certitude.

Okay, just so we're clear, you're sitting at your desk right now thinking about peach-fuzzed pre-pubescent teens holding each other's cocks?


Maybe you are a Republican after all!

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LA's been here for about 10 years, me going on 9. You? You've been here about 5 months.

You're way out of line when it comes to LA.


Take a breath, step back from your computer.............and !@#$ off.


How's that? :D


Exhibit C

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Okay, just so we're clear, you're sitting at your desk right now thinking about peach-fuzzed pre-pubescent teens holding each other's cocks?


Maybe you are a Republican after all!


Ok, willing suspension of disbelief for a second...


That **** is funny.


Alright, going back...


No you don't. If you did you wouldn't turn tail and run from LA because he gave you ****. :cry:




And this is an exhibit of what exactly?


It's an exhibit of you making my !@#$ing sandwich slut.


Get on it.


1. So if you were proved wrong, what would you do? You'd ignore it. Or better, you'd continue denying.


That comment was related to my on-going joke about Grundy, VA moonshiners that I've referenced in other posts. They're a bunch of "hill billys" and in an episode of the show on A&E, they discuss having to operate at night, with only the moon to see. I was making the point that LA is an unsophisticated hill billy.


I've referenced Grundy, VA moonshiners and "potato moonshine" as insults to other folks as well (as recently as yesterday).


So let me guess, now you'll ignore the explanation or express disbelief. Gotcha.


3. So I took my post off-topic by mentioning (in the first post) that I'd like to hear from the opinions of others who don't share the same political beliefs as me? People could have just accepted my statement and not turned the post into a referendum on my political views.


But that's ok. Gotcha.




Seriously man, let go of the protectionism and just read the first few posts in a natural and objective way. The off-topic conversation didn't begin with me. If you can look at this entirely fairly, and not go into this with an established conclusion, and try to make facts fit the conclusion, you'll see it too.



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Ok, willing suspension of disbelief for a second...


That **** is funny.


Alright, going back...




It's an exhibit of you making my !@#$ing sandwich slut.


Get on it.






You are fueling this shitstorm with your own brand of excrement. I assume you were just feeling a little frisky today and decided to have a little fun. People here have a long memory and you may be hampering your ability to have future serious discussions though.


LA asked upthread what was it that he said that was so reprehensible. If he has no problem with you stating it, why should you?

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Oh how I remember how polite and eloquent Juror8 used to be...




Now look what we've done!




He was a true gentleman, until LA broke the unwritten rule. LA's transgression may never be known, but the boy who cried racism has now resorted to calling us all "homos" and "queers" and goading anyone who happens upon this cluster-f$%^ of a thread to insult him "with certitude." Well done, Juror 8, well done.

Edited by Jauronimo
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