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Whether Obama wins or loses there will be a big democratic set of primaries in 2016. I am not too political so I am wondering who everyone thinks will be involved. If Obama loses it could be him again but let's just assume he doesn't run. Who will be the top 5? I predict:


Biden: Total doofus but will run


Coochy Ku or whatever his name is: Democrat version of Ron Paul. Crazy nut job but will run. Maybe he and Paul can make some sort of third party like the Cuckoo's Nest party.


Eric Holder: Any more power and he will force you to vote for him.


Hillary - Probably not a good idea because if she gets 5 more wrinkles and wears a hood she will look just like the emperor from Star Wars. That is not a vote getter.


Andrew Cuomo - If he runs he will crush these 4 morons.


If Cuomo doesn't run the field will look as ridiculous as the current republican field.


Your thoughts?

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Whether Obama wins or loses there will be a big democratic set of primaries in 2016. I am not too political so I am wondering who everyone thinks will be involved. If Obama loses it could be him again but let's just assume he doesn't run. Who will be the top 5? I predict:


Biden: Total doofus but will run


Coochy Ku or whatever his name is: Democrat version of Ron Paul. Crazy nut job but will run. Maybe he and Paul can make some sort of third party like the Cuckoo's Nest party.


Eric Holder: Any more power and he will force you to vote for him.


Hillary - Probably not a good idea because if she gets 5 more wrinkles and wears a hood she will look just like the emperor from Star Wars. That is not a vote getter.


Andrew Cuomo - If he runs he will crush these 4 morons.


If Cuomo doesn't run the field will look as ridiculous as the current republican field.


Your thoughts?



Andrew Cuomo literally sounds like a truck driver from Queens. Not that it should matter, but I don't see him winning any state south of New Jersey...LOL

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Andrew Cuomo literally sounds like a truck driver from Queens. Not that it should matter, but I don't see him winning any state south of New Jersey...LOL




I remember quite clearly when his father was (kind of) running in the 80's.


The quote then was...No one in the South would vote for anyone whose name ended in "O"




I posted an article a while back that was lamenting the fact that all the dem leaders were older and that there were no viable "up and coming" stars as in the GOP.




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Hillary - Probably not a good idea because if she gets 5 more wrinkles and wears a hood she will look just like the emperor from Star Wars. That is not a vote getter.


:lol: I can see her screaming UNLIMITED POWER!!! and shooting lightning at Boehner while Bill swings his lightsabre at some Padawan

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Don't forget Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.


She's crazy and stupid enough to get a stevestojanload of votes among the Dems.


Tho, she may be content enough to stick it out and spew her own personal brand of retarded in Congress for the next 30 years, Pelosi-style.


But only if Obama is re-elected


If Obama doesn't win somebody is goign to have to take the fall. And as Obama is above reproach, it will fall on the current chair of the DNC

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Don't forget Debbie Wasserman-Schultz.


She's crazy and stupid enough to get a stevestojanload of votes among the Dems.


Tho, she may be content enough to stick it out and spew her own personal brand of retarded in Congress for the next 30 years, Pelosi-style.

I really would like to forget about her. Please? BTW I know I'm way off topic but since DWS was brought up in the same thread as HIllary. How come the Democratic women are all pigs and the Republican women(Palin, Bachman) are pretty cute? Becoming liberal democrats a manifestation of a deep seated bitterness over being homely?

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I really would like to forget about her. Please? BTW I know I'm way off topic but since DWS was brought up in the same thread as HIllary. How come the Democratic women are all pigs and the Republican women(Palin, Bachman) are pretty cute? Becoming liberal democrats a manifestation of a deep seated bitterness over being homely?




It goes a lot further than Palin and Bachman.

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I really would like to forget about her. Please? BTW I know I'm way off topic but since DWS was brought up in the same thread as HIllary. How come the Democratic women are all pigs and the Republican women(Palin, Bachman) are pretty cute? Becoming liberal democrats a manifestation of a deep seated bitterness over being homely?


Dante...keeping things classy as always...

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