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If you are going to do something horrific

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Piss poor idea to (1) do it, (2) film it, (3) let it get out on the internet. The crazy bastards we're fighting may use this as an excuse to commit atrocities. If you don't feel killing them is enough of a "last word", then do something that might actually have a useful purpose, like jamming bacon down their throats.

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So what did the Taliban fighters do that was so heinous and with such disregard to the rights and feelings of others" that they forfeited their rights to the courtesies usually afforded to others?

Obviously I have no back story on those particular Talibanis, but the Taliban is a ruthless and oppressive enough that in the absence of evidence to the contrary I'm willing to give those soldiers the benefit of the doubt.

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I don't think that's any more true for this than for a revenge killing, which is usually wrong as well. However, if one's actions are so heinous and with such disregard to the rights and feelings of others they forfeit their rights to the courtesies usually afforded others. When one's acts are of such a heinous nature they find no redemption in death nor should they necessarily be afforded the courtesy of a proper burial.

I understand your feelings on that- I have seen people feel that way and have felt the same way myself. Regardless of the path a person ends up on, they had equal chances of taking the "good" or "bad" path at one point. Once the chosen path has concluded and the person is dead, the potential of the person in the other direction can be recognized.


Think of the good a man with the influence of Hitler could have done, if he had chosen a different path. Pretty sad, when you think about it.


Either way, when the person dies and can cause no more problems, their body should be treated as any other.

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It doesn't keep me up at night. The question was geared to lure them in to the other side of the degree argument. To be clear, I'm not advocating the behavior,I just don't get the outrage given the circumstances.


And thus far Boone has provided a coherent explanation for said outrage.


My only point was that you needn't use a hypothetical and force people to think abstractly, when an equivalent real event was readily available.


Or you could compare the outrage by people when the military contractors' bodies were desecrated at Fallujah. I don't remember much of what the reaction was (I do remember some "the mercenaries deserved it" from the truly loony left in the real world; don't remember anything posted here), but it would be an interesting comparison.


Obviously I have no back story on those particular Talibanis, but the Taliban is a ruthless and oppressive enough that in the absence of evidence to the contrary I'm willing to give those soldiers the benefit of the doubt.


Not unreasonable logic...but you're saying in effect that it's okay "because they're Taliban, regardless of how they acted."


In other words, you've completely abandon your "if one's actions are so heinous" statement in favor of "if one's associated with the wrong group".

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Not unreasonable logic...but you're saying in effect that it's okay "because they're Taliban, regardless of how they acted."


In other words, you've completely abandon your "if one's actions are so heinous" statement in favor of "if one's associated with the wrong group".

I agree that just being Taliban doesn't necessarily mean these guys are pieces of ****. I understand they come from a different culture and are brought up to believe things that I find reprehensible are Godly. I'm just saying that the fact that they're Taliban fighters who are fighting for the Tabliban's cause makes the chance of them being shitbags a lot higher such that I'm willing to give the soldiers the benefit of the doubt until evidence suggests otherwise. But my broader point wasn't that these particular soliers are necessarily justified, but rather, that it is not categorically "horrific" or even close to that to piss on a corpse in every circumstance.

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Adrenaline is the new excuse?

have you ever been in combat in a foreign country against a shadowy fanatical force determined to kill you or die trying ? Have you ever witnessed close friends being horrifically wounded and killed before your eyes ?


It's easy to judge these marines from your couch a world away

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have you ever been in combat in a foreign country against a shadowy fanatical force determined to kill you or die trying ? Have you ever witnessed close friends being horrifically wounded and killed before your eyes ?


It's easy to judge these marines from your couch a world away

continuing to fire on them after thw firelight is won is one thing. A number of people lowering their pants to piss on them isn't adrenaline.

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have you ever been in combat in a foreign country against a shadowy fanatical force determined to kill you or die trying ? Have you ever witnessed close friends being horrifically wounded and killed before your eyes ?


It's easy to judge these marines from your couch a world away

Oh please, cut the bull ****! What they did was despicable and thats all there is to it. My father was a hardcore marine, former drill sargeant, served 3 tours in Viet Nam, and also believes this was a pathetic act and is embarrassed about what they did.


So spare me your little ¨It´s easy to judge these marines from your couch a world away¨ bull ****.


Apparently most of the posters here are immune to adrenaline and would think of nothing but proper respect for the dead enemy after a firefight.

Adrenaline? Really? That´s what you are going with? :rolleyes:

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It is sad to see someone making excuses for Marines. Soon to be former Marines. No discipline and no dignity.

Excuses? I see nothing to excuse. You hate the bastard who just tried to kill you? What would you do, place flowers?

But since the only emotion you ever seem to express here is "Woe is me-it's hopeless" I am not surprised you don't get it.

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Excuses? I see nothing to excuse. You hate the bastard who just tried to kill you? What would you do, place flowers?

But since the only emotion you ever seem to express here is "Woe is me-it's hopeless" I am not surprised you don't get it.

ouch. You wound me. You haven't seen hopeless in you life, so that is a bunch of garbage.


Those guys are plain trash and will get what is coming to them. Adrenaline. That is right up there with the insanity plea in murder cases. I am playing air violin for those poor people who couldn't control their emotions, despite extensive training.

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To Magox and Adam, until either one of you can articulate an argument for your position that's at least slightly more objective and substantial than it bothers you, you really don't have much to add to the conversation.

ok. If the Taliban soldiers layed down there weapons and surrendered, then were gunned down by our troops, what would you think of that action?

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To Magox and Adam, until either one of you can articulate an argument for your position that's at least slightly more objective and substantial than it bothers you, you really don't have much to add to the conversation.

I already have, just because you aren´t able to comprehend isn´t my problem.

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