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Snoop Dog arrested for doing what he does....

The Poojer

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smokin' weed


I like how the report says he had .13 lbs of pot on him, that's just over 2 ounces, but i guess using 'lbs' makes it sound much worse...


Yeah, I don't understand why they used pounds either. Only two ounces? I'm very surprised he didn't have more. This type of stuff always reminds me of that Katt Williams bit... (start at about 1:00)



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Anything over an ounce is usually charged with Intent to Distribute, even in NY where Pot laws are more lax than I believe they are in Texas (especially crossing the border!).


He's lucky that he is Snoop Dogg and it's believable that the amount was indeed for his personal use.


Any of us here would have been sent to Federal Slam You In the A$$ Prison.

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