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Instability The Bills Biggest Nemesis !!

T master

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It's so easy to come here to TBD & here all of the Bills fan base come to there own conclusion of what is wrong with the Bills & why we can't put a winning team together . In another article i read just today by Jerry Sullivan sparked my thought for this post .


He said of all the games played this week that of those teams that played 5 coaches use to be Bills coaches . So i did a bit of research & found that since 1998 to present the Bills have had (including in term HC's) 6 HC's in that period of time .


Head Coaches since 1998 - Wade Phillips , Greg Williams , Mike Mularkey , Dick Jauron , Perry Fewell , & Chan Gailey & we wonder why we don't have a winning team ?? Go figure . :unsure:

Along with that if you put in to the equation that we have had no less than 8 OC in that time that just adds fuel to the argument .

Offensive coordinators since 1998 - Joe Pendry - 98 -01 , Mike Sheppard - 01 , Kevin Gilbride - 02 - 03 , Tom Clements - 04 - 05 , Steve Fairchild - 06 -07 ,

Turk Shonert - 08 , Alex Van Pelt - 08 -09 , Curtis Modkins present ..


It's no wonder we can't get any thing going not to mention why our QB production & turn over has been the way it's been . Then when you come on here and read some of the replies that Gailey needs to go :unsure: it shows that the fans are a lot like the owner :blink: . Let's just keep the revolving door going with the coaching staff & then :censored: constantly that we can't get a winner .


Defense has been the only stable part of the team as far as coaching goes . There has only been 4 DC up until this year in that time frame Wannstedt makes #5 ..


So all together in that time frame the Bills have had 18 different coaches in 12 yrs . If you do just the head coaches in that time frame on average that is a new coach every 2yrs & i don't know how any of us can expect to have a winning team with that much turn over it just can't happen !!


Then when you factor in which has been posted here before with each change of coach & staff you have player turn over which has been discussed . How many ex bills players are on play off teams now just adds more to this argument & they are all good or decent players !!


Saints , Lions , Jets , Ravens , Steelers , 49ers, Patriots , Giants are all teams that have ex Bills on there roster & of all of those only one didn't make the play offs . Heck if we brought back the players just from the player turn over of the coaching staffs we could put together a play off team :doh: :doh: !!


Well there you have it one more mind dump while we sit & watch the play offs from the outside . Let Chan & Buddy get some stability in the organization before we trash them too !!!!

Edited by T master
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We don't have a winning team because they hire crappy coaches. Then they have to fire the crappy coaches and they replace them with more crappy coaches.


This is the reason for instability. If they could just hit on one HC/OC/DC combo that is fairly good, they wouldn't have to can them and there would be stablilty.


What is your point--that they should have just stayed with the guys you listed, simply for stability's sake? Or do you think that any one of those coaching regimes would have turned out OK "if they had more time". There is no evidense of that.

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Agreed that the lack of Stability and Continuity has been our biggest problem.


However, I actually believe it is more of the GM turnover than Coaching turnover that has killed us.


Of course, the Coach turnover is a symptom of the GM turnover, but in a matter of 10 years we've had 5 GMs. Butler, Donahoe, Levy, Circle of Trust Mess, Nix.


You cant be rebuilding your Front Office every few years and expect the Coaching and Player Roster to be stable or quality.


I dont know of any other team that has had that much FO shake-up over the past decade...


Hopefully, the Nix/Whaley plan will return a sense of stability to the organization.

Edited by DrDareustein
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Saints , Lions , Jets , Ravens , Steelers , 49ers, Patriots , Giants are all teams that have ex Bills on there roster & of all of those only one didn't make the play offs . Heck if we brought back the players just from the player turn over of the coaching staffs we could put together a play off team :doh: :doh: !!


Eagles, Redskins, Cowboys and Dolphins to name a few have ex-Bills on their teams and they didn't make the playoffs either. Yeah, we have let some players go that we shouldn't have and we have drafted poorly and made poor use of free agency.


Detroit had plenty of stability with Matt Millen at the helm. How did they fair with him?

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you dont keep bad coaches just to have stability


how did the 49ers or Broncos do this year with new coaches?


how has stability worked out for the Chargers or Eagles recently?



its not about keeping a head coach or any coach its about hiring the right head coach in the first place

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We don't have a winning team because they hire crappy coaches. Then they have to fire the crappy coaches and they replace them with more crappy coaches.


This is the reason for instability. If they could just hit on one HC/OC/DC combo that is fairly good, they wouldn't have to can them and there would be stablilty.


What is your point--that they should have just stayed with the guys you listed, simply for stability's sake? Or do you think that any one of those coaching regimes would have turned out OK "if they had more time". There is no evidense of that.


2 of the coaches mentioned had winning seasons one only made it to the play offs & that was Phillips in his last season . Which i never understood the reason behind firing a coach that got you to the play offs (but there again there has been a lot of things i didn't understand that RW has done) so i guess to answer your question , if Phillips was retained then there might have been a SLIGHT CHANCE that we could have been a better team giving him more time .


I guess if you read more into the post what really needs to be looked at is the way the Bills go about hiring there coaches & how much time is put into the search & researching of these coaches it self !!

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I guess if you read more into the post what really needs to be looked at is the way the Bills go about hiring there coaches & how much time is put into the search & researching of these coaches it self !!


Then see my post regarding GM turnover. :thumbsup:


That much instability in the FO greatly reduces the list of coaches willing to come to Buffalo. Look how they did Mularkey, like him or not. Good coaches dont want to come to a team where you are immediately on the hotseat. It makes them lame-duck coaches.

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Actually, the crazy thing is posters trying to blame it all on one thing, when actually there are many things that contribute to the decade of dispair. Bad drafting, lots of turnover of players & coaxing, inability to find a qb (not talking about fitz here), a mistake-prone owner, bad calls from refs, injuries, etc. it is not just one thing.

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Actually, the crazy thing is posters trying to blame it all on one thing, when actually there are many things that contribute to the decade of dispair. Bad drafting, lots of turnover of players & coaxing, inability to find a qb (not talking about fitz here), a mistake-prone owner, bad calls from refs, injuries, etc. it is not just one thing.


Indeed, the last decade has been a perfect storm of failure. Something at every level working against us fans.

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2 of the coaches mentioned had winning seasons one only made it to the play offs & that was Phillips in his last season . Which i never understood the reason behind firing a coach that got you to the play offs (but there again there has been a lot of things i didn't understand that RW has done) so i guess to answer your question , if Phillips was retained then there might have been a SLIGHT CHANCE that we could have been a better team giving him more time .


I guess if you read more into the post what really needs to be looked at is the way the Bills go about hiring there coaches & how much time is put into the search & researching of these coaches it self !!


Wade was fired bc he refused to fire the guy he hired to be their special teams coach after firing DeHaven

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Wait so you lose because your coaching job is a revolving door or your coaching job is a revolving door because you keep losing...


Seems like it could go either way. Then you see first year head coaches like harbaugh in frisco off to a great start while, in cinci the only departure from the norm there was they actuallymadetheplayoffs for the first time in a decade.


I personally think 3 seasons is a pretty fair shake. I don't know of too many jobs where you are given 2 or 3 years to show improvement on what you took over.

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Then see my post regarding GM turnover. :thumbsup:


That much instability in the FO greatly reduces the list of coaches willing to come to Buffalo. Look how they did Mularkey, like him or not. Good coaches dont want to come to a team where you are immediately on the hotseat. It makes them lame-duck coaches.

Every new HC on every team is in the same situation. Same "hot seat".


The nemesis of this team has been very poor decision making, from the owner to each of his disastrous GMs. The rest has flowed from there.

Edited by Mr. WEO
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quote]a mistake-prone owner, bad calls from refs, injuries, etc. it is not just one thing.


Yeah, it really is one thing. All teams have injuries. All teams experience bad calls. Alas, all teams do not have "suckish" owners. If you want consistent "W's" wear black & gold. They're usually in the thick of things 70% of the time.

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