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JT A Class Act & A Leader !!

T master

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Jason Taylor just retired from the Phins which has always been a huge rivalry with the Bills !! Do you remember "Miami has the oranges but we got the Juice" ?? And Even though he was the enemy for all of his career it doesn't take away from his game , character , or the way he went out by beating the Jets which i loved :worthy: !!


The NFL is a better game for the memories that Taylor has left us all with & is better for having such a classy guy in it . There was never any of the Favre syndrome when he changed teams the last 4 or 5 years of his career because i think we all knew that when he stepped on the field no matter where he was he was giving it every thing he had & there was no drama surrounding his playing or not just the passion to still play & give his all every time he walked on the field .


I think he will one day be in the HOF :worthy: not entirely for his play but because of the player , his character while playing the game and the way he always conducted him self . I don't ever remember him being a black eye for the NFL or any team he was on but i do always remember him being what the NFL needs more of a Leader amongst men .


Thanks for the memories JT i just wish they're weren't quite as many that came against our Bills !!!!!! :thumbsup:

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