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iran: "the sarah palin of nations"

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finally looked at this. the penultimate myth for the waannabees....they're actually smarter than they and everyone else thinks they are. the elites are ineffectual, effeminate nerds without a clue.; only literally present in rush limbaugh's wet dreams (after viagra) but even he doesn't actually believe it. are you really this easily manipulated? the truth: the elites, both conservative and liberal, really are quite clever.

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finally looked at this. the penultimate myth for the waannabees....they're actually smarter than they and everyone else thinks they are. the elites are ineffectual, effeminate nerds without a clue.; only literally present in rush limbaugh's wet dreams (after viagra) but even he doesn't actually believe it. are you really this easily manipulated? the truth: the elites, both conservative and liberal, really are quite clever.



Damn Doc, with that bs laden nonsensical post you might just as well have drank the cheap white wine. You'll still feel ****ty in the morning.

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Very scholarly how he worked Limbaugh in there though. Clearly a superior mind.



He was very generic about that wasn't he? I have a friend from southern California who moved to Anchorage years ago. Fat chance you know him but PM me anyways.

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to call these scholars mindless is...well, mindless. your bias is showing (but, it always does).


You'll have to excuse that, I've never been good at hiding my bias against stupidity. Just like you can't help but genuflect at some bookworm because he attempts a joke so dumb even Bishop Hedd wouldn't laugh.

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You'll have to excuse that, I've never been good at hiding my bias against stupidity. Just like you can't help but genuflect at some bookworm because he attempts a joke so dumb even Bishop Hedd wouldn't laugh.

taste, like humor, is entirely subjective.

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The memo the left can't seem to get.

To: The idiot left

From: Sarah Palin


RE: Attacking me


I wish to thank you for continuing to attack me, especially when you do it so obtusely. Of course, attacking me serves my purpose:

1. To continue to be relevant, and since you are the ones who ensure that my name is always in the media, paid for by your dime, again, I have to thank you.

2. To be a power broker for the party. I can't thank you enough for this one. IF you retards keep attacking me it only empowers me further. I will not explain how, because you are too dumb to understand it. If you did understand it, you'd stop attacking me tomorrow. I don't want that, I want you to keep attacking me, so please, by all means, continue your attacks.

3. Every time you attack me, it fires up the TEA party. They don't think less of me, they rally. I recommend you discuss this further with them, as all I care about #1-2.


Someday, you morons will learn that I am like a Judo master, and therefore, most effective when you are throwing wild, uncoordinated punches at me. Since that's all you throw at me, I have been kicking your ass for quite some time. But that someday is a long way off. For now, I look forward to your continued attacks, as they provide the energy and the pretense for me to get back on TV and reaffirm goal #2.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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The memo the left can't seem to get.

To: The idiot left

From: Sarah Palin


RE: Attacking me


I wish to thank you for continuing to attack me, especially when you do it so obtusely. Of course, attacking me serves my purpose:

1. To continue to be relevant, and since you are the ones who ensure that my name is always in the media, paid for by your dime, again, I have to thank you.

2. To be a power broker for the party. I can't thank you enough for this one. IF you retards keep attacking me it only empowers me further. I will not explain how, because you are too dumb to understand it. If you did understand it, you'd stop attacking me tomorrow. I don't want that, I want you to keep attacking me, so please, by all means, continue your attacks.

3. Every time you attack me, it fires up the TEA party. They don't think less of me, they rally. I recommend you discuss this further with them, as all I care about #1-2.


Someday, you morons will learn that I am like a Judo master, and therefore, most effective when you are throwing wild, uncoordinated punches at me. Since that's all you throw at me, I have been kicking your ass for quite some time. But that someday is a long way off. For now, I look forward to your continued attacks, as they provide the energy and the pretense for me to get back on TV and reaffirm goal #2.


I was talking to my brother-in-law last night who is visiting from out of town. He lived in Fairbanks for 3 years. He told me that when Palin was running for governor of Alaska she was really, really, good. During debates he said she kicked ass. She knew her stuff and he was amazed at how good she was. I was shocked to hear that. He said being good in Alaska does not prepare someone for the lower 48. Very true.

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