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Tigers ex remodels 12 million home

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While certainly not worth a great deal of debate you actually help to make my point. Tiger is estimated to have had a net worth of as much as $750MM probably a little lower at the time of his divorce. The fact he only had to cough up $100MM of that, far less than half, under the circumstances suggests he had a decent pre-nup and legal team.

I don't have any evidence other than a general sense from hearing about divorces of the super-rich in the past, but my guess is the 50% rule starts to phase out at some point in the 8 figures range. Is a judge really going to conclude that a $100MM payday for some girl who earned none of it is unfair?




That she chose to buy a new home and then destroy it disgusts me.

So you would feel better if the hundreds of guys in Florida that work construction and demolishion who will spend thousands of hours working on this property instead continue to be unemployed? :blink:

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You know what disgusted me this morning? An article I read about some teenagers putting a fire cracker in a German Shepard's mouth and blowing half of the dog's face off.


I could care less about a rich person buying a piece of property and doing whatever they want to with it. That's what liberty is all about.



Ironic, in that the disgusting example you cite above (and it is disgusting) is a pure and strict definition of liberty. May need another word here chief.........

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Meh...my understanding is that Woods did the same thing, only on a much larger and more wasteful scale.


(Bought a $44M estate on Jupiter Island, then - because it didn't quite meet his standards - tore it down completely to build a brand-spankin' new 'ultimate bachelor-pad/training facility' on the site).


What's good for the gander, is good for the goose B-)

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