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Surprise or Not ??

T master

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You know every year there are a few things that pop up & just piss me off from the media . One time this season at the beginning of the year i was watching a game on the local CBS affiliate here in Nashville & on the bottom line at the bottom of the screen that shows the scores & all , for nearly the entire game they never once showed the Bills score & that's when they were winning :angry: man that :censored: kills me !!


But i got past that & here it is the end of the regular season & again we Bills fans are watching all the other teams that made it to the play offs wishing once again that our Bills were in but again are not .


With all the media coverage of this coach getting fired & that coach getting fired from other teams around the league that didn't make it to the play offs i thought that some where i would see something about the Bills firing Edwards & promoting Wanny --- If for nothing else because Wanstedt has a good past history & has a SB ring on his finger to prove it but alas NOTHING !!


I have not seen one thing in the national media about Wanstedt taking over as the Bills D - coordinator & that just frosts my ass !!! Jerry Freakin Jones says anything & it's all over ESPN !!


I can't figure it out other teams that don't have winning records like Cleveland & others get publicity when things happen around their teams WTF is wrong with the Bills ?? Has Ralph pissed of the football gods or the status quo or the rest of the owners at the meetings & they have all decided to black ball the team in the media ? I don't get it !!


Have any of you seen or heard anything on the Bills promotion of Wanny & i'm just :censored: for no reason or is this a legit :censored: ????


I can't wait till we start the season like we did this year & sustain it through out the year & i just hope they have to talk about the Bills so much they all (but Boomer) get sick literally because they have to talk about us every single show !! GO BILLS !!!!!!!!

Edited by T master
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You know every year there are a few things that pop up & just piss me off from the media . One time this season at the beginning of the year i was watching a game on the local CBS affiliate here in Nashville & on the bottom line at the bottom of the screen that shows the scores & all , for nearly the entire game they never once showed the Bills score & that's when they were winning :angry: man that :censored: kills me !!


But i got past that & here it is the end of the regular season & again we Bills fans are watching all the other teams that made it to the play offs wishing once again that our Bills were in but again are not .


With all the media coverage of this coach getting fired & that coach getting fired from other teams around the league that didn't make it to the play offs i thought that some where i would see something about the Bills firing Edwards & promoting Wanny --- If for nothing else because Wanstedt has a good past history & has a SB ring on his finger to prove it but alas NOTHING !!


I have not seen one thing in the national media about Wanstedt taking over as the Bills D - coordinator & that just frosts my ass !!! Jerry Freakin Jones says anything & it's all over ESPN !!


I can't figure it out other teams that don't have winning records like Cleveland & others get publicity when things happen around their teams WTF is wrong with the Bills ?? Has Ralph pissed of the football gods or the status quo or the rest of the owners at the meetings & they have all decided to black ball the team in the media ? I don't get it !!


Have any of you seen or heard anything on the Bills promotion of Wanny & i'm just :censored: for no reason or is this a legit :censored: ????


I can't wait till we start the season like we did this year & sustain it through out the year & i just hope they have to talk about the Bills so much they all (but Boomer) get sick literally because they have to talk about us every single show !! GO BILLS !!!!!!!!


They did talk about the Wanny move on NFL32 on ESPN, as well as PTI. The move was given a "thumbs up" by all. It was also on the ESPN crawl, where I saw it first. It's nice to get the national press, but really, until the Bills start winning, there isn't a lot to say...it's playoff time.

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You know every year there are a few things that pop up & just piss me off from the media . One time this season at the beginning of the year i was watching a game on the local CBS affiliate here in Nashville & on the bottom line at the bottom of the screen that shows the scores & all , for nearly the entire game they never once showed the Bills score & that's when they were winning :angry: man that :censored: kills me !!


But i got past that & here it is the end of the regular season & again we Bills fans are watching all the other teams that made it to the play offs wishing once again that our Bills were in but again are not .


With all the media coverage of this coach getting fired & that coach getting fired from other teams around the league that didn't make it to the play offs i thought that some where i would see something about the Bills firing Edwards & promoting Wanny --- If for nothing else because Wanstedt has a good past history & has a SB ring on his finger to prove it but alas NOTHING !!


I have not seen one thing in the national media about Wanstedt taking over as the Bills D - coordinator & that just frosts my ass !!! Jerry Freakin Jones says anything & it's all over ESPN !!


I can't figure it out other teams that don't have winning records like Cleveland & others get publicity when things happen around their teams WTF is wrong with the Bills ?? Has Ralph pissed of the football gods or the status quo or the rest of the owners at the meetings & they have all decided to black ball the team in the media ? I don't get it !!


Have any of you seen or heard anything on the Bills promotion of Wanny & i'm just :censored: for no reason or is this a legit :censored: ????


I can't wait till we start the season like we did this year & sustain it through out the year & i just hope they have to talk about the Bills so much they all (but Boomer) get sick literally because they have to talk about us every single show !! GO BILLS !!!!!!!!

Part of this is because it's playoff time, and guess who isn't in them again? All non playoff teams are in irrelevance mode for the time being. The Bills of course have been there for this entire century. Also, Wanny while to some Bills fans is a big hire/promotion. He hardly registers a blip in the NFL anymore. Lets hope he himself can change that in 2012 for the better.

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It is very simple. The Bills are irrelevant. Nobody except the small legion of Bills fans gives a **** about the team.

Once they look like they at least belong in the NFL as a franchise, then the media will think their moves newsworthy.

If you remember in September, when they were doing well, you did hear about the Bills. Even the talking heads were talking about them then.

Right now, anything the Bills do simply does not matter.

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You know every year there are a few things that pop up & just piss me off from the media . One time this season at the beginning of the year i was watching a game on the local CBS affiliate here in Nashville & on the bottom line at the bottom of the screen that shows the scores & all , for nearly the entire game they never once showed the Bills score & that's when they were winning :angry: man that :censored: kills me !!


But i got past that & here it is the end of the regular season & again we Bills fans are watching all the other teams that made it to the play offs wishing once again that our Bills were in but again are not .


With all the media coverage of this coach getting fired & that coach getting fired from other teams around the league that didn't make it to the play offs i thought that some where i would see something about the Bills firing Edwards & promoting Wanny --- If for nothing else because Wanstedt has a good past history & has a SB ring on his finger to prove it but alas NOTHING !!


I have not seen one thing in the national media about Wanstedt taking over as the Bills D - coordinator & that just frosts my ass !!! Jerry Freakin Jones says anything & it's all over ESPN !!


I can't figure it out other teams that don't have winning records like Cleveland & others get publicity when things happen around their teams WTF is wrong with the Bills ?? Has Ralph pissed of the football gods or the status quo or the rest of the owners at the meetings & they have all decided to black ball the team in the media ? I don't get it !!


Have any of you seen or heard anything on the Bills promotion of Wanny & i'm just :censored: for no reason or is this a legit :censored: ????


I can't wait till we start the season like we did this year & sustain it through out the year & i just hope they have to talk about the Bills so much they all (but Boomer) get sick literally because they have to talk about us every single show !! GO BILLS !!!!!!!!

i can agree with you on all fronts. leaving the buffalo area for family reasons 3 years ago, i rely on the media in all forms to get my info on the buffalo sports scene. needless to say, i am always reading ESPN, PFT, and all the other websites, looking for bills news. it seems to me that the bills are slighted, no doubt, but as much as it pains me to say, it is due to the fact they are not relevant, they stink. you can always find stories on romo, the cowboys, raiders, you name it, but the populace just looks at the bills as an after thought. market size has nothing to do with it, the franchise has been in a malaise for so long, it will not change until the mindset of the franchise does.. i e: trying to win.

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There is no reluctance by the media to make Bills news "news." If anything, the media would love nothing better than to have a reason to make the Bills relevant again. Look at the adoration they got after their hot start. Nothing would play better than the Bills making a deep playoff run with their nonagenarian owner.


As others have said, it's all about winning and giving the media a reason to build us up.



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