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Buddy Nix should be fired immediately!

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I agree with the "no excuses". There is no excuse for hiring a coach that insisted on a 34 defense. There is no excuse for allowing the hire of George Edwards. There is no excuse for extending Fitztragic.

There is no excuse for such a lack of talent on this team. There is no excuse for sleeping during the start of free agency. He is solely responsible for everything. I say let him stay on as chief scout for the draft and turn the reigns over to Whaley.

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I agree with the "no excuses". There is no excuse for hiring a coach that insisted on a 34 defense. There is no excuse for allowing the hire of George Edwards. There is no excuse for extending Fitztragic.

There is no excuse for such a lack of talent on this team. There is no excuse for sleeping during the start of free agency. He is solely responsible for everything. I say let him stay on as chief scout for the draft and turn the reigns over to Whaley.

No point in doing this, the new ownership will be here soon enough. Maybe Whaley will get a pass, but Nix and most everyone else will be gone.
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yeah last years draft stunk.

Last years draft was very good. I think he is great at drafting. To be a GM means a good mixture of vets and young players. We need more players to run the 34 particularly OLB which he did not address.

We needed true #1 WR. We have a great cast of 2 3 and 4 WR's but no true #1's. SJ is not a true #1. We needed a true NT. Troup is not the answer. He left us with way to many holes and no quality depth.

I blame him more than the coaches but great coaching can overcome adversity much better than what our coaches did.


Constant turnover isn't the solution.

Whaley is in the organization and was next in line anyway. I think now is the right time.


No point in doing this, the new ownership will be here soon enough. Maybe Whaley will get a pass, but Nix and most everyone else will be gone.

I agree that when the day comes that we have a new owner there will be a major house cleaning but who has a crystal ball.

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Last years draft was very good. I think he is great at drafting. To be a GM means a good mixture of vets and young players. We need more players to run the 34 particularly OLB which he did not address.

We needed true #1 WR. We have a great cast of 2 3 and 4 WR's but no true #1's. SJ is not a true #1. We needed a true NT. Troup is not the answer. He left us with way to many holes and no quality depth.

I blame him more than the coaches but great coaching can overcome adversity much better than what our coaches did.



Whaley is in the organization and was next in line anyway. I think now is the right time.

I was being sarcastic, I'll throw in some emoticons next time.

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He has one more year to get the ship headed in the correct direction. Constant turnover of GMM's and coaches is not the answer. IMO his job is very much in question if the Bill do not make the playoffs next year. The way it looks right now this will be a very tall order. The fact of the matter is that tis is an QB driven league and Fitzy is not the answer. If the Bills had a monster D maybe but look at what the Patsies* did this year with a putrid defense.

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He didn't hire Edwards Galley did. FA who sign the first day sign typically at elevated salaries, so unless Buddy knew he had the $$ to spend, sleeping wasn't such a bad thing. Extending Fitz wasn't a bad move. The way he was playing he showed he was worth it. The way he played the 1st half on Sunday again shows he was worth the $$. I'd like to see how he'd do for a full year with a good team around him with minimal injuries. Everyone say's he's a great backup, OK assuming he doesn't work out as a starter, unless you get a Manning type guy in here, whomever you bring in will likely take a couple of years to prove he's a capable starting NFL QB who should be handed the starting job for the next ten years or so. By the time you have someone else here as a QB, Fitz salary as a backup won't look all that bad anyway. Salaries go up so much what looks like a huge contract today, in two years or so becomes an average deal. Granted, not certain with the new CBA how this may change, but my guess is owners will continue to throw money at the one player they think they need to win the Super Bowl.

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Injuries really hurt us bad this year. Gailey and Nix get a pass on that alone. One bad move Nix did do was relying on Merriman to be healthy. That was a bad decision right there. When Merriman went down, Nix had no answer for that.

This year he better have a plan in place or he does deserved to be fired. They also should review training and pregame warmups to prevent injuries next year. There had to be a reason for so many injuries, it just wasn't normal.

Edited by Fan in San Diego
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He is solely responsible for everything.


He caused it to snow here last night :wallbash: .


Get real. Every GM makes mistakes. A large part of building a team is trying to get better players. Part of that is inserting players into a lineup to see how they perform. If they disappoint, you discard them and get new players. You do that until your team performs as you wish it to perform.


Everyone considers Belicheat to be the greatest. What did he do this past off season? Signed Haynesworth and Ochoconco. Great moves, hey?


Buddy has made some very good moves. Do you like the way CJ, Darious, Williams, Chandler and others are playing? I'm eager to see what he does this off season. I think he's make moves that will improve the team and I'm optimistic about next year.

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I agree with the "no excuses". There is no excuse for hiring a coach that insisted on a 34 defense. There is no excuse for allowing the hire of George Edwards. There is no excuse for extending Fitztragic.

There is no excuse for such a lack of talent on this team. There is no excuse for sleeping during the start of free agency. He is solely responsible for everything. I say let him stay on as chief scout for the draft and turn the reigns over to Whaley.

Yeah. He should have went out and got Ronnie Brown, Asomaugh, Vick, Moon, etc...

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Constant turnover isn't the solution.

Change is inherently good, Sage. Even when for the worse. I say change for the sake of change. We must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards the playoffs!

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He caused it to snow here last night :wallbash: .


Get real. Every GM makes mistakes. A large part of building a team is trying to get better players. Part of that is inserting players into a lineup to see how they perform. If they disappoint, you discard them and get new players. You do that until your team performs as you wish it to perform.


Everyone considers Belicheat to be the greatest. What did he do this past off season? Signed Haynesworth and Ochoconco. Great moves, hey?


Buddy has made some very good moves. Do you like the way CJ, Darious, Williams, Chandler and others are playing? I'm eager to see what he does this off season. I think he's make moves that will improve the team and I'm optimistic about next year.

I may have been a bit harsh but the latest report is that he will retire after this years draft. I really feel like Whaley needs to take over. True that GM's make mistakes but what bothers me the most was the way he went about trying to run the 34. You go out and get a lot of second tier free agents to fill in all the holes while you draft good young players. We just did not commit enough to making this change. And offensively we did not commit to finding even one true #1 receiver. If we had at least one true #1 SJ than all the other #2's would all look good. Buddy is good at recognizing talent but it takes more commitment to a philosophy than this wishy washy are we a 34 or 43 and a lot more foresight in putting together a complete roster. It is not easy but I think a lot of other GM's could have done better and I hope Whaley is one of them.

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