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Imagine if The Bills bring back Edwards as Defensive coordinator, don't give Fred the raise he was promised (and he holds out), they let Stevie walk and bring in no significant free agents.

Brandon is a doosh, we all know that but he has marketed the team well, but even PT Barnum couldnt sell tickets to that trainwreck.

The Bills must make a splash and not just cosmetic ones like T.O.


Imagine if The Bills bring back Edwards as Defensive coordinator, don't give Fred the raise he was promised (and he holds out), they let Stevie walk and bring in no significant free agents.

Brandon is a doosh, we all know that but he has marketed the team well, but even PT Barnum couldnt sell tickets to that trainwreck.

The Bills must make a splash and not just cosmetic ones like T.O.

So Ill cya at the opener?


Who can resist the smell of the tailgate and the sound a beer makes when its opened? Then the march to RWS with hope brimming? Oh yeah, I'll be there.




Who can resist the smell of the tailgate and the sound a beer makes when its opened? Then the march to RWS with hope brimming? Oh yeah, I'll be there.



See...this I agree with. I'll make a trip or two there - regardless of record to take it all in, hang with folks I dont get to see too often any more. The game serves as an excuse to get together...and B word. That's all it is now.


Imagine if The Bills bring back Edwards as Defensive coordinator, don't give Fred the raise he was promised (and he holds out), they let Stevie walk and bring in no significant free agents.

Brandon is a doosh, we all know that but he has marketed the team well, but even PT Barnum couldnt sell tickets to that trainwreck.

The Bills must make a splash and not just cosmetic ones like T.O.


At least bringing back Edwards at DC is better than bringing back Edwards at QB.


I don't know how people can continue to blame Brandon. At this very moment Brandon is being skewered for using half and half instead of cream by a dude named Jeffrey. He is saying "Sorry, Mr. Littman. I spent some of the cream money on repairs for the teams charter plane. It won't happen again Mr. Littman."


I agree. Those with season tickets should give them up in dispute. Stop paying your money for a team that does not want to win. Stop spending your money on tailgating and party elsewhere.




Now what is the phone number of the Bill's ticket office so I can upgrade my seats.


Asking a buffalo Bill message board junkie whether he'll buy season ticket next year or not is a lot like asking whether a drunk will buy alcohol again. The real test is whether the majority of ticket holders who do not use this board will buy season tickets next year.


"Asking a buffalo Bill message board junkie whether he'll buy season ticket next year or not is a lot like asking whether a drunk will buy alcohol again. The real test is whether the majority of ticket holders who do not use this board will buy season tickets next year."


Good point - only time will tell....


Buying a season ticket defines stupidity!


Or it defines having a good time with friends and family while carrying on my father's tradition as a season ticket holder since 1960. Hey, I know this team will be garbage as long as Wilson is still breathing but getting out to that lot and soaking it all in for those Sundays is priceless in my book. Good football is just icing on the cake and that is the truth of it for now. Those first 3 home games with the wins and the 70 degree weather was worth the entire 2011 season.


Now if we can get a meaningful game in December with a foot of snow coming down - one can dream.....


Here is how this will go...


They will fire Edwards, Wanny will be DC


Ralph will state 'It will take several more years' Although teams are doing the turn around in 2-3.


Nix will state 'We aren't spending money in FA, we just need to draft better'


Gailey will state 'We are almost there, just need a few more years'



And Fans will flock to the stadium because they have no lives outside of Buffalo Bills football and fear the team moving. They would rather have a 6 win team each year than them move and Ralph knows it.


Do you want proof fans would rather have crap than the possibility of them moving? Here ya go...


Dick Jauron and his GM's at the end of 2 years 14-18


Chan and Nix at the end of 2 years 10-22


AND DJ/ his GM's had Trent Edwards and JP Losman as their QB's!!!



But hey, you guys keep padding Ralphs pockets.


The home schedule isn't going to help the Bills sell tickets next year, thats for sure.









St. Louis


Being a long time Buffalo Bills fan, a fine line between loyalty and stupidity. :w00t:




Brilliant! That explains the looks I get when in the course of conversation I admit to being a Bills fan.


I can't wait for the draft. You know that (now) three day period where we draft a player who played at one position, but we "project" him to play (at a higher level) at a totally different position. :wallbash::censored:


< sigh> I hate that I love this team.


Asking a buffalo Bill message board junkie whether he'll buy season ticket next year or not is a lot like asking whether a drunk will buy alcohol again. The real test is whether the majority of ticket holders who do not use this board will buy season tickets next year.

They bought them for the past 12 years so there is no reason to think they won't next season as well.

Will the number of season ticket holders go down a little, probably. But don't underestimate two things:

1) The power of the "if we don't support the team they will leave" mentality. Better to have a perpetually ****ty team than no team, etc.

2) The power of the tailgate. Many people care far more about the social experience and/or getting shitfaced and acting like a !@#$ in general than if the team wins or loses. Those people will buy tickets as long as there is a team, regardless of record or team quality.


1) The power of the "if we don't support the team they will leave" mentality. Better to have a perpetually ****ty team than no team, etc.


I wish those people would understand that they don't have a team NOW. Just the bare minimum required for the NFL to put their logos on the tickets.



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