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Fire Chan.... Hire Wannstedt

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Yes... They'ce has 3 coaches who WON! Make no mistake about it - if Bill Cowher lost the last 9 games in row his second season coaching, the Rooney family would FIRE his arse.


You don't keep a losing coaching around for the sake of continuity. We tried this by retaining Jauron and we ended up firing him at mid-season. All of us know Chan is not the guy -- then why keep him.


This team is a pathetic joke.



really so they won every year in the last 40? No Cowher had losing years and got contract extentions because that ownership believes in the long run, not the short term reactionary crap our owner does. In 1998 they went 7-9 and then 6-10 the next year and he signed an extention. In 2002 they went 10-5-1 but followed it up with a 6-10 record, did he get fired? After Chuck Knoll, the Steelers won 1 SB under Cowher in 15 years and made 1 other SB appearence, they made the playoffs 10 times but what have we gained from 5 HC in 12 years? Then again our owner shoved a great GM out the door after two Super Bowl appearences.

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Yeah ur right wanny has been such a successful coach in the NFL so that would call to fire Chan after 2 years and replace him with a guy who is already working on the defensive side of the ball and has no done much as a head coach in either the NFL or college.

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If it looks like a duck...smells like s duck... and acts like a duck, then, its likely a duck.


10-22 in two seasons.,., Chan's not the guy. But like most Bills fans you create your own reality that this team will be ok.


JW, I'll admit that the offense has improved statistically from last year. But there's been numerous times when they needed a last minute score and failed miserably. They say there's one stat that matters -- wins and losses. 1-7 over the last 8. Improvement?


Also I believe you said the defense was improved as well? Seems to me like this D looks like the same sorry losers as last year. Take away their performances against Den and Washington and you have a horrid team statistically.


I will agree with you that until Ralph and his clones are "gone" Buffalo Bills will be big losers...and fans on TBD will make excuses for their incompetence

don't put words in my mouth. at no point have i ever said in any fashion or form what you suggest in your final sentence. you are not agreeing with me, because i've never said or written such thing.

and the entire argument you pose in your original post remains chalk full of holes.


now you argue that the defense is poor, and want one of the people who was involved in coaching the defense to take over as coach. there's no logic to that. and when you accept that the offense is better, doesn't that negate much of your ammunition in criticizing Chan?


what's this about ducks?


you conveniently cherry pick stats to further some bizarre point that you want change for the mere sake of change. change is good, because change is different and, should you last as a member of this board, you'll be demanding change yet again in 10 or 11 months, merely because your impatience requires scratching.

the defense is improving. the numbers do say so. and they have a better emerging core of players on D right now than they had a year ago. but of course, that matters little, because your march to change demands change and anyone -- even henning -- is the answer. why? because he's different.





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