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When this was announced, I was afraid that people like the OP would just say eff this whole thing. Really - there was absolutely nothing wrong with having the smoking areas. I don't smoke, so I don't have a dog in this fight. I used to smoke, mostly when I was drinking and when I was really stressing. So, I know what it's like to really need one.


The Bills should not be making their pool of potential ticket buyers smaller. It is so much overkill it's ridiculous. I didn't even know where the smoking area was, that is how tucked away the thing must have been.


I am glad that there is a smoking ban. The NFL would do its fans a favor by banning alcohol in stadiums too.

What, you don't like fools pissing themselves and it takes them 5 minutes to figure it out. :o


I hear you buddy, no rules against dipping yet

Not true. I'm pretty sure they've banned all tobacco products. Pretty sure a friend of mine got yelled at for dipping. Me personally, I used to go with Cherry Skoal but now I stick to Camel Snus. They are much neater, and easier to conceal. Not that I need to conceal for work at all but if you did need to it helps you get through your day.


Have no issue with the smoking bans where they are enforced for everyone - and do not defend the habit. But the exception for the Press Box folks is what made me mad. Would renew our seasons if not for this exception.

There is no equality in this country (world) just haves and have nots and most of us are have nots, just the way the haves want it.


The taking away of freedoms and the fun of the game at the Ralph is not limited to smoking. Of course there should be a smoking area, but the parking mandates, the searches down to the toes for an illicit flask, etc. It is a footbal game not disneyland. I do not smoke but I am against all these rules.


Let people enjoy the games, for Pete's sake.

What's so important about DisneyLand.


Don't worry martial law will be the order of the day soon enough.


What you need to do is grow a set and kick cigarettes ass instead of letting them control your life

I think Kim is a girl.


There should be no second class citizens in America. That's kinda the idea of . . . America.

:lol: :lol: :lol:


By the way especially for a piss-poor team like the Bills, these rules are a killer. I am sure that if people could enjoy their tailgate experience, have some freedom to use a smoking area, and not be banned from taking a little cheap real booze in by TSA-quality full body searches (for your own 'safety' (Eff you very much!!)), maybe there would have been a few less empty seats for the last couple of home games. Drive away the last of the buying public that can stomach your sh**tty product, excellent strategy.


There should be no second class citizens in America. That's kinda the idea of . . . America.


Thank God someone still understands what America is about....


I disagree with the OP's decision to give up going to games since I believe it was a county decision, not the team's, to eliminate all smoking inside the stadium. That said, she still brings up a great point about the double standard in effect for press members smoking inside the stadium.


Of course that point was lost on many of you replying in this thread, who sound like stark raving mouthbreathers tearing into the OP who was making a sound, albeit unpopular, point. Seriously, some of you (jumbalaya, georgeedwardsteeth) sound less educated and more unreasonable than the people arguing about religion on PPP.


I don't smoke and the ban has made the situation worse in the stadium for nonsmokers, not better. Visit any restroom now during the game and it smells like smoke - not the case when there were designated outdoor smoking areas before the ban.


As far as smoke "wafting" towards me from a smoking area 40 yards away through 2 or 3 concrete walls, sorry, i've yet to experience that, probably because it's physically impossible.


Guys from the Press Box are allowed to walk 5 feet outside the gate, smoke their cigarette, and then come right back into the stadium.



If my job required me to cover this team, I would be a chain smoker, raging alcoholic and probably a crack addict as well.


By the way especially for a piss-poor team like the Bills, these rules are a killer. I am sure that if people could enjoy their tailgate experience, have some freedom to use a smoking area, and not be banned from taking a little cheap real booze in by TSA-quality full body searches (for your own 'safety' (Eff you very much!!)), maybe there would have been a few less empty seats for the last couple of home games. Drive away the last of the buying public that can stomach your sh**tty product, excellent strategy.


This is exactly what I was saying, but you said it much better!


And, BTW, it was a Bills decision. Not a county decision.


No I missed nothing. I smoked for almost 40 years. This thread is pretty darn pathetic from the standpoint

that an addiction can set one's priorities. Its sad, that a addiction can end 50 year tradition, 10 years tix,(if true).

No I get your point. You don't see the stupidity of the action because your addiction to nicotine now rules your world.

trust me smoking laws will be getting stricter everywhere, you're in a heap of trouble.


Yep, if it helps you through your day and cope with life then it's bad for you. But don't feel singled out, that guy slaps pacifiers out of babies mouths and kicks walkers out from under the elderly too. Can't have pacifiers ruling our infants lives!


Saw our last home game Saturday at the Ralph - after 10 years as a season ticket holder in the club seats (sad)! And 50 years of going with my Dad to games and sitting in his season seats. Never thought we would give them up - but this whole smoking ban really made us mad. Guys from the Press Box are allowed to walk 5 feet outside the gate, smoke their cigarette, and then come right back into the stadium. You or me -NO. I am a considerate smoker (would only smoke away from non-smokers), but this is ridiculous. There is enough smoke in the parking lot every Sunday to cloud the air when the wind is still. When we bought our seasons, we had heated seats, minimal hassle getting into the game, and staff that made you feel appreciated. All of that is gone.


Did some research, and found that only 3 of the 31 stadiums have rules similar to the Ralph. The other 90% of the stadiums either have smoking areas or allow fans to go to their cars and then re-enter the stadium. Washington even has a cigar bar in their stadium.


I am not defending a bad habit - but the overuse of alcohol is an equally bad habit. This is okay since the organization makes money on this one!


I am surprised that the Bills did this to further reduce their season ticket base - but it is their business to run. Looking forward to road trips next season to see our Bills - and ENJOY the experience.


I wonder if they ran out of cheese in your whine section.


They should ban cigarettes everywhere. Those things just cause cancer. You want to smoke - cool. Just be prepared to be treated like a 2nd class citizen. You will get no sympathy

I think they should ban your ability to use the internet. it is called freedom. Quit stepping on it you commie.


Why don't you bring a water bottle in and dip if you can't go 3 hours without a cigarette?

That's way more disgusting to see than smoking is.


I am glad that there is a smoking ban. The NFL would do its fans a favor by banning alcohol in stadiums too.

Can't do that because they make money off of alcohol sales.


Guys from the Press Box are allowed to walk 5 feet outside the gate, smoke their cigarette, and then come right back into the stadium. You or me -NO.

I agree with this one point. A smoking ban should be a ban for everyone, not just some of the people.


Have no issue with the smoking bans where they are enforced for everyone - and do not defend the habit. But the exception for the Press Box folks is what made me mad. Would renew our seasons if not for this exception.

Double standards. I watched the ROAD BLOCK, on Abbott Road, in front of the Ralph the past couple weeks. Only Emergence vehicles responding to emergences (Fire trucks, Ambulances, Rescue Squad etc.)where supposed to be allowed thru. Not the private vehicles that I saw go thru the barriers.


Buffalo Bills, Tear Down those Barricades on Abbott Road. Free the road for all to use. It did nothing to speed traffic up. It looks like it caused more problems than it was worth.


Have no issue with the smoking bans where they are enforced for everyone - and do not defend the habit. But the exception for the Press Box folks is what made me mad. Would renew our seasons if not for this exception.

From what you've explained the folks with press passes are going outside of the stadium fences into the parking lots to smoke. I could see being upset that they can smoke and you can't, but the loophole is that they have press passes and are permitted re-entry and you are not with your ticket. It's not like the rules are different for them than you with regards to smoking, just with regards to re-entry.

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