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Whitner's comments


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Losing Rusty Jones was brutal management on our part. Urlacher specifically thanked Rusty in his MVP interview the following year. Gregg Williams always said he was the best at his job in the NFL, and DJ gave him the onion. Fool.


It was Mike Mularkey who got rid of Rusty Jones, preferring to hire his friend for the job. Jones was hired by the bears in 2005 http://www.chicagobe...asp?coach_id=18


This was one of the most boneheaded moves allowed by this team the last decade...in a serious series of boneheaded moves this past decade!



For the life of me I just don't get why this owner allowed this team to be so dysfunctional for so long. He had the right idea with Tom Donahoe as president, it just didn't work out with that particular man. So fire him and hire another president, and also hire a GM like every other successful team in the NFL.


A president that had some actual football acumen that was in touch with reality would have never allowed most of the things that have transpired with this ball club over the last 15 years




The Raiders have "commitment to excellence" as their slogan. The Bills should have "nothing but stupidity here, just makes me wanna shout! "

Edited by Fear the Beard
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Wait, Ralph is responsible for Lynch being out of shape when he was in Buffalo? Not Lynch?


But he gets in shape in Seattle? how about he didn't give a **** about being on a pathetic team and wasting his time, and when he got to a decent team he started working hard? Seems that happens alot with guys leaving this team

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But he gets in shape in Seattle? how about he didn't give a **** about being on a pathetic team and wasting his time, and when he got to a decent team he started working hard? Seems that happens alot with guys leaving this team

He got on a decent team? Um, okay.

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Aaron Maybin was another high draft pick who never seemed to play well until he left Buffalo. It's quite possible that great coaches like Dick Jauron and Chan Gailey have been unable to motivate players and to get them to play hard.

Seriously? DJ's teams always played hard. It was perhaps his only good quality as a coach.

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But he gets in shape in Seattle? how about he didn't give a **** about being on a pathetic team and wasting his time, and when he got to a decent team he started working hard? Seems that happens alot with guys leaving this team


How do you explain his horrible 2010 season? Or his horrible first half to 2011? Forgive me for being skeptical when a guy finally starts playing well during the second half of his contract season.

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