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Bills' Plan was sound


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During Buddy Nix's two years as GM he has brought in an offensive minded head coach, added guys to the scout team, converted to the 34 defense and drafted heavily on that side of the ball, as well. The plan was sound, but the execution part of it all is where he failed miserably. Let's take a look at each decision and how he failed.


First up, Chan Gailey


A great offensive mind, no doubt, but where Nix went wrong was making CG a head coach. This guy should have been our offensive coordinator, if anything. Nobody was beating on Chan's door for any type of job, much less the highly coveted head coaching job. He should have looked for someone else for that position and simply suggested to said head coach to hire Gailey to run the offense. Wrong move, for sure. What this team needed was a head coach with clout. A man that has taken a team from the ashes before and led them to prominence or at least the playoffs. A head coach that would actually take the city he plays in, into account when building his team and strategy on both offense and defense. A coach that has enough pull and know how to build a great coaching staff. Chan built an offense more suitable for a domed team or a good weather city. Jauron (not chosen by Nix) built our defense the same way, as if we were playing ball in Florida. Chan's choice for defensive coordinator was a horrible decision, as well. George Edwards was fired by the Dolphins as a linebacker's coach, why did CG think this guy deserved a promotion? A spread offense without a QB with a cannon for an arm in Buffalo doesn't make sense. When was the last time the Bills ran an out pattern 15+ yards down the field?


I would have gone with Marty ball. He would have been a perfect fit for head coach of the Bills. An old fashioned, hard-nosed coach that would have built this team to play tough. Line up in an I-Formation and run the ball down our opponents' throat. That's how this team's offense should have been built.


The 34 Defense and personnel decisions


The 34 defense is a perfect fit for a city like Buffalo, but the execution of putting together that defense was flawed. As I stated previously, George Edwards was the wrong choice. We needed a guy with experience to transform our defense from the Tampa Two to the 3-4, not a first-timer at the NFL level.


The mistakes didn't stop there. In year one, BN's draft selections to turn our defense into a 34 were way off, he drafted Troup, Carrington, Batten, and Moats. Troup is an undersized NT, we already had one of those on our roster, I would have went with the massive Mount Cody, instead of the small school product. Carrington has the look of a 34 defensive end, but these guys have him playing outside. Moats is too small. And Batten has proven to be a failure or wasn't given enough time to become a good OLB. It's starting to look like all these picks were busts.


In year two, Nix continued to draft heavily on defense. He took Dareus, Williams, Sheppard, Searcy, Chris White, Rogers and Jasper.


Dareus is a beast and will only get better, but we had to use our 3rd overall pick to correct the mistake we made with Troup, instead of using it on something else. Sheppard may or may not turn out to be a great player, that has yet to be determined, but you don't have to take an inside linebacker that early (in the3rd round), when you should be selecting OLBers, in that round, instead. Justin Houston would have been a great selection. Speaking of OLBers, what about Brooks Reed in round two instead of Aaron Williams? Everyone knows that in order for your 34 defense to be effective, the strength of your "D" needs to be in the linebacker corps. Trusting Merriman to stay healthy was a huge gamble on BN's part that has backfired on the Bills. Keeping Kelsay at OLB was the wrong move, too, and now these idiots actually think Carrington and Johnson are OLBers?? Ha ha ha, I won't even put them there in Madden!! Searcy looks like a keeper so far. White I never liked. Rogers will probably be better than Williams and Jasper has been moved to offense.


As you can see, BN has done plenty to get this team where he wants it to be. He used 11 picks in the last two drafts to fix our defense to no avail. Is it the players he picked that are no good or are the coaches inept and unable to properly groom those kids into great football players? Or both? Why can't we stop the run? Why can't we rush the passer? Why have we regressed in pass d?


Where does the blame lie? With the owner? The front office? The coaches? The players? All of the above?


Over the course of the last decade we have seen numerous coaches, GMs, and players come and go and yet we're stuck in the same tailspin. Moving forward, I recommend we do it right this time, not by spending boat loads of cash which we know Ralph will never do, but to spend the money we already spend but spread it out differently. Put more money into the GM, the front office, and the coaching staff. Stop paying our head coaches like other teams spend on their coordinators. Bring in proven guys that have turned things around before. Make at least one huge free agent signing every year. Until then, the pathetic product that his been on display at OBD over the last decade plus will only continue.

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During Buddy Nix's two years as GM he has brought in an offensive minded head coach, added guys to the scout team, converted to the 34 defense and drafted heavily on that side of the ball, as well. The plan was sound, but the execution part of it all is where he failed miserably. Let's take a look at each decision and how he failed.


First up, Chan Gailey


A great offensive mind, no doubt, but where Nix went wrong was making CG a head coach. This guy should have been our offensive coordinator, if anything. Nobody was beating on Chan's door for any type of job, much less the highly coveted head coaching job. He should have looked for someone else for that position and simply suggested to said head coach to hire Gailey to run the offense. Wrong move, for sure. What this team needed was a head coach with clout. A man that has taken a team from the ashes before and led them to prominence or at least the playoffs. A head coach that would actually take the city he plays in, into account when building his team and strategy on both offense and defense. A coach that has enough pull and know how to build a great coaching staff. Chan built an offense more suitable for a domed team or a good weather city. Jauron (not chosen by Nix) built our defense the same way, as if we were playing ball in Florida. Chan's choice for defensive coordinator was a horrible decision, as well. George Edwards was fired by the Dolphins as a linebacker's coach, why did CG think this guy deserved a promotion? A spread offense without a QB with a cannon for an arm in Buffalo doesn't make sense. When was the last time the Bills ran an out pattern 15+ yards down the field?


I would have gone with Marty ball. He would have been a perfect fit for head coach of the Bills. An old fashioned, hard-nosed coach that would have built this team to play tough. Line up in an I-Formation and run the ball down our opponents' throat. That's how this team's offense should have been built.


The 34 Defense and personnel decisions


The 34 defense is a perfect fit for a city like Buffalo, but the execution of putting together that defense was flawed. As I stated previously, George Edwards was the wrong choice. We needed a guy with experience to transform our defense from the Tampa Two to the 3-4, not a first-timer at the NFL level.


The mistakes didn't stop there. In year one, BN's draft selections to turn our defense into a 34 were way off, he drafted Troup, Carrington, Batten, and Moats. Troup is an undersized NT, we already had one of those on our roster, I would have went with the massive Mount Cody, instead of the small school product. Carrington has the look of a 34 defensive end, but these guys have him playing outside. Moats is too small. And Batten has proven to be a failure or wasn't given enough time to become a good OLB. It's starting to look like all these picks were busts.


In year two, Nix continued to draft heavily on defense. He took Dareus, Williams, Sheppard, Searcy, Chris White, Rogers and Jasper.


Dareus is a beast and will only get better, but we had to use our 3rd overall pick to correct the mistake we made with Troup, instead of using it on something else. Sheppard may or may not turn out to be a great player, that has yet to be determined, but you don't have to take an inside linebacker that early (in the3rd round), when you should be selecting OLBers, in that round, instead. Justin Houston would have been a great selection. Speaking of OLBers, what about Brooks Reed in round two instead of Aaron Williams? Everyone knows that in order for your 34 defense to be effective, the strength of your "D" needs to be in the linebacker corps. Trusting Merriman to stay healthy was a huge gamble on BN's part that has backfired on the Bills. Keeping Kelsay at OLB was the wrong move, too, and now these idiots actually think Carrington and Johnson are OLBers?? Ha ha ha, I won't even put them there in Madden!! Searcy looks like a keeper so far. White I never liked. Rogers will probably be better than Williams and Jasper has been moved to offense.


As you can see, BN has done plenty to get this team where he wants it to be. He used 11 picks in the last two drafts to fix our defense to no avail. Is it the players he picked that are no good or are the coaches inept and unable to properly groom those kids into great football players? Or both? Why can't we stop the run? Why can't we rush the passer? Why have we regressed in pass d?


Where does the blame lie? With the owner? The front office? The coaches? The players? All of the above?


Over the course of the last decade we have seen numerous coaches, GMs, and players come and go and yet we're stuck in the same tailspin. Moving forward, I recommend we do it right this time, not by spending boat loads of cash which we know Ralph will never do, but to spend the money we already spend but spread it out differently. Put more money into the GM, the front office, and the coaching staff. Stop paying our head coaches like other teams spend on their coordinators. Bring in proven guys that have turned things around before. Make at least one huge free agent signing every year. Until then, the pathetic product that his been on display at OBD over the last decade plus will only continue.


I am so tired of saying this, but hey here goes one more time: Top GM/Coach/Player talent is not coming to this franchise until long term ownership is in place. No one at the peak of their career is taking a chance with the best years of their career going to a franchise about to clean house top to bottom once Ralph is gone. Too many unknowns. Ralph could easily be deceased by next season. Who will buy the franchise? Where will the franchise be located? Who will own it? Don't know for sure -- therefore top (and I mean the real name brand, proven types) GMs and Coaches will avoid the franchise until that is known. Who will the coaches be? What schemes will be employed? Don't know-- depends on who the new HC is, which you won't know until you know who the GM decides, which won't be known until the new owner hires his GM. So top (and I mean the real impact free agents) players will stay away until they know who is running the team. Money is not a factor, top players can get top money from any number of teams, so "paying up" will not work. As fans we all say "of course the team will be in WNY" -- but as a top top player or coach would you bet your short-lived, once in a life team prosports career on it? Nope. So lets stop with the daydreaming about a dramatic miracle turnaround for the Bills via free agency or hiring an awesome coach in the near term.. it is not going to happen . Just draft well and grow the players you are fortunate enough to have under contract and keep moving forward. That is the formula. If you get sacked by a rash of injuries, you are pretty much f- ed, but that is the way it goes in the Bills particular situation.

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I am so tired of saying this, but hey here goes one more time: Top GM/Coach/Player talent is not coming to this franchise until long term ownership is in place. No one at the peak of their career is taking a chance with the best years of their career going to a franchise about to clean house top to bottom once Ralph is gone. Too many unknowns. Ralph could easily be deceased by next season. Who will buy the franchise? Where will the franchise be located? Who will own it? Don't know for sure -- therefore top (and I mean the real name brand, proven types) GMs and Coaches will avoid the franchise until that is known. Who will the coaches be? What schemes will be employed? Don't know-- depends on who the new HC is, which you won't know until you know who the GM decides, which won't be known until the new owner hires his GM. So top (and I mean the real impact free agents) players will stay away until they know who is running the team. Money is not a factor, top players can get top money from any number of teams, so "paying up" will not work. As fans we all say "of course the team will be in WNY" -- but as a top top player or coach would you bet your short-lived, once in a life team prosports career on it? Nope. So lets stop with the daydreaming about a dramatic miracle turnaround for the Bills via free agency or hiring an awesome coach in the near term.. it is not going to happen . Just draft well and grow the players you are fortunate enough to have under contract and keep moving forward. That is the formula. If you get sacked by a rash of injuries, you are pretty much f- ed, but that is the way it goes in the Bills particular situation.


Bring in people with enough clout and the new ownership will embrace them. Throw enough money at a problem and it will be resolved. The real reason top tier people don't come here is because RW isn't willing to pony up the dough that it will take to bring those guys in, not because he's old. I'm not buying that.

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This is a good read, I'm stuck at the Phoenix airport watching Santa scare children...I'm hoping this team drafts a franchise QB and gets a decent defensive coordinator in there!


It's funny how many hundreds of pages of comments and complaints can be written about the Bills, but a fairly good recipe for improvement is as easy as the above, one sentence, comment. Really, a new, TALENTED D-Coordinator and an exciting rookie QB would do wonders to turn this team around. For one - a great coordinator, with a few F.A.'s and a couple draft picks, would have plenty to work with to make our squad good enough for a playoff run. Secondly, our O-line, when healthy, is not too bad. I expect a pickup at Tackle to help, and another WR, and maybe a speedy TE - all of those could be had in draft and F.A. - and you add to that one of the top 4 QB's - Luck is out, but Griffin III, Barkley, or Landry Jones would have enough talent to really give everyone some hope. And, even an excellent prospect at OLB, DE in the first and a trade or luck to land one of the few fringe QB's that might end up excellent in the NFL would still be feasable, if we absolutely cannot land one of the top 4 - I'm talking Tannehill, Foles, or Kellen Moore (if height doesn't exclude him).


My point - it's not over, we're merely at another turning point. We'll all see how committed the Bills are this offseason, and that, I think, will determine the fate of the Franchise under Wilson, because I believe if there isn't a tremendous effort shown by this club to improve in the right ways, without showing signs of cheapness, there won't be another sold out game for awhile. I could see two thirds empty stadium if they pull some garbage and don't bring in any F.A.'s, don't do something with the defense - this offseason is it for this Franchise, AND THEY KNOW IT.

Edited by sllib olaffub
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I dont get how the 3-4 defense is a perfect fit for a city like Buffalo...what does the city have to do with anything?


building a 3-4 defense isnt rocket science...you get a big fat guy in the middle and a bunch of LB's that can get off blockers


Moats seems to make plays whenever he is on the field so I really dont care how small he supposedly is


of those 11 picks on defense how many are actually starting for an awful defense? the 2010 draft was just awful

Edited by Max997
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I have 2 main issues with the post:


1. The "cold weather team" and "team built for the elements" is vastly overrated. How many games per year are that adversely affected by the weather? Not too many, if any at all. Sure, it gets windy at the stadium, but rarely does the weather affect the gameplan. Furthermore, florida gets monsoons at games as often as we get the crazy snow games, but they don't need to "build a team for the weather"


2. Dareus wasn't drafted because Nix thought we missed on Troup. This is a complete fallacy. He was drafted because we needed more beasts along the DL and he was one of the best players in the nation. If Troup was an all-pro his rookie season we still would have drafted Dareus.

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Bring in people with enough clout and the new ownership will embrace them. Throw enough money at a problem and it will be resolved. The real reason top tier people don't come here is because RW isn't willing to pony up the dough that it will take to bring those guys in, not because he's old. I'm not buying that.


This is blatantly and patently not true.

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I am so tired of saying this, but hey here goes one more time: Top GM/Coach/Player talent is not coming to this franchise until long term ownership is in place. No one at the peak of their career is taking a chance with the best years of their career going to a franchise about to clean house top to bottom once Ralph is gone. Too many unknowns. Ralph could easily be deceased by next season. Who will buy the franchise? Where will the franchise be located? Who will own it? Don't know for sure -- therefore top (and I mean the real name brand, proven types) GMs and Coaches will avoid the franchise until that is known.


I hear this from time to time and I don't buy it. You sign a contract to coach the Bills for X years - so what if ownership changes a year or two before your contract runs out? You still get paid. Are you worried that the team will move to somewhere less desireable than Buffalo? Like where, Utica?

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This is blatantly and patently not true.


I think his post had some validity. Go back to Shanahan. Shanny listened to the Bills pitch and considered coming here but when it became clear that Ralph was bot going to give him the budget to improve the team and the control he desired, he walked away. I'm not saying he would have been the right choice. I am just saying that top guys like him would consider Buffalo if Ralph were to increase budget and give them the control to run the team with Ralph's intervention (or the intervention of the bean counters, for example the Lee Evans trade which Nix claims he had nothing to do with)

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I have 2 main issues with the post:


1. The "cold weather team" and "team built for the elements" is vastly overrated. How many games per year are that adversely affected by the weather? Not too many, if any at all. Sure, it gets windy at the stadium, but rarely does the weather affect the gameplan. Furthermore, florida gets monsoons at games as often as we get the crazy snow games, but they don't need to "build a team for the weather"


2. Dareus wasn't drafted because Nix thought we missed on Troup. This is a complete fallacy. He was drafted because we needed more beasts along the DL and he was one of the best players in the nation. If Troup was an all-pro his rookie season we still would have drafted Dareus.


Two very good points.


The weather angle gets endlessly repeated here for reasons that no one ever explains. It's safe to say none of these guys (anywhaere in the NFL) would prefer to play in the very cold and/or snowy conditions. There is no obvious benefit for the Bills to play in this type of weather and they rarely do anyway.


Dareus was a pick not even Gomer and Goober Pyle could have screwed up--and they didn't, to their credit. Troup being a total whiff had nothing to do with the Dareus pick. But it will be why we will need to draft another NT in April.

Edited by Mr. WEO
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Unless Spiller becomes an All-Pro, drafting a RB with the first pick of a rebuild is not a "sound plan" executed poorly. It is a poor plan executed poorly with little forward thinking considering that trends show teams who can pass and rush the passer are making the playoffs. Hybrid backs like Spiller, while a part of the modern game, aren't drafted this high, especially when the team had huge holes at QB, OT, and OLB.

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I think his post had some validity. Go back to Shanahan. Shanny listened to the Bills pitch and considered coming here but when it became clear that Ralph was bot going to give him the budget to improve the team and the control he desired, he walked away. I'm not saying he would have been the right choice. I am just saying that top guys like him would consider Buffalo if Ralph were to increase budget and give them the control to run the team with Ralph's intervention (or the intervention of the bean counters, for example the Lee Evans trade which Nix claims he had nothing to do with)

Typically when someone posts over the top statements someone asks for a link. So could you post the link where Shanahan said Ralph said he wasn't going to give him the budget nor the control to run the team as he saw fit. Or is it just fan sentiment, rumor, and BS? Trust me I'm not defending Ralph here. Maybe Ralph when the guys that flew out to visit Shanahan did offer him "total control" and Shanahan krapped his pants when he realized he would be responsible (and on the hook) to build a entire roster. Shanahan is a has been and can't coach anything anymore or was the Bills/skins blowout a mirage? Is the entire skins season a mirage?



Shanahan wouldn't even fly in for an interview. But since he did end up with the control and all the money he wanted, I'm wondering how has that turned out?


"guys like this" You mean guys like Shanahan who suck unless they inherit a HOF Quarterback?


The lee Evans trade was smart football. Injuries aside his game was in decline for a couple of years. Our Quarterback cannot hit the broadside of a barn. What good is a speedy sideline receiver to a noodle armed "gunslinger".

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I hear this from time to time and I don't buy it. You sign a contract to coach the Bills for X years - so what if ownership changes a year or two before your contract runs out? You still get paid. Are you worried that the team will move to somewhere less desireable than Buffalo? Like where, Utica?


Again ( and this is getting old for me but I will repeat it again), money and getting paid is NOT the issue... why take a chance on the seismic changes that about to occur at OBD when you can get the same money at a stable franchise? Answer: you wouldn't. I agree the NFL is a nomadic tribe, BUT, the TOP guys , coaches and GMs have families and other personal issues that weigh into their decision making -- and the TOP guys are in control of where they go and make their decision ultimately for non-monetary reasons (since the money is the same for the top top guys). And franchise stability is a major reason, everything else being equal (which it is for the top top guys)

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It's funny how many hundreds of pages of comments and complaints can be written about the Bills, but a fairly good recipe for improvement is as easy as the above, one sentence, comment. Really, a new, TALENTED D-Coordinator and an exciting rookie QB would do wonders to turn this team around. For one - a great coordinator, with a few F.A.'s and a couple draft picks, would have plenty to work with to make our squad good enough for a playoff run. Secondly, our O-line, when healthy, is not too bad. I expect a pickup at Tackle to help, and another WR, and maybe a speedy TE - all of those could be had in draft and F.A. - and you add to that one of the top 4 QB's - Luck is out, but Griffin III, Barkley, or Landry Jones would have enough talent to really give everyone some hope. And, even an excellent prospect at OLB, DE in the first and a trade or luck to land one of the few fringe QB's that might end up excellent in the NFL would still be feasable, if we absolutely cannot land one of the top 4 - I'm talking Tannehill, Foles, or Kellen Moore (if height doesn't exclude him).


My point - it's not over, we're merely at another turning point. We'll all see how committed the Bills are this offseason, and that, I think, will determine the fate of the Franchise under Wilson, because I believe if there isn't a tremendous effort shown by this club to improve in the right ways, without showing signs of cheapness, there won't be another sold out game for awhile. I could see two thirds empty stadium if they pull some garbage and don't bring in any F.A.'s, don't do something with the defense - this offseason is it for this Franchise, AND THEY KNOW IT.


This is a good analysis of the situation and what needs to be done. The O.P. also has points worth considering.


Bottom line: hope for a new QB in the draft

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Bring in people with enough clout and the new ownership will embrace them. Throw enough money at a problem and it will be resolved. The real reason top tier people don't come here is because RW isn't willing to pony up the dough that it will take to bring those guys in, not because he's old. I'm not buying that.

Would you bet the best year of your career on new ownership, who just paid $800Million for the right to do whatever they want with the team (move it, clean house, etc) , "embracing you", when you have no idea who they will be at the time you come in ? No way the top GMs, coaches and players are doing that. Even if Ralph says spend whatever you need to, etc etc,. the next owner is just as likely to replace you with his own guys . If I pay $800m for a business, I will decide who runs it....

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The sound plan ended when Buddy decided to go with players from UCF, Arkansas St, UConn, South Dakota St and James Madison to start the rebuild of this franchise.

Could not have said it better. Alabama, Texas and other big schools we drafted from this year, the players in the drfat look better , don't they than previou syear.

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The sound plan ended when Buddy decided to go with players from UCF, Arkansas St, UConn, South Dakota St and James Madison to start the rebuild of this franchise.


You're right. Look how well the OT from Texas, WR from LSU, DE from Nebraska, WR from Miami, and SS from Ohio St worked for us.

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