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Posted (edited)

Cracks me up: "Skeletons in his closets!"


Nope. That would imply that it takes some doing to find out the bad **** on Newt. It's all out there and easily uncovered. There are no "Skeletons". His past is known. And so are his accomplishments.


With all the KNOWN deficiencies in Newts past, his actual accomplishments still outweigh all the other top tier candidates combined.


And, frankly, Ron Paul's newsletters are worse.


The former Ted Kennedy campaign, no doubt also has just as damaging material boxed up and ready to be opened by the Øbama campaign if needed.

So, damaging material being equal, who among the GOP wanna be's has a record of accomplishment in Government?

Edited by Oxrock
Posted (edited)

lybob would love to see Newt go down. He knows when push comes to shove, Newt will expose his boy Obama for the phony intellectual fraud that he is. It's worth Newt winning the nomination just to see him verbally undress our pres in a debate.

Edited by Dante

Cracks me up: "Skeletons in his closets!"


Nope. That would imply that it takes some doing to find out the bad **** on Newt. It's all out there and easily uncovered. There are no "Skeletons". His past is known. And so are his accomplishments.


With all the KNOWN deficiencies in Newts past, his actual accomplishments still outweigh all the other top tier candidates combined.


And, frankly, Ron Paul's newsletters are worse.


The former Ted Kennedy campaign, no doubt also has just as damaging material boxed up and ready to be opened by the Øbama campaign if needed.

So, damaging material being equal, who among the GOP wanna be's has a record of accomplishment in Government?


Well, it's more like there is no closet.

Posted (edited)

Well, it's more like there is no closet.




More like a sun room full of light illuminating every flaw.

Edited by Oxrock

lybob would love to see Newt go down. He knows when push comes to shove, Newt will expose his boy Obama for the phony intellectual fraud that he is. It's worth Newt winning the nomination just to see him verbally undress our pres in a debate.



Okay, we get it, Newt is the great intellect...and he may be. But, he is also full of ****, so the more he talks, the more the **** oozes out...in that way, he is just like all the other GOP candidates. It seems he has told so many stories, been on so many sides of the same argument over the years, he can't keep his BS straight anymore. I find his most recent whining about Romney and Perry running "negative ads" about him absolutely hilarious. I don't know who is going to win the election in 2012, but a year out, and the GOP has possibly the worst cast of misfit candidates ever assembled. There is PPP, and then there is the real world...


Okay, we get it, Newt is the great intellect...and he may be. But, he is also full of ****, so the more he talks, the more the **** oozes out...in that way, he is just like all the other GOP candidates. It seems he has told so many stories, been on so many sides of the same argument over the years, he can't keep his BS straight anymore. I find his most recent whining about Romney and Perry running "negative ads" about him absolutely hilarious. I don't know who is going to win the election in 2012, but a year out, and the GOP has possibly the worst cast of misfit candidates ever assembled. There is PPP, and then there is the real world...



Out of curiosity, why is Romney or Hunstman a misfit?


Out of curiosity, why is Romney or Hunstman a misfit?



They are misfits, because they are candidates that Tea Party element of the GOP does not want as their candidate...both are far more liberal than the Tea Party are comfortable with. I think that could be problematic for the Republicans, come election time. If they just want to vote for "anyone but Obama" he might fare well, but, if they want to stick to their principles, how can they vote for Romney? I guess that is how politics become politics... it almost seems like Romney is the last gasp, desperation candidate..."we tried everyone else, and now we are stuck with you, Mitt"



Has there ever been a front-runner candidate, Republican or Democrat, that has been less embraced by the base of their party, than Romney? He has been at the top, or near the top since the GOP election season started. The rest of the candidates have gone up and down in the polls, but Romney just sits there, steady, with his 22-28%. So, it seems like he is neither gaining or losing support...I suppose that could be interprited in different ways, but, to me, it signals that his message (whatever it is) is just not connnecting with the people he wants it to connect with. He will, most likely, utimately win the Republican candidacy, but I don't know how that will translate against Obama.


Huntsman is a misfit, becuase he is the GOP candidate that hasn't been afraid to sound rational. Rationality doesn't seem like a valued trait.


Okay, we get it, Newt is the great intellect...and he may be. But, he is also full of ****, so the more he talks, the more the **** oozes out...in that way, he is just like all the other GOP candidates. It seems he has told so many stories, been on so many sides of the same argument over the years, he can't keep his BS straight anymore. I find his most recent whining about Romney and Perry running "negative ads" about him absolutely hilarious. I don't know who is going to win the election in 2012, but a year out, and the GOP has possibly the worst cast of misfit candidates ever assembled. There is PPP, and then there is the real world...


I love how people bag on the GOP. But I have a question that no one has answered. We have a sitting President running for re-election. He has one of the worst approval ratings ever for a sitting President. If that's the case why is there no one from the Democrat party challenging him. What does THAT say about the Dems?

Posted (edited)

I love how people bag on the GOP. But I have a question that no one has answered. We have a sitting President running for re-election. He has one of the worst approval ratings ever for a sitting President. If that's the case why is there no one from the Democrat party challenging him. What does THAT say about the Dems?



Funny you should mention that...when I got home from work yesterday, I had a message on my machine asking me to sign a petition to recruit Hillary Clinton to challange Obama. She was my choice last time around! But, I am not signnig a petition...


Anyways, your argument sounds kind of childish...the guy in office before Obama (the one we aren't allowed to mention) had some pretty historically low approval ratings at one time...nobody from the GOP stepped up to challenge him. So what does THAT say about the Republicans? We can play this game forever...


Honestly, I wish the GOP could offer a stronger candidate. Their propensity toward signing pldeges, and making short-sighted promises, to quiet the baby in the corner, appear to be plundering their chance of taking down the president.

Edited by Buftex
Posted (edited)

Funny you should mention that...when I got home from work yesterday, I had a message on my machine asking me to sign a petition to recruit Hillary Clinton to challange Obama. She was my choice last time around! But, I am not signnig a petition...


Anyways, your argument sounds kind of childish...the guy in office before Obama (the one we aren't allowed to mention) had some pretty historically low approval ratings at one time...nobody from the GOP stepped up to challenge him. So what does THAT say about the Republicans? We can play this game forever...


It says the Republican party sucks too.


The truth is childish? No the two party system the you and the rest of the partisan hacks have been supporting all these years is childish. You're probably one of the ones who has played thes game forever not me.

Edited by Chef Jim
Posted (edited)

The truth is childish? No the two party system the you and the rest of the partisan hacks have been supporting all these years is childish. You're probably one of the ones who has played thes game forever not me.



Oh, sorry, I should have known you would be offended by the word "childish". For one who doesn't get involved in the game of "partisan hackery", you sure get offended easily by criticism of the GOP. And, you made a silly, argument in their defense. The truth (about the GOP/Tean Party) hurts...if the Republicans lose this election, they will have, in large part, the Tea Party to thank for it. Point taken on the two party system....but it is what we have.

Edited by Buftex

Oh, sorry, I should have known you would be offended by the word "childish". For one who doesn't get involved in the game of "partisan hackery", you sure get offended easily by criticism of the GOP. And, you made a silly, argument in their defense. The truth (about the GOP/Tean Party) hurts...


ADDED: Timely edit on your part.


Timely or not my eidt is how I feel. I lean right of course but I don't vote exclusive GOP. If Hillary ran I'd consider voting for her.


Timely or not my eidt is how I feel. I lean right of course but I don't vote exclusive GOP. If Hillary ran I'd consider voting for her.



And, if John McCain had won the GOP nod in 2000, I would have voted for him over Kerry, without hesitation.


And, if John McCain had won the GOP nod in 2000, I would have voted for him over Kerry, without hesitation.


Because those were your only two choices of course. :rolleyes:


Because those were your only two choices of course. :rolleyes:



It is all a game. The way things are. The reality is, as often as not, we are voting against somebody, more than voting for somebody. I don't like that, but that is the truth, as cynical as it sounds. Hell, I live in Texas, so, anytime I vote for anyone who isn't Republican, I am only doing it to make a statement, in my own small way...and, consequently, making sure my vote doesn't really count. :P


It is all a game. The way things are. The reality is, as often as not, we are voting against somebody, more than voting for somebody. I don't like that, but that is the truth, as cynical as it sounds. Hell, I live in Texas, so, anytime I vote for anyone who isn't Republican, I am only doing it to make a statement, in my own small way...and, consequently, making sure my vote doesn't really count. :P

A question Buftex, has Perry's performance in the debates changed his popularity in Texas one way or another?

Posted (edited)

A question Buftex, has Perry's performance in the debates changed his popularity in Texas one way or another?



I am probably not the best judge of that...I live in Austin, nobody I know liked Perry before he decided to run, and certainly not now...I went to see Sarah Silverman a few weeks ago, it was a NAACP benefit. The event was called, appropriately (perhaps?) "Live From N**erhead"...the place was packed. The Perry people were embarassed.


I am sure Perry is still "the man" in the rest of the state...voter apathy has played a larger part in his election success here, than his "economic miracle". It is a huge state, with a large population, and low voter turnout. Something like 33% of elidgable Texans vote in a typical election...and this is a very red state.


A fact check is in order.


I really liked John McCain, a lot. You don't have to believe me, but I would have voted for him. I didn't like John Kerry, at all. Of course, McCain ditched many of the principles that I thought he stood for, in the 2008 campaign. To me, he is the shining example of how cynical our poltical system has become. He was not the same guy in 2008 as he was in 2000.

Edited by Buftex

I am probably not the best judge of that...I live in Austin, nobody I know liked Perry before he decided to run, and certainly not now...I went to see Sarah Silverman a few weeks ago, it was a NAACP benefit. The event was called, appropriately (perhaps?) "Live From N**erhead"...the place was packed. The Perry people were embarassed.


I am sure Perry is still "the man" in the rest of the state...voter apathy has played a larger part in his election success here, than his "economic miracle". It is a huge state, with a large population, and low voter turnout. Something like 33% of elidgable Texans vote in a typical election...and this is a very red state.




I really liked John McCain, a lot. You don't have to believe me, but I would have voted for him. I didn't like John Kerry, at all. Of course, McCain ditched many of the principles that I thought he stood for, in the 2008 campaign. To me, he is the shining example of how cynical our poltical system has become. He was not the same guy in 2008 as he was in 2000.



Would you have voted for him over Al Gore in 2000?

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