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It would be fun to be a little mouse

Toledo Bill

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Are the bean counters in daily glee that they have kept expenses so low (even though attendance is now suffering and the team sucks)?


Are Buddy's staff members upset and dissapointed (or taking naps)?


Is the rank and file on pins and needles worrying about jobs and what do you think their moods are?


Is being "PC" at Bills' headquarters to put on a happy face, be apathetic or storm around?


What do you think?

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Im sure they are like Ebanezer Scrooge. Their main goal is the pain and frustration of as many people as possible. I'm sure thats why they decided to work for a football team. I mean they could work anywhere but where is the place you could get peoples hopes up and crush them unmercifully every year. Disney world maybe, but a small market football team? Thats like gold.


I mean no one wants to live in Buffalo. But these guys want to, just for our pain and suffering. Those bastards

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i honestly think overdorf is smiling, kept expenses low, maximized the profit,figures he gave the fans a month of good times, he sleeps well at night. littman is in detroit, so he just counts the money. the rest of the employees, well, brandon is either giving buddy nix a foot massage or polishing the apple on ralph's desk. nix is asking whaley if he wants the job yet, and gailey is scratching his head.

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