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How is everyone doing? No, wait, don't answer that, I already know. :flirt:


I'm a little busy but just wanted to pop in and say hi to the best fans in the entire NFL.


Hello Everybody! I should say it? "Hello everybody!"


Is Rusty still in the Navy?


Don't throw me down, Clark.


Is your house on fire Clark?


I would like a Bills winning season please.


(I've been a very good girl)

Too late for that I see. (I'm not saying which it is though)


My daddy is a cheap bastard, and this year he says that Pfizer didn't give him a bonus so he won't buy me video games for Christmas.

Aren't you like 18 now? Shouldn't you be flipping burgers and buying your own video games?


A Winnebago

So you can live in it down by the river?


Will I get the inflatable doll this year?

Your wife told me you wanted a new mop and vacuum cleaner along with a french maid outfit.

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