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You mean helping Democrats to get elected all these years has consequences?


“These people are going to end up rioting about this,” says Sheila Tyson, a community activist in Jefferson County, Ala. “If they let this stuff happen they are going to get the biggest riot the South has ever seen . . . I can see it coming.”


That’s a pretty serious prediction. What could possibly start a riot that big?


She’s talking about the likelihood of Jefferson County increasing its water and sewage bill rates.


When a federal judge forced Jefferson County to upgrade its outdated sewer system, officials decided to finance the project with bonds.


“Outside advisers suggested a series of complex deals with variable-rate interest . . . Loan payments rose quickly because of increasing interest rates as global credit markets struggled, and the county could no longer afford its payments,” Bloomberg reports. That’s why Jefferson County residents have seen a 329 percent increase in their rates over the past decade and a half–the county has been trying to finance these new facilities.


The sewage system was supposed to cost $300 million. However, since the project started in 1996, the costs have risen to $3.1 billion after various problems and a series of bond and derivatives deals fell through in 2008.


Community activist Sheila Tyson, who was mentioned in the above, says soaring water and sewage rates have “traditionally hit the poorest parts of the county hardest” because “wealthier” county residents can afford to instal septic tanks on their property.


“This is not even a race issue, if I’m telling the truth,” said Tyson. “It‘s just so happens that it’s affecting black people. It’s a class issue. They don’t give a doo-doo about poor people period.”



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