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Yup, it's a Federal case with a jury trial

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There has to be a 'knock it off' button that local authorities/judges can hit before crap like this rises to the trial level...and, yes, I realize that undermines the entire legal 'system.' Personally, I think there is a little bit too much 'liberty' in this realm. Glad tax dollars will be put to such good use.....

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I couldn't pull the story up a second time but wasn't it a class action suit? That changes the dynamics greatly. Nobody is going to make out big on this unless it is the lawyer(s) and even that would seem improbable. It's not like Neiman Marcus has millions of customers.

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I couldn't pull the story up a second time but wasn't it a class action suit? That changes the dynamics greatly. Nobody is going to make out big on this unless it is the lawyer(s) and even that would seem improbable. It's not like Neiman Marcus has millions of customers.


I didn't see where it was, but I was thinking that it should be, as she can't be the only one who used the ATM.

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I didn't see where it was, but I was thinking that it should be, as she can't be the only one who used the ATM.


Well, I can't pull it up a second time. If it is a class action suit, unless she can offer some expertise, her poterntial gains would be very limited. The lawyers on the other hand......................................................

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I thought that you couldn't sue a person in federal court for anything less than $20? It might actually be more now, adjusted for inflation from 1776.


No, you're just not entitled to a jury trial if the amount in controversy is less than $20. She's trying to make this a class action suit, so the $1.50 becomes a lot more, especially since she'll be asking for millions or billions in punitive damages.


It will be interesting if she can convince a judge to certify a class.



Edit: I should point out that if federal jurisdiction is based on diversity of citizenship, then the amount you're suing for has to exceed something like $75,000ish.

Edited by Koko78
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