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This Christmas, 2004, is the first Christmas since 1987 that I did not get a Buffalo Bills calander for Christmas. I was kind of shocked. I didn't say anything out loud, but I was dumbfounded. I didn't ask for one, because it was a given...I get one every year. I will actually have to go to a mall and buy one...I also did not get the Marv Levy book (which I DID ask for!), but I got two black turtlenecks. I hate turtle necks! I haven't worn one since 7th grade (I am 39, you do the math!). Maybe they meant to get me two turtle doves? I don't know what a turtle dove is, but I am sure I would rather have two of them than two turtlenecks. I will trade two black turtle necks and two turtle doves for one 2005 Buffalo Bills calander....any takers!


Strangely, I also got two Travis Henry bobble heads, two Coy Wire bobble heads, and one Drew Bledsoe bobble head! Very strange Christmas....


On the plus side, I did get the Daily Show text book, and a cool Discover Buffalo/Niagra calander.When I am sweating my nads off in the middle of Texas next summer, I can just gaze longingly at the awesome sunset picture of Lake Onatario, in Lewiston..........


Merry Christmas! :blush:


I'm in the same boat. My Grandma always gets me a Bills calendar. I didn't get one this year. I'll definitely pick one up at the bookstore this week, when I get Marv Levy's new book. :blush:


If the coy wire and travis henry bobbleheads are from Tops...your family is cheap....they were on sale for $1 with the tops bonus card....call em out on it!


This Christmas, 2004, is the first Christmas since 1987 that I did not get a Buffalo Bills calander for Christmas.  I was kind of shocked.  I didn't say anything out loud, but I was dumbfounded.  I didn't ask for one, because it was a given...I get one every year.  I will actually have to go to a mall and buy one...I also did not get the Marv Levy book (which I DID ask for!), but I got two black turtlenecks.  I hate turtle necks!  I haven't worn one since 7th grade (I am 39, you do the math!).  Maybe they meant to get me two turtle doves?  I don't know what a turtle dove is, but I am sure I would rather have two of them than two turtlenecks.  I will trade two black turtle necks and two turtle doves for one 2005 Buffalo Bills calander....any takers!


Strangely, I also got two Travis Henry bobble heads, two Coy Wire bobble heads, and one Drew Bledsoe bobble head!  Very strange Christmas....


On the plus side, I did get the Daily Show text book, and a cool Discover Buffalo/Niagra calander.When I am sweating my nads off in the middle of Texas next summer, I can just gaze longingly at the awesome sunset picture of Lake Onatario, in Lewiston..........


Merry Christmas! :blush:



This is also the first year I did not recieve the Bills desk calendar in years. I'll have to pick it up at one of those temporary calendar kiosks at the mall when they start marking them down.


My daughter got me everything Bills this Christmas.


6 Bills hologram cups: red sticker on the bottoms say, PLEASE NOTE: This cup is NOT permitted inside Ralph Wilson Stadium. *LOL*


1 Bills coffee cup


1 Bills pen


1 Bills retro 1960 baseball hat


1 Bills can cozy


...........and my new Willis McGahee jersey is in the mail !!



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