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Posted (edited)

I heard he is going to kick our ass on sunday :(

Um, just rumors please, no facts! Seriously though, I heard from my cousins sisters boyfreinds uncle

who has sources deep within one bills drive, that Losman loves to play with Dolphins, the only mammal

with no external genetalia. Amazing how much pleasure can be derived from a dorsal fin. If I were him

I would make the dam thing put on protection first. I think that he is going to get screwed by the fins,

but probably better than by a Bison.

Did you ever see the size of a fully aroused Buffalo unit? Ew that's gonna hurt, on the other hand the dorsal

fin doesn't get any bigger than what it already is!

Don't shoot the messenger, just repeating what I have heard.

Edited by Cookiemonster
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I heard a nasty rumor once that he was the quarterback of the future.


Did you ever see the size of a fully aroused Buffalo unit?


No, I have not. Why have you?


Here's a regrind of perhaps the worst rumor I heard this year - maybe ever...

Rumor has it that JP was at a chicken wing eating contest last night and went home from practice today, telling the coach he was sick. The (new) coach just acted pissed and wouldn't comment to the media's questions about it, saying they should "Ask JP about it, and he'll tell you if he wants to, 'cause it's a personal matter."

Sounds pretty awful to me.


pointless.. why bash a former player when he had a different O coordinator every year, the worst O line possible and no real chance to succeed at all... lets put him in the town square and stone him for crying out loud... JP got a raw deal being drafted by the worst run organization in the NFL, just like everyone else run out of town that had marginal talent. no wonder we are a laughing stock of losers


I heard a rumor that JP wears gloves when it gets under 58 degrees and refuses to throw the ball more than 6 yards. It was a while ago so I may have this mixed up.




pointless.. why bash a former player when he had a different O coordinator every year, the worst O line possible and no real chance to succeed at all... lets put him in the town square and stone him for crying out loud... JP got a raw deal being drafted by the worst run organization in the NFL, just like everyone else run out of town that had marginal talent. no wonder we are a laughing stock of losers


You'd be singing a different tune if you were one of the orphans that J.P injected with heroin in their sleep...


I plan to wear my JP #7 jersey to the game. Every time I wore it before he would have a worse game than before. Let's see if the ol' magic is still in it.



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