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I'm thinking Beats Audio is no reason to buy a phone. Dependability, functionality. If it has the apps you want. For example, I'd never buy a phone that didn't offer Swype keyboard. I'm with Bluefire, IF I was buying now it would be a Galaxy Nexus. Would love to have a phone with pure Google instead of a carrier interface on it.


+1 on Swype. Love it.

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Doesn't have much to do with the quality of the iPhone. I had pre-iPod MP3 players--at least 2. They sucked. When I got that first scroll-wheel iPod, it was 1000000 better than anything out there, and it changed the MP3 game. That wasn't marketing.


The iPhone, when it came out, was the first workable touchscreen device of its type at the consumer level. To deny that it changed the game would be foolish. Again, it wasn't marketing that made the market follow. It was a superior product.


That original post really threw me off. Basically he said that Jobs took already existing things and made them better. Now I'm no apple guy, but how exactly is that a bad thing?


Agreed, zepp. I bought a 30gb iPod in 2004 and it still works great and I've NEVER had an issue with it. Had an iPhone 3 for over 2 1/2 yrs. with no problems, sold it to my buddy, just upgraded to the 4S which is spectacularly fast. I even just purchased myself a MacBook Pro which is AWESOME.


Good products, great quality, and simple enough for most people. They've given me no reason to stray from their products which is why I keep coming back.


That seems to be the case with most folks I know, and that really says something about the products. I tend to be pretty loyal when I feel a company offers a solid, reliable product, and that's how I've become with Apple over the last few years. I just have no reason to buy anything else. I've never had a Mac, but I was really leanign in taht direction. If not for a deal I couldnt' pass up on a new Windows 7 machine, I would have gone with the Mac.


I recently ordered and received a really cool, inexpensive iPod dock with an internal DAC to use as both a back-up source for my main audio system and also to connect to a pair of powererd speakers I have for use as a bedroom system. I hooked it up last night and can't believe how good the sound is. My 160gb iPod is full of lossless music files, and this is a great way to have a mini stereo system that will crush just about anything else at its price point. It takes up very little space and has a "cool factor" about it. And you know what? I bet you any money that five years from now that little iPod is still working just as great as it does now :thumbsup: I just wish they'd come out with a 250gb version! lol


That original post really threw me off. Basically he said that Jobs took already existing things and made them better. Now I'm no apple guy, but how exactly is that a bad thing?

Exactly. I'll take innovation in lieu of invention quite happily. Nothing wrong with building a better mouse trap, and IMO, Apple catches a lot of mice.


That seems to be the case with most folks I know, and that really says something about the products. I tend to be pretty loyal when I feel a company offers a solid, reliable product, and that's how I've become with Apple over the last few years. I just have no reason to buy anything else. I've never had a Mac, but I was really leanign in taht direction. If not for a deal I couldnt' pass up on a new Windows 7 machine, I would have gone with the Mac.


I recently ordered and received a really cool, inexpensive iPod dock with an internal DAC to use as both a back-up source for my main audio system and also to connect to a pair of powererd speakers I have for use as a bedroom system. I hooked it up last night and can't believe how good the sound is. My 160gb iPod is full of lossless music files, and this is a great way to have a mini stereo system that will crush just about anything else at its price point. It takes up very little space and has a "cool factor" about it. And you know what? I bet you any money that five years from now that little iPod is still working just as great as it does now :thumbsup: I just wish they'd come out with a 250gb version! lol



Exactly. I'll take innovation in lieu of invention quite happily. Nothing wrong with building a better mouse trap, and IMO, Apple catches a lot of mice.


lol, I'm the opposite. I love my Macbook Pro but hate the direction Apple decided to take with their iOS devices.


lol, I'm the opposite. I love my Macbook Pro but hate the direction Apple decided to take with their iOS devices.


That's true....I actually just "upgrade" my iPhone OS, and I don't care for it. I liked the previous version better, but I can live with it.


the Google Nexus is here!!!! Wooooo Hoooooo.....time to order.....


Got it this morning even though I swore I wouldn't. I picked up the T-Bolt on launch day and loved it but the allure of a pure google phone was too much to pass up. So far it has been great.


Please keep me(us) posted on your thoughts as you use it more. I am gonna wait til last week of the year to upgrade...I really want the rezound, but people have convinced me that beats shouldn't be the basis for my decision...really want to hear how bad the battery is...


Got it this morning even though I swore I wouldn't. I picked up the T-Bolt on launch day and loved it but the allure of a pure google phone was too much to pass up. So far it has been great.


Interesting article. Here's something else Apple didn't invent: Bitterness


Interesting article. Here's something else Apple didn't invent: Bitterness


And Microsoft didn't invent DOS, nor Windows, nor Halo, nor Excel...


Interesting article. Here's something else Apple didn't invent: Bitterness


Exactly. I guess the "Simon phone" people were right on the verge of making it big when the iPhone came out.


Exactly. I guess the "Simon phone" people were right on the verge of making it big when the iPhone came out.


LOL, I know right?


And Microsoft didn't invent DOS, nor Windows, nor Halo, nor Excel...


This reminds me, I need to go back and watch that made for tV movie about Apple and Microsoft. It had like Anthony Michael Hall playing Bill Gates and I think Noah Wylie or someone playing Jobs. It was pretty interesting and I think it was based off a bestselling book.


Exactly. I guess the "Simon phone" people were right on the verge of making it big when the iPhone came out.


You do realize that there were a lot of successful smartphones before the iPhone, right...? The article is just pointing out the FIRST, which is an interesting history lesson, nothing more.


You do realize that there were a lot of successful smartphones before the iPhone, right...? The article is just pointing out the FIRST, which is an interesting history lesson, nothing more.


No. I didn't realize that.

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