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I think the point is that if you are giving to your church the bulk of that giving is going to the maintenance of the church, paying church staff, bringing in guest speakers or music, different social events (picnics, softball, golf, brunches, etc etc) and proselytizing - a much smaller amount is going to what most think of charity (providing food, clothing, shelter, medical treatment to the needy)- If I'm spending money and much of the money is benefiting myself well how much is charity- if I went to a strip club could I count that as a charity because some of my money is helping young wayward women? A church for many is Entertainment, education, socialization, recreation, coffee and snacks, a place to network and so on.


You've never heard of Catholic Charities, have you?

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No you !@#$ed up when quoting. But cute explanation.


Please see my previous email to you. It addresses every point that you just made. Again.


Newbie, the quoted #55 post referred to your edit of #52. That was explained to you twice. You will notice that when quoting, the original quote disappears, and that's what happened to your edit job.


Stay on topic, you're still on probation.




Hey, billy hill bob, care to compare a church's operating expenses to the G&A costs of the other charities that liberal types like to support, such as how many limos & private planes are chartered by church groups vs other charities.


I think the point is that if you are giving to your church the bulk of that giving is going to the maintenance of the church, paying church staff, bringing in guest speakers or music, different social events (picnics, softball, golf, brunches, etc etc) and proselytizing - a much smaller amount is going to what most think of charity (providing food, clothing, shelter, medical treatment to the needy)- If I'm spending money and much of the money is benefiting myself well how much is charity- if I went to a strip club could I count that as a charity because some of my money is helping young wayward women? A church for many is Entertainment, education, socialization, recreation, coffee and snacks, a place to network and so on.

You genuinely just posted a line of thought that is so bereft of the basic understanding on how true charities and churches operate that I had to quote it here in case someone you love looks over your shoulder, smacks you in the head and pleads with you to delete the post and avoid letting your ignorance bleed on the web any more.


You genuinely just posted a line of thought that is so bereft of the basic understanding on how true charities and churches operate that I had to quote it here in case someone you love looks over your shoulder, smacks you in the head and pleads with you to delete the post and avoid letting your ignorance bleed on the web any more.



Hehe. Saved for infinity.


Regular religious observers give more than non regular religious observers - liberal regular religious observers, and conservative regular religious observers both give more than there non-observing counterparts- Is there a study that compares conservative regular church goers with liberal regular church goers? or liberal heathen with conservative heathen? Brooks study showed more conservatives are regular church goers that was the difference in the study.


And sorry that I don't consider the part of weekly donations to the church that go to the maintenance, staff salary, music, guest speakers, food, recreation,etc etc, as charity, to me it's pay for a service, the congregation is paying for benefits- I know it's deductible as a charitable gift but so what.


now the part that goes helping the needy or special offerings or giving to catholic charities or other religion based charities that absolutely counts.


GG I wasn't comparing the efficiency of religious based charities with secular based charities - yes I could make a mistake and give money to a badly/corruptly run charity where the management is riding in limos and private jets but the only way this point would be salient to what I said is if somehow the money I gave to the Charity let me ride in a limo or private jet. Simply I do not consider it charity if I benefit from the money I'm giving.


the push to the suburbs had already begun, tracing it well back to Levittown. and it was no different in Detroit.

of course the riots furthered the flight, but it had begun well before that.

since there were no riots in Buffalo, what then do you consider the cause here?



what do you mean "No riots in Buffalo"?


I was 10 at the time and remembering hearing the accounts on the radio. Living in Cheektowaga and not knowing the geography of the east side I was worried the riots were just blocks away as they mentioned William Street and Broadway.


i hate racism. and if that makes me a liberal, then i'm guilty as sin. because dave in elma's a bigot. and that's the truth.




It would be hard for you to be any more off base. I've been around a while and I've heard my fair share of ignorant, self-righteous, starry-eyed, head-in-the-clouds blow hards in my time, but you take the cake.


First, and most importantly, you rubber stamp everyone into general stereotypes in a fashion I'm sure you'd find unconscionable if done to reach different conclusions, but I'm sure you give yourself a pass, because after all, you're right and the truth is an absolute defense. Not only are the people you describe in your childish rants mere strawmen, they are ridiculous charicatures who primarily exist in your imagination.


You have your blanket explanation for the causes of people fleeing the cities to the counties, and then label their motives as nefarious, or at best claim they are derelict in their duties to ensure prosperity for all. Of course you, the morally superior guy that you are, live in the city so you can walk around with your nose up in the air rubbing your genitals and bragging about what a !@#$ing saint you are. I'm sure your neighbors are just tickled pink that they have some self-rightous Canadian living amongst them.


Next, you lump all lower class people into this victim group and assign everyone else with the responsibility of lifting them out of their situation while placing absolutely no responsibility on them. I know, I know, you probably live among the poor like Mother Theresa and know all, but I've been around these elements quite a bit myself and happen to know that while there are some people who will seize opportunity and do what they can to take advantage of it, most do not.


I've given many people the opportunity to lift their lot in life and most take what they can get, squander the opportunity, and go back to their normal ways. My wife came from nothing and decided she wanted better and made it happen. She had no greater opportunity than her degenerate siblings who aren't worth a damn, but according the the John Wawwrow phiolosphy they're the victims and we're derelict for not bringing them up. I got her brother a job with a friend where he could have learned a trade put pissed the opportunity away. A couple of years later when he got out of jail we put him up, got him a job, and tried to help. Big surprise, the little **** couldn't hold a job, went back to his thug life, and is now on the run. But we failed him, after all, he's the victim, so says our esteemed writer. I know of dozens of such examples.


Of course maybe you're right. Maybe instead of moving to the suburbs so my daughter can go to a good school with other kids of similar values and upbringing so she can have a happy childhood and prepare for a successful life I should sacrifice her well being to the John Fuking Wawrow ideal of moving her into a city school with kids that don't give a !@#$, who have parents that don't give a !@#$, and walk around like a snooty lib telling all my douche bag liberal friends what a great liberal douche I am for putting my idealistic bull **** ahead of my daughter's well being. Maybe If I live in the city like John !@#$ing Wawrow I can convince all those people to give a !@#$, and I'll give a speech like on some after school special and all the degenerate welfare parents will say "hey, that's right" and the touching music will play as they realize the error of their ways and we'll all dance around in a !@#$ing circle. The only the problem is that this **** only happens in the fantasy world of liberals like yourself.


As far as urban flight goes, there are a lot of factors and many of them grow out of liberal policies. The fact that you're a liberal doesn't change that fact. Unions aren't the sole cause, but outpricing the market will destroy the industry in a region. It's an undeniable fact of life, and liberal demagoguery doesn't change that, nor does blaming "greed". I can't speak to integration in Detroit or Buffalo specifically, but in Richmond the liberal idea of bussing was disasterous to the city. White people who couldn't afford private school for their kids didn't want to have their kids bussed to an all black school where they'd be outcasts and get beat up, so they moved to the suburbs. Blacks with money felt and did the same. That left only poor blacks, very poor whites, and people rich enough to send their kids to private school in the city.


I'm sure you have an orgasm thinking of how beautiful the integration was and the racial harmony that grew out of it, but that would also exist only in your simple mind. The schools are still segregated, there is great racial strife in many of these areas, and generations of black families have perpetuated in poverty as a result. You should check out the per capita murder rates. Surprisingly [if you subscribe to Wawrowian thought) the suburbs have very little racial tension and are well integrated. But I'm sure in your infinite brilliance you can just pass off the destruction of the city on the moral liability of people who have the gall to earn a living and do what's best for their children.

no. i just hate the suburbs. i think they're inhumane.




i hate racism. and if that makes me a liberal, then i'm guilty as sin. because dave in elma's a bigot. and that's the truth.




How many black people have you employed in your life? Ive employed many. You're the bigot for holding the "soft bigotry of low expectations".


How many black people have you employed in your life? Ive employed many. You're the bigot for holding the "soft bigotry of low expectations".


And you must have hated every minute they worked for you, given their entitlement attitudes and penchant for violence.



If you're going to be a racist ****, you could at least not be so cowardly about it as to defend yourself with a variation on the trite and pathetic "But I have black friends."


i hate racism. and if that makes me a liberal, then i'm guilty as sin. because dave in elma's a bigot. and that's the truth.





no. i just hate the suburbs. i think they're inhumane.





John, you just stepped in it with that statement. Hating racism makes you a liberal? So I guess if I'm a conservative I don't hate racism? So I guess you consider a good share of this board racists? I am offended by your liberal sense of moral superiority.


John, you just stepped in it with that statement. Hating racism makes you a liberal? So I guess if I'm a conservative I don't hate racism? So I guess you consider a good share of this board racists? I am offended by your liberal sense of moral superiority.


According to the libs, all conservatives are, by definition, racist. That's why all the TEA Party rallies were centered around burning crosses and peeing on black people.




no. i just hate the suburbs. i think they're inhumane.




Talk about a superficially inane viewpoint. How thin is the air in the superiority stratosphere?


According to the libs, all conservatives are, by definition, racist. That's why all the TEA Party rallies were centered around burning crosses and peeing on black people.


Remember the Tea Party member that was carrying a rifle at a rally in Phoenix that NBC said was one of the angry, white men that comprised the racist Tea Party? What they didn't show was the black guy's face. It seems like when it comes to liberals their desired end results always justify the means, which comes from their natural moral superiority.


i hate racism. and if that makes me a liberal, then i'm guilty as sin. because dave in elma's a bigot. and that's the truth.





no. i just hate the suburbs. i think they're inhumane.




What a weak response to a terrific post. You never seem to address anything, but rather fall back on class warfare and "I hate racism."


i hate racism. and if that makes me a liberal, then i'm guilty as sin. because dave in elma's a bigot. and that's the truth.





no. i just hate the suburbs. i think they're inhumane.





Can't just walk to the liquor store?


And you must have hated every minute they worked for you, given their entitlement attitudes and penchant for violence.



If you're going to be a racist ****, you could at least not be so cowardly about it as to defend yourself with a variation on the trite and pathetic "But I have black friends."

Do you get paid for this ceaseless vigilance?


60,000 have left the county since 2000.



And by the way-Is anyone else buying that Juror 8 is not just DC Tom.


Any support for that?


If that is true (and absent some other statistical explanation) then I'll acknowledge being wrong.


I've haven't seen that shift in PG. I used to be there a lot. It is an ecclectic county with a solid racial balance. If anything, I see segregation in terms of the the "ghetto" PG and everwhere else. The "everywhere else" seems to be where the white folks are...though they have their presence in the "Hyattsville-type" areas of the county too.


And I'll reiterate again, PG is a VERY wealthy county. Anecdotally (and without anything to support this), PG has the wealthiest concentration of blacks in the country. My aunt lives right off of Lottsford Rd in Mitchellville. It's like Beverly Hills Black over there. They're about as uppity "**** don't stink" as you can imagine. It's not Potomac, Chevy Chase or Great Falls but there is a lot of money there.


She is a COO. All of her black corporate friends live in the same community. Real homogeneous.


Just don't want to give the impression that PG is a dump because it is FAR from that.


Newbie, the quoted #55 post referred to your edit of #52. That was explained to you twice. You will notice that when quoting, the original quote disappears, and that's what happened to your edit job.


Stay on topic, you're still on probation.


People are free to read through and formulate their own opinion.


I am on topic; where are you?


Happy Monday.


John, you just stepped in it with that statement. Hating racism makes you a liberal? So I guess if I'm a conservative I don't hate racism? So I guess you consider a good share of this board racists? I am offended by your liberal sense of moral superiority.


You just made his head explode. According to the huffington post all liberals are compassionate and anti racist and all conservatives are evil hateful racists and thus allowing them to their fall back argument of being morally superior

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