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Stephen King's 11/22/63...how bout 01/27/91?

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I just finished Stephen King's new book, "11/22/63," a really good read about a guy who is able to go back in time, and his efforts to prevent the assassination of JFK.


Last week while watching the Bills lose to the Titans, I asked the people in my group if they thought somebody should write a book called "01/27/91"....A guy goes back in time and somehow gets Norwood to make that kick.


I think Buffalo would be that shining city on the hill that whatsisname....Ross Perot....kept referencing. Alabaster streets paved with shiny children and happy people. I think we would've elected Norwood to Congress, and certainly by now he'd be running either Wegman's or the USA. Bennett wouldn't have left for Atlanta. They would change the name of Lockport to Kellyville.


That's what I think for starters. A better planet for all of us.

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Very interesting, my friends and I are convinced that Norwood actually made that kick but it so altered the universe in horrific and unimaginable ways that time-travelers had to go back and alter that kick to the right.

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Was the book any good? The last two new King novels I bought, Cell and Under the Dome, both sucked. His collection of short stories, Just After Sunset, was spectacular though.


I actually really liked Cell. You're dead on about Under the Dome though.

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I actually really liked Cell. You're dead on about Under the Dome though.


I thought Cell started off really well but couldn't carry the weight of its own narrative and petered out. Of course, we're talking Stephen King here so what else is new? As far as the general scope of zombie fiction goes, it was rather middling in my opinion. Season 1 of The Walking Dead was a similar piece of fiction that maintained itself much better. Of course, tv vs. literature is apples to oranges.


Under the Dome was just...ugh. Complete waste of time. The damn thing should've been a 60 page novella.

Edited by SageAgainstTheMachine
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I just finished Stephen King's new book, "11/22/63," a really good read about a guy who is able to go back in time, and his efforts to prevent the assassination of JFK.


Last week while watching the Bills lose to the Titans, I asked the people in my group if they thought somebody should write a book called "01/27/91"....A guy goes back in time and somehow gets Norwood to make that kick.


I think Buffalo would be that shining city on the hill that whatsisname....Ross Perot....kept referencing. Alabaster streets paved with shiny children and happy people. I think we would've elected Norwood to Congress, and certainly by now he'd be running either Wegman's or the USA. Bennett wouldn't have left for Atlanta. They would change the name of Lockport to Kellyville.


That's what I think for starters. A better planet for all of us.


Using little children and happy people as street pavement is very Stephen King-like indeed.



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Was the book any good? The last two new King novels I bought, Cell and Under the Dome, both sucked. His collection of short stories, Just After Sunset, was spectacular though.


Yeah, man. It was really good. There was a point in 1962 when one of the characters called somebody an "ass-hat," and that sort of broke the spell for me, like the penny in "Somewhere in Time."

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