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Since the WH marketing people(let's call them what they are) have seen fit to claim yet another famous Republican President, Teddy Roosevelt, as one of ole' Barry's role models, and guiding lights :lol:, and, since these same marketing people don't know history well enough to realize how unintentionally exploitable their ploy is, and, since I am a wiseass who especially dislikes phonies...


It's time for PPP arts and crafts! We can't all be quoting physics, engineering, economics and whatever we learned for our Series 7 tests every thread and call ourselves a well-rounded board.


Now, everyone go get your smocks out of your desks while I lay out the materials. Ok? Good. Now first we have this website:



We are going to take any of these quotes, and Obamafy them. That means we are going to replace some of the words, or alter the sentence structure a touch, to more accurately reflect what the quote would sound like if it actually came from Obama, and not TR. It still has to sound close to the original quote...or you FAIL. This is not an exercise in free association: DaveinElma/DaveinNorfolk. You may use whatever materials are available to make the new quote, including whatever you have in your desk, at home, or on the internets.


I'll do the first one, and then you can try. I won't do the best/most ironic ones, I'll just start with a simple one:

Probably the greatest harm done by vast wealth is the harm that we of moderate means do ourselves when we let the vices of envy and hatred enter deep into our own natures.

Now, ObamafyTM:

Probably the greatest harm done to we of moderate means is the harm done by those of vast wealth so letting envy and hatred enter deep into our own natures is natural.


"See, what Anondra did"? :P (We need the gay guy from the Orbitz commercials-->who rocks btw, I was hopelessly addicted to Project Runway for a while. We need somebody besides me to do what he did in that show in this thread.)

Posted (edited)

Wasn't Ol' Bull Moose an avid proponent of the White Man's Burden? Don't get me wrong, he was a total bad ass, but I doubt that he and Barrack would get along too well.

Edited by Buff_bills4ever

"Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure... than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat."



"Shameful it is for those who dare to work for themselves, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure...... as these acts corrupt poor spirits who simply cannot enjoy nor suffer; because they live in the gray twilight of federal entitlement and the suppression of the 1%."


nice half quote


Probably the greatest harm done by vast wealth is the harm that we of moderate means do ourselves when we let the vices of envy and hatred enter deep into our own natures.

But there is another harm; and it is evident that we should try to do away with that. The great corporations which we have grown to speak of rather loosely as trusts are the creatures of the State, and the State not only has the right to control them, but it is duty bound to control them wherever the need of such control is shown.


nice half quote

I honestly just did what I read on the site.


However, do you really want me to ObamafyTMthe rest of that? Somehow I don't think you'll like the result.



Posted (edited)

"No man is worth his salt in public life who makes on the stump a pledge which he does not keep after election; and, if he makes such a pledge and does not keep it, hunt him out of public life" - Theodore Roosevelt....1910



"I can make a firm pledge. Under my plan, no family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of tax increase. Not your income tax, not your payroll tax, not your capital gains taxes, not any of your taxes - Barack Obama...............2008




That was a REAL comparison, now for the Obamify section;




"A vote is like a rifle; its usefulness depends upon the character of the user" - Theodore Roosevelt


"No one should be allowed to register for a gun, anyone should be allowed to vote" - Obamafy TM






Edited by B-Man

Big jobs usually go to the men who prove their ability to outgrow small ones. -TR



Big jobs usually go to the men who have prospered from the efforts of working people who hold small jobs. -ObamafyTM

Posted (edited)

"The man who loves other countries as much as his own stands on a level with the man who loves other women as much as he loves his own wife". _Theodore Roosevelt



I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism.

Now, the fact that I am very proud of my country and I think that we've got a whole lot to offer the world does not lessen my interest in recognizing the value and wonderful qualities of other countries, or recognizing that we're not always going to be right, or that other people may have good ideas, or that in order for us to work collectively, all parties have to compromise and that includes us. - President Barack Obama.........March 2011





REAL quotes;


now the Obamafy


"I wish to preach, not the doctrine of ignoble ease, but the doctrine of the strenuous life". - Theodore Roosevelt


" Don't worry, the government will take care of you" - Obamafied



Edited by B-Man
Posted (edited)

"Speak softly and carry a reset button."


Crap, you beat me to it.


Though I was going to go more with, "Speak softly and build a consensus of Democrats in Congress to decide whether or not a commission should be formed to study the feasibility of carrying a non-descript stick."


"Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people." - Teddy Roosevelt.


"Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an even larger government ready and willing to dictate every facet of the people's life under color of law, because we know better than you." - Obambam.


"Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike." - Theodore Roosevelt


"Character, in the long run, is not as important as telling the masses what they want to hear in order to win the next election." - Barry O'bama.

Edited by Koko78

As much as it pains me to do this, but...


"Speak Softly and carry a big stick!" -TR


"Speak of lofty ideals and carry on with rendition, insert special forces, and launch more drone attacks!" -BO

How many presidential incarnations has this guy been through in four years?

When he first started campaigning, he was pushing Lincoln comparisons and citing Reagan as the model of a paradigm-shifting leader. Then Ted and Caroline Kennedy endorsed him and suddenly he was the new JFK. Then he was sworn in as the new FDR whose can-do ideas about government intervention and stimulus would dig us out of the recessionary hole. A year later he got ObamaCare passed, making him the heir to LBJ’s Great Society legacy. As the economy floundered, his team pointed to Reagan’s 1983 turnaround as their electoral model; Recovery Summer came and went and the economy kept floundering, so they turned to Truman for inspiration on how to scapegoat a “do-nothing Congress.” As of today he’s a Teddy Roosevelt progressive, ready to slay the dragons of plutocracy with the sword of government. And on top of all of this, of course, the Carter comparisons are evergreen. I’m honestly curious to see how he draws the inevitable Gerald Ford analogy before his term’s up.





From a twitter by IowaHawk tonight,


Teddy Roosevelt charged San Juan Hill....................

Barack Obama charged 4 trillion to my grandkids...



How many presidential incarnations has this guy been through in four years?

When he first started campaigning, he was pushing Lincoln comparisons and citing Reagan as the model of a paradigm-shifting leader. Then Ted and Caroline Kennedy endorsed him and suddenly he was the new JFK. Then he was sworn in as the new FDR whose can-do ideas about government intervention and stimulus would dig us out of the recessionary hole. A year later he got ObamaCare passed, making him the heir to LBJ’s Great Society legacy. As the economy floundered, his team pointed to Reagan’s 1983 turnaround as their electoral model; Recovery Summer came and went and the economy kept floundering, so they turned to Truman for inspiration on how to scapegoat a “do-nothing Congress.” As of today he’s a Teddy Roosevelt progressive, ready to slay the dragons of plutocracy with the sword of government. And on top of all of this, of course, the Carter comparisons are evergreen. I’m honestly curious to see how he draws the inevitable Gerald Ford analogy before his term’s up.


I think up next is the channeling of Warren Harding's Return to Normalcy


I personally like the call for a new Nationalism, to go along with the old Socialism.


Nationalism + Socialism. What could go wrong?


I personally like the call for a new Nationalism, to go along with the old Socialism.


Nationalism + Socialism. What could go wrong?


Don't forget demagoging a minority of the population as the root cause of the woes of the 99%.


Don't forget demagoging a minority of the population as the root cause of the woes of the 99%.


What's next, breaking the bank windows and putting yellow $ on every banker's suit?

Posted (edited)

This **** is laugh-out-loud funny.


You folks would HATE Teddy Roosevelt. Seriously, like "Cleveland Steamer" hate.... William F. Buckley he was not.


In fact, he'd likely be some weird hybrid Democrat these days...in the Joe Lieberman mold.


Does anyone know why he was called the "TRUST BUSTER"? This is the guy who loathed large corporations! Read his first address to Congress.


How about the federal bureaucracies that he established for regulatory control over matters of health and safety?


He put Oliver Wendell Holmes on the Supreme Court folks!?!?!?! Holmes is one of the Justices that lended a voice and a certain legal bona fides to (and is still widely referenced amongst) the Progressive Movement (though Holmes probably wouldn't be happy with the identification).


People are so caught up in D vs. R. That **** doesn't matter. And it mattered significantly less a century ago.


Teddy Roosevelt, just based on his ideological platform, would be a Jon Huntsman/Jim Webb/Joe Lieberman today.


Obama was not "claiming another Republican role model." He and Roosevelt have more ideological similarities then does Roosevelt and any Conservative in the Republican field right now outside of maybe Jon Huntsman. He is only articulating an ideological sound comparison.


/End Rant


Sorry I took this little exercise off-topic.

Edited by Juror#8

Obama was not "claiming another Republican role model." He and Roosevelt have more ideological similarities then does Roosevelt and any Conservative in the Republican field right now outside of maybe Jon Huntsman. He is only articulating an ideological sound comparison.


Hey, remember when Roosevelt deferred to Europe in stopping the Russo-Japanese War, and called it "leadership"?


Yeah, neither do I. Comparing Obama to Roosevelt is ridiculous...Roosevelt was a leader. Obama's a fairy-godmother-wannabe.


Teddy Roosevelt charged San Juan Hill....................


But forgot the horses, in point of fact.


Hey, remember when Roosevelt deferred to Europe in stopping the Russo-Japanese War, and called it "leadership"?


Yeah, neither do I. Comparing Obama to Roosevelt is ridiculous...Roosevelt was a leader. Obama's a fairy-godmother-wannabe.




But forgot the horses, in point of fact.


I didn't say that the two were one in the same. There are always gonna be differences - especially when ideology meets real world application.


However, it's not really refutable that Roosevelt: was socially progressive, HATED big corporations, appointed justices to the Supreme Court and to the Appelate Circuit who were similarly ideologically situated, and was somewhat of a stalwart for the working class.


Name me a conservative in the field today with that on their resume.


Now, name me a democrat.

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