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Fitz Has Possibly Had A Broken Rib Since Toronto?

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Anyone seen the Sully article? Linky


Evidently he called Fitzy at home to chat up the rib thing:

Fitzpatrick wasn't pleased to hear the news had come out. When I reached him by phone at his home in Arizona on the morning of the Super Bowl, Fitz was reluctant to elaborate on the matter.

He didn't deny it, but he seemed annoyed to be put on the spot more than three months after the fact.


David Nelson, you bean-spiller you, watch your back!


Sources say he had four cracked ribs and an injured sternum.


Did Fitz lie about his injury, or when asked "do you have or have you had at any point in the season, a broken rib?" did he speak the exact truth? (No, sir, I did not have a broken rib, I have four.)

It's prevarication at best.


I hope Fitz heals and gets his throwing motion back in order.

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He'll be here as long as he derives enough stimulation to his ego as a self-proclaimed truth teller. Some people really get their jollies that way around here.


Yes. You got me. I've been an active member on this board for 8+ years and a lurker for another 3. (Yikes, that's a long time). And in all that time, all I've done is rail about how bad the Bills are. I'm a negative nancy, never providing anything more than trolling.


Like against New England? Against Oakland? Against Philly? Remind me what happened in these pressure-packed games.

Yup. Everyone knows September is the most pressure packed time of year in the NFL. Who cares what happened in October through January, it's SEPTEMBER where champions are born.


As for what was written, no sh-- Fitz, who we now know was trying to throw a football and absorb hits playing with cracked ribs for 9 weeks, played a role in the losing streak.


Okay, for the sake of argument, let's say that Fitz was hurt as badly as some are saying on here. Let's say it was four cracked ribs with a detached sternum or whatever is being reported. And, for the sake of argument, let's say that Fitz's injury is the only reason why his numbers plummeted back to his career average after a white-hot start to the year.


If all of that is a given, let me ask you this ... why was he on the field? You mean to tell me that the team knew he was so banged up he couldn't throw the ball more than 12 yards, so hurt his interception numbers skyrocketed costing them at least 3 games during the losing streak, why did the coaching staff keep putting him out on the field? Wouldn't it have been more prudent to rest him -- if not for Fitz's own sake, than for the team's well being?


So that leaves us with either two options:


1. The coaching staff has so little faith in Thigpen that they felt a lame Fitz, unable to throw the ball without pain, gave the team its best shot to win.




2. Fitz wasn't hurt as bad as some on here are saying.


Either answer leaves me feeling very uneasy about the capability of this front office.


So did losing Kyle Williams, Fred Jackson, Eric Wood, and others on this "talentless" roster that somehow beat the Patriots and went 5-2 to start the season.


There is not one person who says that the injuries the Bills suffered didn't play a role in why the team once again finished in the basement of the AFC East (for those of you keeping score, that's the fourth year in a row that the Bills have finished dead last in their own division). Certainly I am not saying that.


I was as surprised as anyone during the 5-2 streak to start the year. They looked great. They played well. But everyone, even the most blinded homer knew that continued success was dependent upon the starters remaining healthy because there was absolutely ZERO depth. That's not Fitz's fault -- he doesn't build the roster. But it's certainly Nix, Little-man's, Overdork and Ralph's fault. They have failed to address the severe lack of talent on this roster, there's no depth, and outside of Fred, Dareus, Williams, Levitre, Barnett, Wood, Johnson and maaaaaaaaaaybe Spiller -- not a single Bills starter would start on another NFL roster. That's a problem.


Teams overcome injuries every year. Last year the Packers did it and won a super bowl. This year the Patriots made it to the super bowl with 14 street free agents on their roster. Yet the Bills can't even get out of the basement of their own division.


So you can break the 2011 season in two if you want and only look at how this team functioned when it was healthy and say "that's the real Bills", but you're kidding yourself if you do that. To do that would be to ignore the other variables that might have played a role in the Bills fast start like: The lockout having a negative effect on defenses and offenses throughout the league (give the Bills credit for adapting faster at the start), the Bills offense catching teams by surprise early on (and then failing to adapt later on in the year), and the defense producing an insane amount of turnovers that simply did not come later in the year.


But if it makes you feel better to fall back on injuries as an excuse rather than really look at the root of the problems with this team (that all stem from and end with Ralph), that's cool. I don't begrudge you for ignoring it. It's your right as a fan since we can do nothing to change the fact that Ralph is the big chief until he leaves this world. But if you want to come on here and celebrate keeping things the same because they've worked so well for us over the past 12 years, then you should expect me to throw cold water on it. Still, it's done out of love, not hate.


Regardless, I'll reiterate. No one is saying Fitz is a Super Bowl QB. There is plenty of room for debate as to whether he could lead a team to the playoffs if that team remained healthy during the season.


That's not true. Plenty of people on this board are saying Fitz is not only a playoff QB but an elite, franchise QB with Super Bowl potential. You might not be saying it ... but plenty of folks on here are.


Truly smart people don't have to act like everyone who disagrees with them is an idiot with the wool pulled over their eyes.


I have never, not even once in my life, been accused of being smart. But I'm also not trying to call anyone (not even you) an idiot. I understand people have their own opinions -- and if anything, I'm the idiot because despite the fact I believe that Ralph has no chance to field a winning team with his philosophy and lack of a modern NFL plan, I still have season tickets despite the fact that I live in Los Angeles. It's actually hilarious.


I still root and cheer for the team. I don't say much during the regular season because "any given Sunday" and all that. I never miss a game, I am like an abused spouse. But during the off season, the blinders come off. They have to. For me anyway. And isn't that the point of this board? To discuss differing opinions about the team we all love?


So you can question my fandom all you want. That's fair game. I don't really care either way about that since it's a meaningless term. And you can certainly question my intelligence (I do every day). But let's not pretend I'm trying to disparage anyone personally (other than OBD).


I think this team has made obvious missteps, but what happened in weeks 1-8 says as much to me about the team as its big slide did. I think it can compete with relative health and more pieces added to the roster. Time will tell. Regardless, I don't get my rocks off on talking about how my team is a bunch of losers, so I'll refrain from it. Others are free to pursue their own path to pleasure.


Again, you can ignore the second half of the year or write it off to injury and cling to the hope that the real Bills were the 5-2 version we saw in 2011. That's fine. Living your life in a bubble is always less stressful and easier. I get that. It's only football after all.

Edited by tgreg99
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Yes. You got me. I've been an active member on this board for 8+ years and a lurker for another 3. (Yikes, that's a long time). And in all that time, all I've done is rail about how bad the Bills are. I'm a negative nancy, never providing anything more than trolling.



Yup. Everyone knows September is the most pressure packed time of year in the NFL. Who cares what happened in October through January, it's SEPTEMBER where champions are born.




Okay, for the sake of argument, let's say that Fitz was hurt as badly as some are saying on here. Let's say it was four cracked ribs with a detached sternum or whatever is being reported. And, for the sake of argument, let's say that Fitz's injury is the only reason why his numbers plummeted back to his career average after a white-hot start to the year.


If all of that is a given, let me ask you this ... why was he on the field? You mean to tell me that the team knew he was so banged up he couldn't throw the ball more than 12 yards, so hurt his interception numbers skyrocketed costing them at least 3 games during the losing streak, why did the coaching staff keep putting him out on the field? Wouldn't it have been more prudent to rest him -- if not for Fitz's own sake, than for the team's well being?


So that leaves us with either two options:


1. The coaching staff has so little faith in Thigpen that they felt a lame Fitz, unable to throw the ball without pain, gave the team its best shot to win.




2. Fitz wasn't hurt as bad as some on here are saying.


Either answer leaves me feeling very uneasy about the capability of this front office.




There is not one person who says that the injuries the Bills suffered didn't play a role in why the team once again finished in the basement of the AFC East (for those of you keeping score, that's the fourth year in a row that the Bills have finished dead last in their own division). Certainly I am not saying that.


I was as surprised as anyone during the 5-2 streak to start the year. They looked great. They played well. But everyone, even the most blinded homer knew that continued success was dependent upon the starters remaining healthy because there was absolutely ZERO depth. That's not Fitz's fault -- he doesn't build the roster. But it's certainly Nix, Little-man's, Overdork and Ralph's fault. They have failed to address the severe lack of talent on this roster, there's no depth, and outside of Fred, Dareus, Williams, Levitre, Barnett, Wood, Johnson and maaaaaaaaaaybe Spiller -- not a single Bills starter would start on another NFL roster. That's a problem.


Teams overcome injuries every year. Last year the Packers did it and won a super bowl. This year the Patriots made it to the super bowl with 14 street free agents on their roster. Yet the Bills can't even get out of the basement of their own division.


So you can break the 2011 season in two if you want and only look at how this team functioned when it was healthy and say "that's the real Bills", but you're kidding yourself if you do that. To do that would be to ignore the other variables that might have played a role in the Bills fast start like: The lockout having a negative effect on defenses and offenses throughout the league (give the Bills credit for adapting faster at the start), the Bills offense catching teams by surprise early on (and then failing to adapt later on in the year), and the defense producing an insane amount of turnovers that simply did not come later in the year.


But if it makes you feel better to fall back on injuries as an excuse rather than really look at the root of the problems with this team (that all stem from and end with Ralph), that's cool. I don't begrudge you for ignoring it. It's your right as a fan since we can do nothing to change the fact that Ralph is the big chief until he leaves this world. But if you want to come on here and celebrate keeping things the same because they've worked so well for us over the past 12 years, then you should expect me to throw cold water on it. Still, it's done out of love, not hate.




That's not true. Plenty of people on this board are saying Fitz is not only a playoff QB but an elite, franchise QB with Super Bowl potential. You might not be saying it ... but plenty of folks on here are.




I have never, not even once in my life, been accused of being smart. But I'm also not trying to call anyone (not even you) an idiot. I understand people have their own opinions -- and if anything, I'm the idiot because despite the fact I believe that Ralph has no chance to field a winning team with his philosophy and lack of a modern NFL plan, I still have season tickets despite the fact that I live in Los Angeles. It's actually hilarious.


I still root and cheer for the team. I don't say much during the regular season because "any given Sunday" and all that. I never miss a game, I am like an abused spouse. But during the off season, the blinders come off. They have to. For me anyway. And isn't that the point of this board? To discuss differing opinions about the team we all love?


So you can question my fandom all you want. That's fair game. I don't really care either way about that since it's a meaningless term. And you can certainly question my intelligence (I do every day). But let's not pretend I'm trying to disparage anyone personally (other than OBD).




Again, you can ignore the second half of the year or write it off to injury and cling to the hope that the real Bills were the 5-2 version we saw in 2011. That's fine. Living your life in a bubble is always less stressful and easier. I get that. It's only football after all.


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Yes. You got me. I've been an active member on this board for 8+ years and a lurker for another 3. (Yikes, that's a long time). And in all that time, all I've done is rail about how bad the Bills are. I'm a negative nancy, never providing anything more than trolling.



Yup. Everyone knows September is the most pressure packed time of year in the NFL. Who cares what happened in October through January, it's SEPTEMBER where champions are born.




Okay, for the sake of argument, let's say that Fitz was hurt as badly as some are saying on here. Let's say it was four cracked ribs with a detached sternum or whatever is being reported. And, for the sake of argument, let's say that Fitz's injury is the only reason why his numbers plummeted back to his career average after a white-hot start to the year.


If all of that is a given, let me ask you this ... why was he on the field? You mean to tell me that the team knew he was so banged up he couldn't throw the ball more than 12 yards, so hurt his interception numbers skyrocketed costing them at least 3 games during the losing streak, why did the coaching staff keep putting him out on the field? Wouldn't it have been more prudent to rest him -- if not for Fitz's own sake, than for the team's well being?


So that leaves us with either two options:


1. The coaching staff has so little faith in Thigpen that they felt a lame Fitz, unable to throw the ball without pain, gave the team its best shot to win.




2. Fitz wasn't hurt as bad as some on here are saying.


Either answer leaves me feeling very uneasy about the capability of this front office.




There is not one person who says that the injuries the Bills suffered didn't play a role in why the team once again finished in the basement of the AFC East (for those of you keeping score, that's the fourth year in a row that the Bills have finished dead last in their own division). Certainly I am not saying that.


I was as surprised as anyone during the 5-2 streak to start the year. They looked great. They played well. But everyone, even the most blinded homer knew that continued success was dependent upon the starters remaining healthy because there was absolutely ZERO depth. That's not Fitz's fault -- he doesn't build the roster. But it's certainly Nix, Little-man's, Overdork and Ralph's fault. They have failed to address the severe lack of talent on this roster, there's no depth, and outside of Fred, Dareus, Williams, Levitre, Barnett, Wood, Johnson and maaaaaaaaaaybe Spiller -- not a single Bills starter would start on another NFL roster. That's a problem.


Teams overcome injuries every year. Last year the Packers did it and won a super bowl. This year the Patriots made it to the super bowl with 14 street free agents on their roster. Yet the Bills can't even get out of the basement of their own division.


So you can break the 2011 season in two if you want and only look at how this team functioned when it was healthy and say "that's the real Bills", but you're kidding yourself if you do that. To do that would be to ignore the other variables that might have played a role in the Bills fast start like: The lockout having a negative effect on defenses and offenses throughout the league (give the Bills credit for adapting faster at the start), the Bills offense catching teams by surprise early on (and then failing to adapt later on in the year), and the defense producing an insane amount of turnovers that simply did not come later in the year.


But if it makes you feel better to fall back on injuries as an excuse rather than really look at the root of the problems with this team (that all stem from and end with Ralph), that's cool. I don't begrudge you for ignoring it. It's your right as a fan since we can do nothing to change the fact that Ralph is the big chief until he leaves this world. But if you want to come on here and celebrate keeping things the same because they've worked so well for us over the past 12 years, then you should expect me to throw cold water on it. Still, it's done out of love, not hate.




That's not true. Plenty of people on this board are saying Fitz is not only a playoff QB but an elite, franchise QB with Super Bowl potential. You might not be saying it ... but plenty of folks on here are.




I have never, not even once in my life, been accused of being smart. But I'm also not trying to call anyone (not even you) an idiot. I understand people have their own opinions -- and if anything, I'm the idiot because despite the fact I believe that Ralph has no chance to field a winning team with his philosophy and lack of a modern NFL plan, I still have season tickets despite the fact that I live in Los Angeles. It's actually hilarious.


I still root and cheer for the team. I don't say much during the regular season because "any given Sunday" and all that. I never miss a game, I am like an abused spouse. But during the off season, the blinders come off. They have to. For me anyway. And isn't that the point of this board? To discuss differing opinions about the team we all love?


So you can question my fandom all you want. That's fair game. I don't really care either way about that since it's a meaningless term. And you can certainly question my intelligence (I do every day). But let's not pretend I'm trying to disparage anyone personally (other than OBD).




Again, you can ignore the second half of the year or write it off to injury and cling to the hope that the real Bills were the 5-2 version we saw in 2011. That's fine. Living your life in a bubble is always less stressful and easier. I get that. It's only football after all.

I was compared to you I believe on this very thread early on. I was told that you and I should talk **** somewhere else. Nobody wants too hear it, blah, blah, blah.I was also scolded that WE should like the players we have and watch them "win" I spent a day considering my perceived attitude here and found out I actually had A lot of nerve too speak out what I had perceived was a less than stellar quarterback, or worse a team that wasn't being built to win a super bowl, much less dominate the AFCE.


Luckily, I have found the light. After carefully reviewing the injury to Fitz, including but possibly not limited to 4 bruised or broken ribs and a ****** up Sternum, all skillfully reported by this forums resident orthopedic sports Doctors.


I have changed my views. First It has become obvious now that we would have been 17-2 and hosting a parade in Buffalo today had that weasel Fletcher not hit out Quarterback so hard in TO.


Next up the 2012 season. Now IF the rib and Sternum problem clears up, and heals I see no reason we don't go 17-2 next year. I do think the 2 losses will come from having just a Mid-tier long snapper. Yea, Ralph is cheap on long snappers. I also believe Ruvell Martin is due for a break out season I hope we resign him. Plus I'm now on board with cutting Fred Jackson. He is 30 and was not even a first round pick. The guy needs to go ASAP. The numbers he was putting up were all a mirage. Some morons here even believe he was a pro bowl caliber back. Can you believe that? Like others I now believe some good old ex Georgia tech players can pick up the slap just fine. Goodbye Jackson and take that attitude with you out the door. We don't need no stinkin pro bowlers on this team.


Also, after reviewing all the evidence here, I now Believe that that Spygate may be the biggest cover up in the history of mankind. I am shocked now that the truth is coming out. The rumor that Tom Bundchen shaved his legs in the shower after the super bowl are spot on. Plus the Gronk actually was spotted with a smile on his drunk face after the game. No wonder their losers. I wish we spent more time on issues like this than argue about Fitz. Who I will remind you is the best quarterback we have had since Jim Kelly. What part of that don't you get dude?


Please get on board and be happy we have 53 players on game day. Watch them "win". Buy some jerseys and enjoy the ride. The biggest thing we need to get worked out by opening day is where the parade will be next February in Buffalo. Should it go down Main St. or an alternative route like Elmwood Ave?

Edited by Best Player Available
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Yes. You got me. I've been an active member on this board for 8+ years and a lurker for another 3. (Yikes, that's a long time). And in all that time, all I've done is rail about how bad the Bills are. I'm a negative nancy, never providing anything more than trolling.



Yup. Everyone knows September is the most pressure packed time of year in the NFL. Who cares what happened in October through January, it's SEPTEMBER where champions are born.




Okay, for the sake of argument, let's say that Fitz was hurt as badly as some are saying on here. Let's say it was four cracked ribs with a detached sternum or whatever is being reported. And, for the sake of argument, let's say that Fitz's injury is the only reason why his numbers plummeted back to his career average after a white-hot start to the year.


If all of that is a given, let me ask you this ... why was he on the field? You mean to tell me that the team knew he was so banged up he couldn't throw the ball more than 12 yards, so hurt his interception numbers skyrocketed costing them at least 3 games during the losing streak, why did the coaching staff keep putting him out on the field? Wouldn't it have been more prudent to rest him -- if not for Fitz's own sake, than for the team's well being?


So that leaves us with either two options:


1. The coaching staff has so little faith in Thigpen that they felt a lame Fitz, unable to throw the ball without pain, gave the team its best shot to win.




2. Fitz wasn't hurt as bad as some on here are saying.


Either answer leaves me feeling very uneasy about the capability of this front office.




There is not one person who says that the injuries the Bills suffered didn't play a role in why the team once again finished in the basement of the AFC East (for those of you keeping score, that's the fourth year in a row that the Bills have finished dead last in their own division). Certainly I am not saying that.


I was as surprised as anyone during the 5-2 streak to start the year. They looked great. They played well. But everyone, even the most blinded homer knew that continued success was dependent upon the starters remaining healthy because there was absolutely ZERO depth. That's not Fitz's fault -- he doesn't build the roster. But it's certainly Nix, Little-man's, Overdork and Ralph's fault. They have failed to address the severe lack of talent on this roster, there's no depth, and outside of Fred, Dareus, Williams, Levitre, Barnett, Wood, Johnson and maaaaaaaaaaybe Spiller -- not a single Bills starter would start on another NFL roster. That's a problem.


Teams overcome injuries every year. Last year the Packers did it and won a super bowl. This year the Patriots made it to the super bowl with 14 street free agents on their roster. Yet the Bills can't even get out of the basement of their own division.


So you can break the 2011 season in two if you want and only look at how this team functioned when it was healthy and say "that's the real Bills", but you're kidding yourself if you do that. To do that would be to ignore the other variables that might have played a role in the Bills fast start like: The lockout having a negative effect on defenses and offenses throughout the league (give the Bills credit for adapting faster at the start), the Bills offense catching teams by surprise early on (and then failing to adapt later on in the year), and the defense producing an insane amount of turnovers that simply did not come later in the year.


But if it makes you feel better to fall back on injuries as an excuse rather than really look at the root of the problems with this team (that all stem from and end with Ralph), that's cool. I don't begrudge you for ignoring it. It's your right as a fan since we can do nothing to change the fact that Ralph is the big chief until he leaves this world. But if you want to come on here and celebrate keeping things the same because they've worked so well for us over the past 12 years, then you should expect me to throw cold water on it. Still, it's done out of love, not hate.




That's not true. Plenty of people on this board are saying Fitz is not only a playoff QB but an elite, franchise QB with Super Bowl potential. You might not be saying it ... but plenty of folks on here are.




I have never, not even once in my life, been accused of being smart. But I'm also not trying to call anyone (not even you) an idiot. I understand people have their own opinions -- and if anything, I'm the idiot because despite the fact I believe that Ralph has no chance to field a winning team with his philosophy and lack of a modern NFL plan, I still have season tickets despite the fact that I live in Los Angeles. It's actually hilarious.


I still root and cheer for the team. I don't say much during the regular season because "any given Sunday" and all that. I never miss a game, I am like an abused spouse. But during the off season, the blinders come off. They have to. For me anyway. And isn't that the point of this board? To discuss differing opinions about the team we all love?


So you can question my fandom all you want. That's fair game. I don't really care either way about that since it's a meaningless term. And you can certainly question my intelligence (I do every day). But let's not pretend I'm trying to disparage anyone personally (other than OBD).




Again, you can ignore the second half of the year or write it off to injury and cling to the hope that the real Bills were the 5-2 version we saw in 2011. That's fine. Living your life in a bubble is always less stressful and easier. I get that. It's only football after all.


Fan - effing - tastic.

Edited by Marauder24
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I was compared to you I believe on this very thread early on. I was told that you and I should talk **** somewhere else. Nobody wants too hear it, blah, blah, blah.

Shoulda just stopped right there and you'd have a winner. Also, I love how the most savvy fans in the room go through straw men like nobody's business (we should cut Fred Jackson, we're "worshipping average," fitz is a super bowl QB, we're 17-2 without the rib injury, how about all these amateur orthopedic surgeons, etc). Nobody worth their salt is arguing these things, yet they are assembled as the primary evidence in the case that things suck and will never get better. There is a lot of middle ground between cheerleader and Andy rooney, and a lot of people here could do to seek it out.


Somebody comes along and says something as benign as, you know what, maybe the injuries had something to do with the failures, and you guys hear "the bills would have won the division without the injuries." If you don't want rational discussion, why not just say so?


There are likeable players on this very flawed team that needs depth and needs to stay healthy, I intend to root for them and that doesn't make me any less of a realist than anyone else here. When they suck, I'm disappointed. Surely no one is planning a parade. But if we're here, we may as well be realistic and discuss what actually might happen instead of holding on for dear and bitter hopes that Ralph wilson dies, everyone gets fired, and... Then what, exactly?


Enjoy your urinated-upon toasted O's, y'all.

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Fitz' doctor does not provide patient/client confidentiality? Sounds like a major breach of etiquette.

Ethics are violated all the time. The assumption that a person could not possibly do something unethical or illegal based on the job or oath taken is actually dangerous. 2 police departments by me are facilitating painkiller trafficking. Go figure. As far as doctor patient confidentiality goes I have never hung out with a doctor yet that did not have the craziest stories about none other than their own patients. There is a fool proof way to know if your doctor follows these rules. Just ask him or her if they will be discussing any of your information with others who are not colleagues. If they say no, then case closed. It's like all those thousands of honest people that get speeding tickets and plead guilty.

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Ethics are violated all the time. The assumption that a person could not possibly do something unethical or illegal based on the job or oath taken is actually dangerous. 2 police departments by me are facilitating painkiller trafficking. Go figure. As far as doctor patient confidentiality goes I have never hung out with a doctor yet that did not have the craziest stories about none other than their own patients. There is a fool proof way to know if your doctor follows these rules. Just ask him or her if they will be discussing any of your information with others who are not colleagues. If they say no, then case closed. It's like all those thousands of honest people that get speeding tickets and plead guilty.

Do they say the name of the patient? No. I know several doctors and nurses and yes, they all have stories to tell. But if they think there is even a chance you could figure out who the patient is from the details of the story, they will not tell it.


Doctors who violate HIPAA that blatantly probably won't be doctors very much longer.

Edited by CodeMonkey
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If all of that is a given, let me ask you this ... why was he on the field?


So that leaves us with either two options:


1. The coaching staff has so little faith in Thigpen that they felt a lame Fitz, unable to throw the ball without pain, gave the team its best shot to win.




2. Fitz wasn't hurt as bad as some on here are saying.


Either answer leaves me feeling very uneasy about the capability of this front office.



I was as surprised as anyone during the 5-2 streak to start the year. They looked great. They played well. But everyone, even the most blinded homer knew that continued success was dependent upon the starters remaining healthy because there was absolutely ZERO depth. That's not Fitz's fault -- he doesn't build the roster. But it's certainly Nix, Little-man's, Overdork and Ralph's fault. They have failed to address the severe lack of talent on this roster, there's no depth, and outside of Fred, Dareus, Williams, Levitre, Barnett, Wood, Johnson and maaaaaaaaaaybe Spiller -- not a single Bills starter would start on another NFL roster. That's a problem.


That's not true. Plenty of people on this board are saying Fitz is not only a playoff QB but an elite, franchise QB with Super Bowl potential. You might not be saying it ... but plenty of folks on here are.


I still root and cheer for the team. I don't say much during the regular season because "any given Sunday" and all that. I never miss a game, I am like an abused spouse. But during the off season, the blinders come off. They have to. For me anyway. And isn't that the point of this board? To discuss differing opinions about the team we all love?



For Fitz being on the field with his injury:


both options were probably true to some degree. We do need better depth at the QB position IMO.


In regards to your "severe" lack of talent comment:


People (including respected posters on this board) said the same thing about our O-line in 2010 when we were 0-8. Few paid any heed to the fact that this was a young offensive line that hadn't learned to play together and were also trying to adjust to a brand new offensive scheme. That's a real double whammy and a significant factor why 2010 started so poorly. People also thought the front office was nuts to not go after a bunch of O-line FA before 2011.

Our O-line did just fine this year. Could it have been better? Definitely. Will it get better? Definitely.


Young talent can take time to develop (ex. Spiller). That doesn't mean it isn't there. I do believe with Wanny simplifying the defense we will get a better idea for our talent level on defense next year.



As far as you referring to Fitz as "elite":

Buddy and Chan are on record as thinking they could win a superbowl with Fitz. I haven't heard any of them refer to Fitz as an elite quarterback and he is not payed like it. I may have missed something but I don't think any of Fitz's supporters on this site refer to him as "elite". To me, he is an average to very good quarterback and the reality of that still remains to be determined.


My respectful opinion is that during the offseason your blinders come off long enough only to put a different set on.

Edited by GaryPinC
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For Fitz being on the field with his injury:


both options were probably true to some degree. We do need better depth at the QB position IMO.


In regards to your "severe" lack of talent comment:


People (including respected posters on this board) said the same thing about our O-line in 2010 when we were 0-8. Few paid any heed to the fact that this was a young offensive line that hadn't learned to play together and were also trying to adjust to a brand new offensive scheme. That's a real double whammy and a significant factor why 2010 started so poorly. People also thought the front office was nuts to not go after a bunch of O-line FA before 2011.

Our O-line did just fine this year. Could it have been better? Definitely. Will it get better? Definitely.


Young talent can take time to develop (ex. Spiller). That doesn't mean it isn't there. I do believe with Wanny simplifying the defense we will get a better idea for our talent level on defense next year.



As far as you referring to Fitz as "elite":

Buddy and Chan are on record as thinking they could win a superbowl with Fitz. I haven't heard any of them refer to Fitz as an elite quarterback and he is not payed like it. I may have missed something but I don't think any of Fitz's supporters on this site refer to him as "elite". To me, he is an average to very good quarterback and the reality of that still remains to be determined.


My respectful opinion is that during the offseason your blinders come off long enough only to put a different set on.

I agree that we are still undiscovered as to our capabilities when all headed in the same direction with all the horses pulling.

a rookie (this group together as players and coaches) team we still are. But this is the year to call bull **** on the group as a whole. Did Fitz and company hit the wall half way through the season after bad things started to happen and i think the defense was starting to wonder wtf is going on here!?

Fitz has a new qb coach that i have read some of his quotes and think this guy can help. And i also feel the coaches we did pick up were guys we had been looking at for awhile.

Can the big plan start to shape up? So much of it will depend on Ryan this season. The players consider him the leader on offense for sure. Him and Fred.

If he had busted ribs after washington Fletcher and such, he should be in tip top condition this season and no excuses. But if he has spent his off season eating 4.5 pound steaks in record time we might have a problem! He needs to develop his conditioning for a full NFL season as The starter. he looked tired out last season to me.

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