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Developing Depth (at least there is a positive in this season)


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Today was awful because I knew the outcome before I even flip the TV on. Yet I sat on the edge of my seat hoping for that final posession trying to will this team to another meaningful week. I knew it wouldn't happen but I still tortured myself, my heart racing in the fourth quarter biting the inside of my lip and swearing and throwing things as I have for over ten years now (really alot longer like my whole life). Somewhere in the fourth quarter I realized amidst the injuries, untimely turnovers and nail bitting 4th quarters this team even on a 5 game skid is growing. they have answered some key questions and filled some key positions moving forward.


1. QB - I don't care what you think Fitz is a Good QB he may end up being great

2. T.E.- Scott Chandler will be a Gronkowski type for us for years to come

3. WR- Stevie is a number one and Nelson and Brad Smith are good slot receivers (A big Speedy number two would put us over the top)

4. The Oline is growing into a stength of the team for the first time in 20 years and we are developing depth

5. LB we need some good OLB's Moats is Okay but are ILB are really good Barnett is excellent and Sheperd is developing nicely. (Improving)

6. D-Line is still weak but getting better injuries have really hurt us here.

7. Secondary the young corners are going to be good McGee is done but if Williams can stay healthy I think he will be a Pro Bowler

8. RB the team is stacked and Spiller is starting to come into his own


Overall- We need 2 really Good OLB's a Big Speedy Wide out and another Stud DE and this team is going to be a Juggernaut. The future is bright jus hold on. I am as disgusted with the collapse this year as anyone but the team is building quality depth that should prevent the injury bug from killing them next year.

Edited by Lenigmusx
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i will absolutely drink a glass of this kool-aid! there are some youngsters that look like football players right now and i will be watching to see if they can finish strong. also, we have to understand that our offensive and defensive mvp's are both on the ir right now. as well as some other key contributors. even if we have no playoffs again, i'm still a billiever!

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Another Bill-iever "half glass full" post on the day of a pathetic loss. Now the day is complete.

how much water do you have to drink to be able to piss on EVERYONE's parade? i swear every post i have read that anyone has tried to find any hope or optimism in (misguided, delusional, or otherwise) you've been all over those guys like stink on sh!#.

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