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I've pretty well had enough


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You'd think after, what is now, 12 years with only 1 winning season, I'd be more accustomed to this team losing. But, I just feel more frustrated than ever with this team. And for the first time I my life... I guess I just don't care. Win... So what, they're scraping out a few more wins in another meaningless season. Lose ... So what, they're getting a higher draft pick that will do little to impress. It's just so damn frustrating week after week to see average to below average teams play us and look like they're going to Superbowl. We cut bad players just to have them go on and be good players on other teams. Other teams make coaching changes and turn around in a year... 2 at most. We can't even get to .500.


I guess I should be happy our season lasted into November this year, as opposed to being done by mid October. But, I just can't. So someone, anyone, give me some reason to care about this team again. Why watch any of the remaining games. Just to see this pathetic excuse for a team take the field?

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I guess I should be happy our season lasted into November this year, as opposed to being done by mid October. But, I just can't. So someone, anyone, give me some reason to care about this team again. Why watch any of the remaining games. Just to see this pathetic excuse for a team take the field?

A foolish Bill-iever tells you to f*%$ yourself and find another team in 5...4....3.....2...1...

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If we dont do better than 6-10 this season Im going to be bummed. Means we took a 6-10 team and 2 years later are 6-10, that isn't progress, it's inertia. I think even the most optimistic fan would look at that as a disappointment, and if you're not disappointed you need higher standards.

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