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Affirmative Action


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Welcome to America where the governments sole reason for existence is the advancement of black people. I'm still waiting on the government to mandate more white cornerbacks in the NFL.


That's not even close to true. And if it was their goal, they are failing. "Affirmative Action" always riles up people. I love it.




Now lots of minorities can get that coveted degree in puppetry and take that class at Georgetown about Jay-Z's life.


And then join OWS when they graduate, of course.




Good policy change in my opinion as well. It also says "post-secondary" school may. VOLUNTARILY choose to consider race in their applications.


BTW, a lot of racism in the OP here.

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Personally, I've always felt that the way affirmative action is used in this country is crap. Being a different race does not make one automatically have less opportunities than people of another race. I believe that economic standing, on the other hand, is something that should be used in "affirmative action" decisions.

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That's not even close to true. And if it was their goal, they are failing. "Affirmative Action" always riles up people. I love it.




Good policy change in my opinion as well. It also says "post-secondary" school may. VOLUNTARILY choose to consider race in their applications.


BTW, a lot of racism in the OP here.


A lot of racism in my post?




Point it out or get the !@#$ out of this forum.


If you think youre gonna pull that little lib trick where youre gonna lob an unfounded accusation at me and I have to then prove a negative...youre !@#$ing with the wrong bull.

Edited by RkFast
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A lot of racism in my post?




Point it out or get the !@#$ out of this forum.


If you think youre gonna pull that little lib trick where youre gonna lob an unfounded accusation at me and I have to then prove a negative...youre !@#$ing with the wrong bull.


Yeah. Rk's not rational enough to prove anything, affirmative or negative.



Got your back, Rk...glad to be here for ya. :thumbsup:

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Good policy change in my opinion as well. It also says "post-secondary" school may. VOLUNTARILY choose to consider race in their applications.


BTW, a lot of racism in the OP here.

Can they VOLUNTARILY favor any race they want? Can it be black, white, hispanic, canadian, whatever?

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All depends on who you are I guess.


Some Asians' college strategy: Don't check 'Asian'



Lanya Olmstead was born in Florida to a mother who immigrated from Taiwan and an American father of Norwegian ancestry. Ethnically, she considers herself half Taiwanese and half Norwegian. But when applying to Harvard, Olmstead checked only one box for her race: white.


"I didn't want to put 'Asian' down," Olmstead says, "because my mom told me there's discrimination against Asians in the application process."


For years, many Asian-Americans have been convinced that it's harder for them to gain admission to the nation's top colleges.


Studies show that Asian-Americans meet these colleges' admissions standards far out of proportion to their 6 percent representation in the U.S. population, and that they often need test scores hundreds of points higher than applicants from other ethnic groups to have an equal chance of admission. Critics say these numbers, along with the fact that some top colleges with race-blind admissions have double the Asian percentage of Ivy League schools, prove the existence of discrimination.



Yahoo News







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A lot of racism in my post?




Point it out or get the !@#$ out of this forum.


If you think youre gonna pull that little lib trick use the time honored PPP Tradition where you're gonna lob an unfounded accusation at me and I have to then prove a negative...you're !@#$ing with the wrong bull on the wrong side of the political spectrum. The peabrainnut gallery is on my side! NaNa!


Fixed that for ya...

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...suggesting that institutions use other criteria — students’ socioeconomic profiles, residential instability, the hardships they have overcome


We'll see if they start recruiting from the "trailer trash" communities ... somehow I don't think that's what they have in mind

Edited by Frit0 Bandit0
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Why isn't being gay a consideration under affirmative action?


It begins with the fact that sexual orientation is not a protected classification.


Welcome to America where the governments sole reason for existence is the advancement of black people. I'm still waiting on the government to mandate more white cornerbacks in the NFL.



Though you're probably not being literal, the amount of "wrong" contained in this statement can only be understood by using positive integers augmented exponentially.

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Personally, I've always felt that the way affirmative action is used in this country is crap. Being a different race does not make one automatically have less opportunities than people of another race. I believe that economic standing, on the other hand, is something that should be used in "affirmative action" decisions.


It's about education. We're ONLY one generation removed from unequal access to education. My parents went to segregated schools. It's not about YEARS; it's about generational impact. Basically, black folks weren't allowed to attend the same schools as white folks - they went to inferior/dilapidated/abject elementary, middle, high, and colleges/universities. There were still schools that were integrating into the 70s (Brown's "all deliberate speed" language was construed VERY liberally by those who didn't want to integrate). You don't think that profoundly unequal educational opportunities just over ONE GENERATION AGO doesn't have a disparate impact NOW?


It does.


How do people qualify for jobs? Largely through educational qualifications. Affirmative action seeks to extenuate the affects of unequal access to educational opportunities from ONE GENERATION AGO. That unequal access to education ONE GENERATION AGO is still affecting the job dynamic NOW because the people who were most impacted AND most benefitted by segregation THEN are the ones most entrenched (from a decision-making standpoint) in the job marketplace TODAY.


The goal is that affirmative action becomes obsolete as we enter into the second generation post segregation. If in 2050 we're still having this conversation, there is a problem.

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Now lots of minorities can get that coveted degree in puppetry and take that class at Georgetown about Jay-Z's life.


And then join OWS when they graduate, of course.





A lot of racism in my post?




Point it out or get the !@#$ out of this forum.


If you think youre gonna pull that little lib trick where youre gonna lob an unfounded accusation at me and I have to then prove a negative...youre !@#$ing with the wrong bull.



Lol. So, you saying that minorities go to college to study Jay-Z doesn't imply racism? Or the OWS jab? Tip-toe around it all you want but you know what you're saying.


I know you were reeeaaaalllllyyyy careful with your words but you can see through them.

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Lol. So, you saying that minorities go to college to study Jay-Z doesn't imply racism? Or the OWS jab? Tip-toe around it all you want but you know what you're saying.


I know you were reeeaaaalllllyyyy careful with your words but you can see through them.

No way can you prove that Dave is a racist!


Just like if I question the ability of someones Mom to wipe herself no one can prove I'm implying that said Mom is fat, I might be implying that she has arthritis in her shoulders or that she has hooks for hands and no one can prove any different.

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