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So are you saying his relationships with the team and the city was or was not beyond repair?


Quite possibly it was beyond repair due to the haters such as yourself. Be honest. If you are in an environment where everyone is giving you crap at your job and when you walk the streets you're going to stay? Come on man. The point I am making is that neither of us know whether he wanted to stay or go but we DO KNOW that the fans were likely responsible for any such desire to leave. YES a young perhaps uncultured man made some mistakes as many other athletes have and the town brought out the torches and wanted him gone.


I suppose this assumes marshawn stayed long term and didn't get in trouble?


Yes it does assume that as his time in Seattle has shown ;)

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Quite possibly it was beyond repair due to the haters such as yourself. Be honest. If you are in an environment where everyone is giving you crap at your job and when you walk the streets you're going to stay? Come on man. The point I am making is that neither of us know whether he wanted to stay or go but we DO KNOW that the fans were likely responsible for any such desire to leave. YES a young perhaps uncultured man made some mistakes as many other athletes have and the town brought out the torches and wanted him gone.

I'm a hater? That's interesting.


I said that Marshawn's relationship with the city and the team had deteriorated and that I believe (and I said it was speculation) that he no longer wanted to be here.


Last year he missed two weeks of OTAs… and there were rumors that he had requested a trade. No one knows the truth but I think it's less of a stretch that he wanted to leave than it is to say that he wanted to stay.





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I'm a hater? That's interesting.


I said that Marshawn's relationship with the city and the team had deteriorated and that I believe (and I said it was speculation) that he no longer wanted to be here.


Last year he missed two weeks of OTAs… and there were rumors that he had requested a trade. No one knows the truth but I think it's less of a stretch that he wanted to leave than it is to say that he wanted to stay.




Further I think buffalo was a toxic place for him on many levels. To pd's last reply to me, I don't know that he stays out of trouble here (not that a year there is some shining example of reform). I think it was time to go regardless of spiller. I love watching him play but I'd never build a team around him.

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McGahee and Lynch and who knows how many other players didn't want to be in Buffalo. Maybe they should ask these guys before drafting them if they have any problems living in Buffalo. It would hopefully cut down on this redrafting at the same position over and over because they want out of Buffalo.

Good point. When Spiller was drafted right before the Jags picked, he looked as if his dog had just been shot.

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This is the very thing I hate about the Bills losing here. The bitter, d bags come out of their holes to bring their misery one on others.


1) FJax had 200 yards combined against the Eagles. He was leading the NFL in yards from scrimmage until he got hurt in the Miami game. Yet some how, soem db finds to a way to complain about the Bills.


2) Where were these posts when Lynch averaged 3.5 ypc after the trade last year?


3) I always liked Lynch and hope he has matured. But trust me, the guy was up to shady stuff even after his suspension. Stuff like doing yayo in bars until sun up. He was and probably is a ticking time bomb.


4) The OP spent months crying about the Bills' not drafting Jimmy Clausen. Funny, he doesn't bring that up. :nana:

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McGahee and Lynch and who knows how many other players didn't want to be in Buffalo. Maybe they should ask these guys before drafting them if they have any problems living in Buffalo. It would hopefully cut down on this redrafting at the same position over and over because they want out of Buffalo.

Who in the hell ever wants to come to Buffalo to play? Jim Kelly didn't, he even went to a new unproven league to avoid playing in Buffalo. Coaches don't want to come here, top player's don't want to come here. People always use the weather as the excuse, that is B.S., I bet any of those players would go to Green Bay in a heart beat. They don't want to come here because of the organization it is, and the unlikely prospect of ever winning here.

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This is the very thing I hate about the Bills losing here. The bitter, d bags come out of their holes to bring their misery one on others.


1) FJax had 200 yards combined against the Eagles. He was leading the NFL in yards from scrimmage until he got hurt in the Miami game. Yet some how, soem db finds to a way to complain about the Bills.


2) Where were these posts when Lynch averaged 3.5 ypc after the trade last year?


3) I always liked Lynch and hope he has matured. But trust me, the guy was up to shady stuff even after his suspension. Stuff like doing yayo in bars until sun up. He was and probably is a ticking time bomb.


4) The OP spent months crying about the Bills' not drafting Jimmy Clausen. Funny, he doesn't bring that up. :nana:


How is that 2010 #9 over all pick we used to get Lynch's replacement looking? ;) Are you going to tell me that it wouldn't have been better served by getting a LT, LB an effective pass rusher? What say you to that?

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Yeah and Beastmode actually gets to carry the rock for them soooooo?


This whole thing is just stupid


Freddie better then Beastmode

Beastmode gets more opportunites then Spiller


What is the problem?

The problem is we didn't need Spiller and even worse he is horrible. What was your question again?

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How is that 2010 #9 over all pick we used to get Lynch's replacement looking? ;) Are you going to tell me that it wouldn't have been better served by getting a LT, LB an effective pass rusher? What say you to that?


I think we'll have a better idea after these next 5 games about Spiller. And I'd say FJax more than replaced Lynch, so I really don't know what people are crying about in the first place. If (and I know it's not a guarantee) Spiller turned into a Sproles type player to go along with FJax, that won't be a good thing?

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The problem is we didn't need Spiller and even worse he is horrible. What was your question again?


Don't mind John, he's the biggest homer on this board. Spiller has good vision? Yeah, he always makes the wrong cut right into the back of his own lineman...



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They showed Marshawn highlight clips mixed with Barry Sanders clips and it looked like the same player.

That clip wasn't Marshawn. It was Philly's LeSean McCoy.


Not to take anything away from Marshawn, who had a great game because he simply never stops trying for another inch of ground, but last night the Eagles couldn't tackle my 7-year-old.

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I think we'll have a better idea after these next 5 games about Spiller. And I'd say FJax more than replaced Lynch, so I really don't know what people are crying about in the first place. If (and I know it's not a guarantee) Spiller turned into a Sproles type player to go along with FJax, that won't be a good thing?


I do hope Spiller gets acclimated to the NFL but my point is even IF we assume that he becomes a Darren Sproles type, was the #9 pick in the draft worth the perceived difference between what Spiller MIGHT be and what Marshawn IS (On the field thank you, heh)?


Given so many of our other holes I don't know that it would be worth it IF Spiller becomes what I hope and think he can. I do like Spiller by the way and hate to see people dogging him because he can't take playing time away from perhaps the current best all purpose back in the league. People need to give him a break too until he is given a chance.


That being said a LT or a pass rushing DE or LB would have served a much bigger need.

Edited by PDaDdy
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I agree that Marshawn is having a good year in Seattle and I have no hard feelings towards him at all, but let's not forget that he is likely one "strike" from losing a season. It is no longer us who has to worry about that possibility.

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Given so many of our other holes I don't know that it would be worth it IF Spiller becomes what I hope and think he can. I do like Spiller by the way and hate to see people dogging him because he can't take playing time away from perhaps the current best all purpose back in the league. People need to give him a break too until he is given a chance.



Hmmm? My beef with Spiller is not the playing time he doesn't get. It's what he does with it when he does get it -- which so far, has been next to nothing.

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That clip wasn't Marshawn. It was Philly's LeSean McCoy.


Not to take anything away from Marshawn, who had a great game because he simply never stops trying for another inch of ground, but last night the Eagles couldn't tackle my 7-year-old.

Agree the Eagles gave up last night. Totally laid down. So much for the so called "Dream Team", totally unprofessional..

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That clip wasn't Marshawn. It was Philly's LeSean McCoy.

Yeah I read Jim's post and having not seen the video he was talking about, I was thinking there's no way it was Marshawn.


Marshawn's a good runner but stylistically he has zero in common with Barry Sanders.


McCoy meanwhile has held up to the lofty standards established by Westbrook.



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Marshawn is in his contract year and couldn't even motivate himself until November. No thank you.


Have you seen him run? THAT is motivation. What is more likely in my mind was learning a new offensive system and getting used to his new line in front of him. The guy is not a rocket scientist I doubt he learned the play book in 1 day.


Hmmm? My beef with Spiller is not the playing time he doesn't get. It's what he does with it when he does get it -- which so far, has been next to nothing.


So prior to last weeks game the 6+ yds/carry was not good enough for you? You must really have been pissed with Jackson's 5.5 yds per carry. Even after playing behind our pathetic line last week getting tackled in the backfield while receiving the hand off his average is STILL 4.3 yards/carry.


I know those are just rushing numbers but get a clue. The kid is NOT Fred Jackson. We get it. That being said, Fred Jackson wasn't Fred Jackson until he was about 27.

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I think we'll have a better idea after these next 5 games about Spiller. And I'd say FJax more than replaced Lynch, so I really don't know what people are crying about in the first place. If (and I know it's not a guarantee) Spiller turned into a Sproles type player to go along with FJax, that won't be a good thing?


Spiller is nowhere near the type of player that Sproles is. Sproles is small, but runs with much more power than Spiller. Part of that is becuase he is much more compact/lower center of gravity than Spiller. And part of that is because he is a much tougher runner who knows how to lean forward at the point of contact, instead of running straight up like Spiller does. And also Sproles is much quicker than Spiller, (and almost every other RB in the NFL for that matter.) To be honest C J Spiller runs with as little power as any RB I have seen play in the NFL in sometime. He just gets absolutely no push when he is hit by a defender. The guy needs to put on 10-15 pounds if he wants to be an NFL RB.


But that is not the issue. The issue is that we had TWO quality RB's in Marshawn and Fred. Yet we drafted another RB when we had great needs at just about EVERY OTHER position on the team. (a top pass rushing DE or OLB sure would look good right now) That is incompetant management to the worst degree. Any argument to the contrary makes absolutely no sense!!

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This is the very thing I hate about the Bills losing here. The bitter, d bags come out of their holes to bring their misery one on others.


1) FJax had 200 yards combined against the Eagles. He was leading the NFL in yards from scrimmage until he got hurt in the Miami game. Yet some how, soem db finds to a way to complain about the Bills.


2) Where were these posts when Lynch averaged 3.5 ypc after the trade last year?


3) I always liked Lynch and hope he has matured. But trust me, the guy was up to shady stuff even after his suspension. Stuff like doing yayo in bars until sun up. He was and probably is a ticking time bomb.


4) The OP spent months crying about the Bills' not drafting Jimmy Clausen. Funny, he doesn't bring that up. :nana:

Speaking of crawling out of holes! Now that Donte is gone to SF do you troll the 49ers boards and stick up for his average play over there too? :devil:


I have no problem saying that I Clausen is not the QB (as of right now) that I thought he could be. I have no problem saying that I wanted him here. Since we are being accountable though, what happened to the love fest that you were having with Dan LeFevour? He couldn't even make a team this year! :thumbsup:


That case of beer is still on hold until Clausen's contract is up though. But I'm a man of my word and I will gladly pay up. Pabst BR right?


Spiller is nowhere near the type of player that Sproles is.



Don't pay attention to CB97. He once compared Lil Donte to Ed Reed! :lol:

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