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Please take time to sign this online petition to stop censorship


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sign it and call your representatives. Censorship does not happen in a "land of the free"



Telling people to speak up against censorship like you have is a form of censorship. You are attempting to stifle my right to remain silent. You have become the very people that you are railing against.


I started another thread to illustrate this. Please feel free to post in it if you disagree.

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Censorship does not happen in a "land of the free"


But seriously, what country do you think you're living in?


I tried to sign it but the site was blocked here at work. :unsure:

Damned IT Nazis! :devil:


Okay, but seriously. Before you sign something like this at least do some research on your own. Drives like this to "Stop Censorship Now!" don't usually provide the entire story. Just a Yes We Can! Hope and Change! catch phrase with little substance.


Read before you sign. I'm not advocating one way or the other, but please read it and come to your own opinion before attaching your name to something

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But seriously, what country do you think you're living in?



Damned IT Nazis! :devil:


Okay, but seriously. Before you sign something like this at least do some research on your own. Drives like this to "Stop Censorship Now!" don't usually provide the entire story. Just a Yes We Can! Hope and Change! catch phrase with little substance.


Read before you sign. I'm not advocating one way or the other, but please read it and come to your own opinion before attaching your name to something


Actually I don't have to worry about the IT Nazis here. I'm the Fuhrer.


And you're right abou doing your research. It's like blindly signing a petition outside the grocery store. "Sign this petition to keep people from murdering little children!!"

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And you're right about doing your research. It's like blindly signing a petition outside the grocery store. "Sign this petition to keep people from murdering little children!!"



In small print:

little children will be taken from their parents and locked up until the age of 21, where they will then be released into the wild and expected to survive on their own


I'm actually tempted to try something like that.

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I've said this before (and caught flack for it), but I'm a huge proponent of the EFF. This bill is one of the things they're fighting as well.






And if you want to do more than sign an internet petition, you can donate (tax deductible) to EFF:


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In small print:

little children will be taken from their parents and locked up until the age of 21, where they will then be released into the wild and expected to survive on their own


I'm actually tempted to try something like that.

Try getting people to sign a petition that says end womens suffrage


Its amazing how dumb some people are

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Isn't it sad that Kindle and Nook will destroy the tradition of book burning? Nothing beats a good old book burning party. I suppose we could just smash Kindlkes and Nooks with hammers. It's wise to allow out of control mobs to have weapons in their hands. That way they will be prepared to fight back when the police pepper spray them.

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Try getting people to sign a petition that says end womens suffrage


Its amazing how dumb some people are

If enough people signed that petition we might not have a Los Gatos foreign policy.


Pete=Dick Cheney?

Cheney had his opinions and his shortcomings but I don't remember him telling anybody to do anything except for that one congressman/senator.


I seriously don't get why some people "stand up for their rights" by telling other people what to do. It's oxymoronical.

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Telling people to speak up against censorship like you have is a form of censorship. You are attempting to stifle my right to remain silent. You have become the very people that you are railing against.


I started another thread to illustrate this. Please feel free to post in it if you disagree.


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