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The State of Ohio


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If you think this is the first the mother has heard from a doctor that her kid needs to lose weight, you're a bigger retard than I first thought.


This didn't happen overnight.






that really is all you can do, isn't it ? ..................make wrong-headed, false assumptions.


No one said that this was the first time she had learned, or been warned, or whatever it is that you are jumping at.


Let me make it easy for you (and any others) This IS a serious situation, no one is saying it isn't, but it is my belief that the child would benefit more from staying with his mother and being given additional help and monitoring rather than pull him out.


Once you start down this path with government over-reach, its hard to come back.................................now if you want to start turning mothers in for "abuse' who put their daughters into beauty pagents, well thats a "nanny-state" I can get behind....LOL





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that really is all you can do, isn't it ? ..................make wrong-headed, false assumptions.


No one said that this was the first time she had learned, or been warned, or whatever it is that you are jumping at.


Let me make it easy for you (and any others) This IS a serious situation, no one is saying it isn't, but it is my belief that the child would benefit more from staying with his mother and being given additional help and monitoring rather than pull him out.


Once you start down this path with government over-reach, its hard to come back.................................now if you want to start turning mothers in for "abuse' who put their daughters into beauty pagents, well thats a "nanny-state" I can get behind....LOL






Is this your stance just with obese kids or do you have this stance for all forms of child abuse?

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I completely disagree.


Unless you can find me a parent who is actively forcing their kid to mainline Crisco and high-fructose corn syrup...then you're wrong.


Now counter with "beating your kid and not failing to beat your kid are the same thing," which is essentially what you're saying.

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Unless you can find me a parent who is actively forcing their kid to mainline Crisco and high-fructose corn syrup...then you're wrong.


Now counter with "beating your kid and not failing to beat your kid are the same thing," which is essentially what you're saying.


A parent does more to affect their kid's weight than shoving food in their face or keeping it from them.


They set examples of proper and improper eating habits.

They provide healthy and unhealthy meals.

They provide healthy and unhealthy snacks.

They dictate when, what, and how much their kid eats.

They set examples of exercise.

They encourage and make their kids get off the couch once in a while.

They monitor and correct their kid's health.


These aren't just sins of omission that the mom is guilty of. In order to get a 200 lb 8 year old, I guarantee there were was plenty the mom actively committed.

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