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Sione Pouha: Bringing Idiocy to a New Level


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Let's find out what country Pouha, or Poo Bear, or whatever his f'ing name is, is from, and nuke the crap out of it.

How is that for sensitivity?

I'm gonna take that in the spirit in which I think it was intended… that's funny.


Can we move all the people who take the sensitivity thing way over the edge. Maybe this world just needs to grow a pair.

One large pair of collective testicles coming up. I have a buddy who's fond of joking that the Greek God of Manliness is Testocules. I always thought that was funny.


He's from the US, Utah to be exact, from what I've found online. He's also Mormon.




I love this place. I'm from here; I was born and raised here...... I always like to call myself a son of Salt Lake. People ask, "Where are you from?" Salt Lake. "Salt Lake? Where are you really from?" I was born and raised in Salt Lake. I come from the South Pacific, from Tongan descent, but I'm a Salt Lake boy.

What a chameleon. Wadya think he'll say about his place in the world when he finishes his career in Detroit?


Seriously, the guy is an excellent football player so I'll give him that. He's damn near freaking immovable.


And btw, what is with all these Tongan Mormons at BYU… they must do lots of missionary work in Polynesia or something. It's kinda weird because I thought that Brigham Young himself was a bigot.



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Every time a team beats the Buffalo Bills, it reminds us of the wholesale slaughter of untold millions of American Bison. We are reliving an environmental catastrophe. How can they be so insensitive?

I am taking the plight of the American Bison on as a personal crusade. Please buy this brand of chips to help the cause: http://bit.ly/kNzpvB

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