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Posted (edited)

Old Obama campaign excuse: The economy is terrible because the GOPs blocking my jobs bill.


New Obama campaign excuse: The economy is terrible because red-staters who hate me wont hire anyone out of spite.



Cant afford it, explained the employer, Bill Looman, Tuesday evening. Ive got people that I want to hire now, but I just cant afford it. And I dont foresee that Ill be able to afford it unless some things change in D.C.


Looman made it clear, talking with 11Alives Jon Shirek, that he is not refusing to hire to make some political point; its that he doesnt believe he can hire anyone, because of the economy. And he blames the Obama administration…



From the article linked in the OP.





This will be used as "evidence" by the Left that the poor President is being sabotaged, but in reality this business man is voicing what many are all across the country. They cannot afford to risk their business by investing more, until things change in Washington.





Edited by B-Man

Old Obama campaign excuse: The economy is terrible because the GOP’s blocking my jobs bill.


New Obama campaign excuse: The economy is terrible because red-staters who hate me won’t hire anyone out of spite.






From the article linked in the OP.





This will be used as "evidence" by the Left that the poor President is being sabotaged, but in reality this business man is voicing what many are all across the country. They cannot afford to risk their business by investing more, until things change in Washington.








It's the economy stupid, to coin a Clinton campaign phrase. There is so much uncertainty right now, not only in the business world, but in our own, daily lives, that it is absolutely amazing that any one could hope for 4 more years of this hopy, changy crap they were naive enough to buy in too..


But the claim of sabotage is truly their only plan... the only thing they can fall back on...


This is about to become the most NEGATIVE presidential campaign we have ever seen... PBO has nothing to run on, no accomplishments, no plan for the future; but he is certain to have major bucks to bash the opposition...


Funny when ya think about it... In the past, incumbents ran on their records, and the challenger played the negative game... We're watching the beginning of a back asswards campaign...


What a crock, blaming Obama for "uncertainty". He's put forth numerous specific proposals, if the Republicans in Congress would get off their duffs and vote them in, or at least compromise to reach agreement, there would be "certainty". But given their priority of defeating Obama over trying to help the middle class and the jobs situation, businesses don't know what if anything they will ever compromise on and vote for.


What a crock, blaming Obama for "uncertainty". He's put forth numerous specific proposals, if the Republicans in Congress would get off their duffs and vote them in, or at least compromise to reach agreement, there would be "certainty". But given their priority of defeating Obama over trying to help the middle class and the jobs situation, businesses don't know what if anything they will ever compromise on and vote for.




What flavor koolaid have you been (eagerly) drinking?


Specific proposals? . . . . . . . . .lol


Does the name Harry Reid ring a bell?


Do you think we have forgotten 2009 or 2010?


Save your "talking points" for those who don't read.







11 years of a crap economy is enough to keep many companies from hiring. No secret there. Bush and the republicans failed, Obama and the democrats have failed. Tell me again why either party should get anyones vote.




It's the economy stupid, to coin a Clinton campaign phrase. There is so much uncertainty right now, not only in the business world, but in our own, daily lives, that it is absolutely amazing that any one could hope for 4 more years of this hopy, changy crap they were naive enough to buy in too..


But the claim of sabotage is truly their only plan... the only thing they can fall back on...


This is about to become the most NEGATIVE presidential campaign we have ever seen... PBO has nothing to run on, no accomplishments, no plan for the future; but he is certain to have major bucks to bash the opposition...


Funny when ya think about it... In the past, incumbents ran on their records, and the challenger played the negative game... We're watching the beginning of a back asswards campaign...


This uncertainty thing is funny too me..... So right now is uncertain, but in 2007 everything was set in stone that banks would lend on anything, houses and commercial property would go up in value in perpetuity, and there was nothing but prosperity forever.... It was so certain....


Hmmmm.... I would say things are more certain to me now, then in boom times.... I am fairly certain that what we are experiencing now is shaky recovery with the backdrop of a still not fully corrected housing/ commercial real estate market... And sluggish consumer spending....


The uncertainty thing sure makes for general partisan campaign slogans, but I don't see it having much real world merit...


11 years of a crap economy is enough to keep many companies from hiring. No secret there. Bush and the republicans failed, Obama and the democrats have failed. Tell me again why either party should get anyones vote.


There is a ding-ding-ding post.... Yep, the guys ran the economy into the ground 3 years ago have the answers.... Just like the guys in 2008 had all the answers....


It's an expensive comedy show...



So, he is in the construction business so to speak? Wow, and business is not booming as commercial real estate still sits stagnant after a decade building boom and tons of vacant or foreclosed now in the aftermath..... Wow, another guy blaming someone ese for being in a bad industry at a bad time.... Maybe he should get into something else?


Must be that uncertainty... Well, guy be certain of this, construction will be slow for a long time....


So, he is in the construction business so to speak? Wow, and business is not booming as commercial real estate still sits stagnant after a decade building boom and tons of vacant or foreclosed now in the aftermath..... Wow, another guy blaming someone ese for being in a bad industry at a bad time.... Maybe he should get into something else?


Must be that uncertainty... Well, guy be certain of this, construction will be slow for a long time....


More manufacturing, it looks like. Supplies overhead crane services to the industrial sector.


And the guy's argument is silly, to say the least. He can hire people now, he'd LIKE to hire people now, except that he can't, because it's too expensive, and will only get better when Obama's out of office? I can accept most of those statements on their own...taken together, that's just silly. If he can expand his workforce now, then business conditions are pretty good for him regardless of the overall economy or who's in DC. If it's too expensive to expand his workforce even though he needs to (because of excessive regulation, or the ridiculous health care legislation, or whatever)...then he's probably doing something wrong. How well-managed are his finances, that he can't hire people he wants to hire?


11 years of a crap economy is enough to keep many companies from hiring. No secret there. Bush and the republicans failed, Obama and the democrats have failed. Tell me again why either party should get anyones vote.


11 years of crap economy? Really?


11 years of crap economy? Really?


The reason Obama was elected in 2008 was because the economy was in the toilet. Its true that Obama has done nothing to improve it but it started long before he was elected, and yes Boooosh was at the helm when the economy went downhill, whether you want to believe it or not.

Posted (edited)

The reason Obama was elected in 2008 was because the economy was in the toilet. Its true that Obama has done nothing to improve it but it started long before he was elected, and yes Boooosh was at the helm when the economy went downhill, whether you want to believe it or not.




We are all too sadly aware that the economy in late 2006 and 2007 was bad, exacerbated by poor GOP leadership and dems taking over the house.




It was the amazing choice of "11" years, obviously to try and equate President Bush with Obama, that, I for one, was chuckling at..............................




Edited by B-Man

11 years of a crap economy is enough to keep many companies from hiring. No secret there. Bush and the republicans failed, Obama and the democrats have failed. Tell me again why either party should get anyones vote.


That under 6 percent unemployment was horrible. I remember! I was there!

Right up until 2006 when the Dem's took the reigns of power in congress.


That under 6 percent unemployment was horrible. I remember! I was there!

Right up until 2006 when the Dem's took the reigns of power in congress.

That 14,000 Dow was rough too. $1.58 for a gallon of gas? How did we manage?


That 14,000 Dow was rough too. $1.58 for a gallon of gas? How did we manage?


No kidding? Really? You have "linkage" of course right? Otherwise you are just trolling.


11 years of a crap economy is enough to keep many companies from hiring. No secret there. Bush and the republicans failed, Obama and the democrats have failed. Tell me again why either party should get anyones vote.

You and Adam should hang out.


No offense, but this kind of thinking is precisely why we have a POS govt. Because in the name of simplicity we look at who is in charge rather than what is done.


With the financial meltdown we've got Democrats blaming Bush for generic "deregulation" which occurred under Clinton (and whose impact is greatly overstated), Republicans being blamed for the Democrat pet project that was/is Freddie and Fannie which was instrumental in the creation of the secondary mortgage market, because Bush was in charge when the **** hit the fan.


Of course Bush was out there encouraging morons to buy more houses when any lay person with a lick of sense knew the numbers were artificially inflated and unsustainable, but that's not really the point. Nor is the way so many of us, for lack of a coherent thought or even a vague grasp of the greater forces at play, just chalk it up to "corporate greed", as though there's some type of greed inherrently present and unique to financial institutions. :wallbash: But I digress.


On other fronts we've got Bush passing a behemouth entitlement in the medicare drug benefit, and Obama's massive entitlement in Obamacare. But instead of looking at these as two massive expansions of government into health care, we treat these similar actions as entirely distinct because under one a Republican is in charge and under the other a Democrat is in charge.


Until we as a society stop being too intellectually lazy to look a little deeper than whose on TV when something happens and attributing everything to that person, this crappy pseudo-Santa Clause government is what we need to get used to, because quite frankly, it's what we deserve.


The reason Obama was elected in 2008 was because the economy was in the toilet. Its true that Obama has done nothing to improve it but it started long before he was elected, and yes Boooosh was at the helm when the economy went downhill, whether you want to believe it or not.

Bingo, and it only got worse under his watch. There's only so much you can blame the previous guy, when you have full control of the gubment for over a year and things only got worse, while ramming through a massive and doomed-to-fail entitlement that most people don't want.


New Obama campaign excuse: The economy is terrible because red-staters who hate me won’t hire anyone out of spite.


That campaign slogan has already begun. I know a few Obamabots who have come to the conclusion that Republicans/Conservatives/Non-Party-Members won't hire people or spend money because they want Obama to fail. If they would just suck it up and do what they're supposed to do, then we would all be living in Utopia.


11 years of a crap economy is enough to keep many companies from hiring. No secret there. Bush and the republicans failed, Obama and the democrats have failed. Tell me again why either party should get anyones vote.


When all else fails, blame Bush :thumbsup::rolleyes:


It's an expensive comedy show...


This is just the warm up act. The expensive comedy show starts after the Republicans get close to a nominee and Obama's billion dollar re-election campaign kicks in. Yep billion dollar re-election, just think of all those possible jobs created/saved/touched


$1.58 for a gallon of gas? How did we manage?

The Horror! :ph34r:

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