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My CSP on the Irish Republican Army from Last Year



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Okay, so many of you here know that I am 15 years old. Well, last year, in 8th grade, I was assigned a major school project where I would have to pick a controversial topic, pick a side, and support it in a speech. I chose the IRA and whether or not they were Freedom Fighters or Terrorists. My family was very proud with me, especially my Uncle Mark and my Mom. It was a strange topic, but I got an A- on it. So, here it is. What do you think?


(IRA Undefeated Army Slide) In movies, it’s easy to tell who’s good and who’s evil. However, in reality, that’s not always the case. It’s not as simple as good and evil, black and white, freedom fighter and terrorist. The IRA started off as the Irish Volunteers who were around 1916, and were fighting for independence from Britain who had control of Northern Ireland. They were much more conservative than the Officials and the Provos, and rarely used bombings. Instead, they attacked soldiers. After several rebellions, Northern Ireland was finally free, but a new problem arose as Catholics did not receive the same rights as Protestants. This problem had been around for 500 years. Catholics had been receiving nothing but oppression and hatred from Protestants, and for a long time, they had been very peaceful. They did not prosecute the Protestants, they accepted them, and when their were conflicts, the Catholics were almost always on the defensive. Had it not been for the IRA, Catholics would never have received the same rights as Protestants. Many people believe that the IRA, or Irish Republican Army, are terrorists and killers. However, they are actually freedom fighters. While their tactics were violent, their cause was just; to achieve a free and united Ireland, free of discrimination


(Gerry Adams slide) The Provisional IRA is commanded by it’s political wing called “Sinn Fein” (Ourselves Alone), whose chairman is Gerry Adams. Adams, while never being a soldier in the IRA, has defended the IRA’s armed struggle for equality. “In the past I have defended the right of the IRA to engage in armed struggle.” said Adams. “ I did so because there was no other alternative for those who would not bend the knee, or turn a blind eye to oppression, or for those who wanted a national republic”. Adams happens to be one of the most respected political figures in the world, and if he is saying the IRA are freedom fighter’s, it’s most likely true.


The IRA is also known to send warnings to the areas that they have bombed. (Canary Wharf slide) Canary Wharf, a wharf where a bombing occurred, received a very clear and straightforward message that it would be bombed, and the authorities even received the time in which the bomb would be detonated. However, the authorities did not take action resulting in the deaths of two people. Said the IRA, Canary Wharf had received a very "clear and specific warnings" (Quote #1) and the deaths of the civilians had been extremely “regrettable” according to BBC, the British Broadcasting Channel. (Rememberance Day slide) This was not the only warning however. Eniskillen, (Area of Remembrance Day Bombing) Hilton Hotel, Harrods Department Store, Birmingham, Belfast and King Cross all received warnings before they were bombed! This proves that the IRA wants as little civilians to die as possible, according to COE (Commision of Education) in Ireland.


(Bobby Sands slide) One of the IRA’s heroic qualities has been their martyrdom. The most famous case can be traced back to the 80s and the legacy of Bobby Sands. (Bobby Sands picture) Sands, an IRA man, and 5 of his comrades had been taken prisoner by British Army Personnel and given the title “criminals”. Sands hated the British Army Personnel for the atrocities they had committed against Ireland, including murdering civilians and the infamous “Bloody Sunday”, where British authorities murdered 14 peaceful Catholic Protesters, he believed that it was extremely unfair that they were given the title of “criminals” rather than prisoners of war, so he and his comrades went on a hunger strike. The IRA prisoners refused to eat anything but salt and water, resulting in a severe lack of nutrition. After 62 days of hunger striking, Bobby Sands died for his cause, as did the rest of his party, according to BBC.


There are some facts that would suggest the IRA as terrorists. (Lord Mountbatten slide) The unwarned assassination of Lord Mountbatten and the kidnapping of prominent British buisnessman Don Tidey are very convincing cases towards suggesting the IRA as terrorists. However, the definition of terrorism is “The calculated use of violence against civilians in order to attain goals that are political, religious or ideological in nature” The assassination of Mountbatten was not violence against civilians, but violence against a political figure, and while the kidnapping of Don Tidey has no excuses, that was the only kidnapping in the IRA’s history. The definition of freedom fighter is “A person involved in armed conflict against an oppressive government”. This is a much more suitable definition because the IRA were certainly in armed struggle against a very oppressive government.


(Bloody Sunday slide) However, the IRA has received it’s fair share of horrors as well. Earlier, a few days after “Bloody Sunday”, an unarmed, off duty IRA member named Joseph McCann was brutally shot and killed publicly in the street by British Army personnel, according to CAIN Web, a web service specializing in the Northern Ireland conflict.


Contrary to popular belief, the IRA has tried to make peace agreements when possible. (Nelson Mandela/Gerry Adams slide) The Official IRA, the other group that resulted from the IRA split of 1965, declared a permanent ceasefire in 1972. In all it’s existence, the Official IRA had only killed 23 people. In 1997, the Provisional IRA signed a peace agreement with Britain, followed with the disbandment of all it’s weapons, according to the New York Times. Gerry Adams, leader of Sinn Fein has stated that he is trying more peaceful negotiations when Sinn Fein is confronted with problems according to The Independent Newspaper, one of the most prominent newspapers in the United Kingdom.


(Resistance poster)The IRA should not only not be considered terrorists, but should be considered heroes. I would easily compare there actions to those of the black South African movement in South Africa, and the Christian martyrs in Roman times. (Custom picture) Many of them died for there cause, and all though they often used violent tactics, there was no other choice. They fought for what they believed in, and were it not for them, Catholics to this day would not receive the same rights as Protestants. If you want to support my opinion, spread the knowledge of what you’ve learned to other people. The people who think the IRA are terrorists are sometimes the ones with the wrong information. Teaching your peers is the best way you can give the Irish Republican Army the respect they deserve. Thank you.

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Okay, so many of you here know that I am 15 years old. Well, last year, in 8th grade, I was assigned a major school project where I would have to pick a controversial topic, pick a side, and support it in a speech. I chose the IRA and whether or not they were Freedom Fighters or Terrorists. My family was very proud with me, especially my Uncle Mark and my Mom. It was a strange topic, but I got an A- on it. So, here it is. What do you think?


(IRA Undefeated Army Slide) In movies, it's easy to tell who's good and who's evil. However, in reality, that's not always the case. It's not as simple as good and evil, black and white, freedom fighter and terrorist. The IRA started off as the Irish Volunteers who were around 1916, and were fighting for independence from Britain who had control of Northern Ireland. They were much more conservative than the Officials and the Provos, and rarely used bombings. Instead, they attacked soldiers. After several rebellions, Northern Ireland was finally free, but a new problem arose as Catholics did not receive the same rights as Protestants. This problem had been around for 500 years. Catholics had been receiving nothing but oppression and hatred from Protestants, and for a long time, they had been very peaceful. They did not prosecute the Protestants, they accepted them, and when their were conflicts, the Catholics were almost always on the defensive. Had it not been for the IRA, Catholics would never have received the same rights as Protestants. Many people believe that the IRA, or Irish Republican Army, are terrorists and killers. However, they are actually freedom fighters. While their tactics were violent, their cause was just; to achieve a free and united Ireland, free of discrimination


(Gerry Adams slide) The Provisional IRA is commanded by it's political wing called "Sinn Fein" (Ourselves Alone), whose chairman is Gerry Adams. Adams, while never being a soldier in the IRA, has defended the IRA's armed struggle for equality. "In the past I have defended the right of the IRA to engage in armed struggle." said Adams. " I did so because there was no other alternative for those who would not bend the knee, or turn a blind eye to oppression, or for those who wanted a national republic". Adams happens to be one of the most respected political figures in the world, and if he is saying the IRA are freedom fighter's, it's most likely true.


The IRA is also known to send warnings to the areas that they have bombed. (Canary Wharf slide) Canary Wharf, a wharf where a bombing occurred, received a very clear and straightforward message that it would be bombed, and the authorities even received the time in which the bomb would be detonated. However, the authorities did not take action resulting in the deaths of two people. Said the IRA, Canary Wharf had received a very "clear and specific warnings" (Quote #1) and the deaths of the civilians had been extremely "regrettable" according to BBC, the British Broadcasting Channel. (Rememberance Day slide) This was not the only warning however. Eniskillen, (Area of Remembrance Day Bombing) Hilton Hotel, Harrods Department Store, Birmingham, Belfast and King Cross all received warnings before they were bombed! This proves that the IRA wants as little civilians to die as possible, according to COE (Commision of Education) in Ireland.


(Bobby Sands slide) One of the IRA's heroic qualities has been their martyrdom. The most famous case can be traced back to the 80s and the legacy of Bobby Sands. (Bobby Sands picture) Sands, an IRA man, and 5 of his comrades had been taken prisoner by British Army Personnel and given the title "criminals". Sands hated the British Army Personnel for the atrocities they had committed against Ireland, including murdering civilians and the infamous "Bloody Sunday", where British authorities murdered 14 peaceful Catholic Protesters, he believed that it was extremely unfair that they were given the title of "criminals" rather than prisoners of war, so he and his comrades went on a hunger strike. The IRA prisoners refused to eat anything but salt and water, resulting in a severe lack of nutrition. After 62 days of hunger striking, Bobby Sands died for his cause, as did the rest of his party, according to BBC.


There are some facts that would suggest the IRA as terrorists. (Lord Mountbatten slide) The unwarned assassination of Lord Mountbatten and the kidnapping of prominent British buisnessman Don Tidey are very convincing cases towards suggesting the IRA as terrorists. However, the definition of terrorism is "The calculated use of violence against civilians in order to attain goals that are political, religious or ideological in nature" The assassination of Mountbatten was not violence against civilians, but violence against a political figure, and while the kidnapping of Don Tidey has no excuses, that was the only kidnapping in the IRA's history. The definition of freedom fighter is "A person involved in armed conflict against an oppressive government". This is a much more suitable definition because the IRA were certainly in armed struggle against a very oppressive government.


(Bloody Sunday slide) However, the IRA has received it's fair share of horrors as well. Earlier, a few days after "Bloody Sunday", an unarmed, off duty IRA member named Joseph McCann was brutally shot and killed publicly in the street by British Army personnel, according to CAIN Web, a web service specializing in the Northern Ireland conflict.


Contrary to popular belief, the IRA has tried to make peace agreements when possible. (Nelson Mandela/Gerry Adams slide) The Official IRA, the other group that resulted from the IRA split of 1965, declared a permanent ceasefire in 1972. In all it's existence, the Official IRA had only killed 23 people. In 1997, the Provisional IRA signed a peace agreement with Britain, followed with the disbandment of all it's weapons, according to the New York Times. Gerry Adams, leader of Sinn Fein has stated that he is trying more peaceful negotiations when Sinn Fein is confronted with problems according to The Independent Newspaper, one of the most prominent newspapers in the United Kingdom.


(Resistance poster)The IRA should not only not be considered terrorists, but should be considered heroes. I would easily compare there actions to those of the black South African movement in South Africa, and the Christian martyrs in Roman times. (Custom picture) Many of them died for there cause, and all though they often used violent tactics, there was no other choice. They fought for what they believed in, and were it not for them, Catholics to this day would not receive the same rights as Protestants. If you want to support my opinion, spread the knowledge of what you've learned to other people. The people who think the IRA are terrorists are sometimes the ones with the wrong information. Teaching your peers is the best way you can give the Irish Republican Army the respect they deserve. Thank you.


Except the IRA during WWII attempted interaction with the Abwehr to assault Northern Ireland. If you consider that heroic, then I don't know what to say :lol:

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