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Posted (edited)

Folks please take a minute and go do the weekly military fan choice vote so we can see the game.


It's currently a close one.....189-182 with the Bears. We need your votes!




click on fans choice...like the page...then vote..


Lets go bills fans...help us out.


We dont get much to look forward to over here in Afghanistan. This is the one thing that makes this place bearable....win or lose. Please vote everyone.

Edited by simaronde03
Posted (edited)

I fixed the link. Thanks for letting me know


194-185.....Keep voting folks


For those of you unfamiliar with AFN. They have been putting a smear campaign on their commercials encouraging fans NOT to vote for the Bills. Lets show them what being a Bills fan is all about.

Edited by simaronde03

Wouldn't this be classified as Torture?


i think voting for the Bears game would actually be something that people should be doing if they cared about the troops!



I like to think of it as Bills fans helping Bills fans deployed around the world.


AFN has absolutely no love for small market football teams like the Bills. Been deployed 3 times in the last 6 yrs and might have seen one game a year on AFN. This is the only chance we get to see Bills games on AFN, provided we win the voting.


Little over an hour left to vote. We need a come frombehind win. Bears have pulled 7 votes ahead of us.


Lets get 20 votes in the next hour. Who's gonna start us off?


I just tried voting, but it came up blank.


Wait, now it worked. Looks like the Bears are ahead at this point.


Folks please take a minute and go do the weekly military fan choice vote so we can see the game.


It's currently a close one.....189-182 with the Bears. We need your votes!




click on fans choice...like the page...then vote..


Lets go bills fans...help us out.


We dont get much to look forward to over here in Afghanistan. This is the one thing that makes this place bearable....win or lose. Please vote everyone.

Voted. Thanx for your service. Atleast the game will be worth a few laughs

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