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Don't worry, he'll fall back in line with the People's Party in time for the election


I can read it now....


Al: Whew!!! That was so good while it lasted!!!!

Chris: Man, that was good! (as he shakes a leg)

Bill: Bashing real people makes me feel important....

Joy: I wanna do Whoopi too!!!

Jay: We don't do Whoopi...

Obama: Can we stay focused?

Biden: In which one of your directions boss?

Pelosi: The budget? (roflhao!)

Reid: Count me in, no one wants Whoopi as much as me!

Hoyer: But Harry, she ain't registered in Nevada...

Joy: I can do this!!!

Bill: Wanna borrow a few bucks Harry?

Hillary: That won't be necessary, I'll make it a state dept expense, Harry needs it...

Obama: Thanks Hill, now, what were we talking about again?

Chris: The wonders of you "lord"!!

Biden: Your such a big F***ing deal boss!!!

Joy: Making Whoopi with you!!

Jay: Making Whoopi with you!

Pelosi: I have never, maybe once, made Whoopi with you!!!

Ried: When is it my turn?

Biden: That was the best ever boss!!!!

Hoyer: I'm moving to Nevada!!!

Hillary: What is Whoopi again??

Lewinsky: It's like this Hill :worthy:

Rachel: Anyone got a smoke??

Obama: Try this kind Rachel.. no tar or nicotine....



Posted (edited)

On one hand....this appears to be a sincere frustration/venting session.


On the other....how do we know this isn't the overture of the retarded, "we're coming back!" opera?



Chris says Obama needs to call Congress.....and amazingly, MSNBC runs 1 story a day about Obama meeting with Congress! "Amazing how he meets those tough expectations!"

Chris says Obama needs to lead out a plan on SSI...and amazingly, Obama unveils said plan on MSNBC = 2 hour special on Super Tuesday! "Wow, he's really doing the job now!"


"Amazing!" Feel the infomercial.


Also: I wonder if Juror#8 is pleased that Chris Matthews....another "talking head" who has 0 political campaign, or governing experience(:lol:)...a blatant Democratic operative who just happens to have his own TV show...is calling Obama's staffers, and Juror#8's friends, a bunch of propeller-heads? Matthews literally says "give us our orders". WTF else do you want?


Now we have Chris Matthews who has every reason in the world to support everything Obama and his staff says, does, is....telling us that they suck on wheels...


....but when these same people tell us they can easily beat Romney, and aren't scared of him....we are supposed to believe these "propeller-heads"? :lol: :lol:

Edited by OCinBuffalo

..... that Chris Matthews....another "talking head" who has 0 political campaign, or governing experience


From Matthews' bio on his show:


"Back home from the Peace Corps in Africa, he was working in the US senate. Then came his tour in the White House as a presidential speechwriter, followed by his front-row seat as top aide to the legendary Speaker of the House, Thomas P."Tip" O'Neill, Jr."

From about.com:


Chris Matthews as Congressional Staffer:

  • 1968-70 - Peace Corps, in Swaziland
  • 1973-74 - After knocking "on 200 doors on Capitol Hill," Matthews landed a staff position with Sen. Frank Church (D-UT).
  • 1974 - Unsuccessful run for Congress from Philadelphia
  • 1974-81 - Speech-writer and advisor to Sen. Ed Muskie (D-ME) and President Jimmy Carter.
  • 1981-87 - Administrative assistant and chief spokesman for Speaker of the House Tip O'Neill (D-MA). As a powerful top aide to the Speaker, Matthews honed his political skills and masterful understanding of the political process. He also made invaluable Capitol Hill contacts. Tip O'Neill retired in 1987.

That's a broad definition of 0


From Matthews' bio on his show:



From about.com:

That's a broad definition of 0

My sarcasm, because that's what it is, is directed at Juror#8....and designed to preclude him from dismissing Chris Tingle as a "talking head"...as he inexplicably dismissed the likes of Karl Rove, Dick Morris, and James Carville...as "some guys on TV"


The fact that Juror#8's chances of accomplishing anything near what these guys have in politics is near 0, was also on my mind.


We can make fun of Chris Tingle all we want, but, there is little doubt that he is a seasoned Democratic political operative, as you have pointed out, and thus, when he breaks ranks, it's far beyond significant.

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