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Newt Has Surged To A Statistical Tie

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I love all this hand ringing about what GOP primary voters think of Newt's non-gaffe immigration stance. It should become even more obvious to the left here that the MSM keeps feeding you crap that just isn't true. Newts stance IS the view of the base GOP voter.


Secure the borders.

Legalize the otherwise law abiding illegals who have roots here.

Deport the rest.

Keep the border secure.


Notice: Nowhere in there is a path to citizenship or blanket amnesty.


And what do you know... His poll numbers didn't suffer.


I laughed out loud reading and listening to "experts" imagine that Newt had made a serious unforced error.

Let's hope he wins the nomination! Obama winning is great. Obama smashing up a POS like Newt....priceless!

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Let's hope he wins the nomination! Obama winning is great. Obama smashing up a POS like Newt....priceless!

LoL! I can't wait.


Once upon a time there was no way the American public would vote for a man named Newt or Mitt. But after Barack Hussein...well anything is possible.


Get used to saying: "My President: Newt Gingrich" as a back up you can practice "President Mitt Romney"


BHO has surpassed the great James Earl Carter in ineptitude.


Leading from behind indeed. So far behind, no one has heard from him and no one wants to run with him.

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Let's hope he wins the nomination! Obama winning is great. Obama smashing up a POS like Newt....priceless!

I'm not sure how I feel about a Newt Gingrich presidential run, but one thing is certain: in one-on-one in debates with Obama, Newt would wipe the floor clean with the current POTUS. The days of most people fawning over Obama's every word are done. And by the time he has to spend any time on stage defending his record against a debater like Gingrich, Obama would slink off the stage like the sad, spineless Sham-wow-like spokesperson he has proven himself to be.


If the GOP nominee has one challenge to face, it's the fact that Obama is able to repeatedly tell the American people how terrific his signature legislation is. Obamacare is...ummm...y'know, come to think of it, Obama never mentions his health care law. Well, he'll probably talk about how successful his stimulus bill was. Wait, no. That's not possible. Well, maybe he'll tell everyone that story again about how he single-handedly pulled the trigger on the weapon that killed Bin Laden. No, wait. Maybe he'll tell everyone how he led the charge to help free the people of Libya in just a matter of days. No, wait. Maybe he'll tell everyone how he shut down Gitmo on his first day in .... no, wait.


Well, I'm sure he'll have SOMETHING to tell the American people. Oh, how about that shovel-ready means something different in Obamaville. Or how when he said "change you can believe in," he didn't mean change you can believe in TOMORROW! :lol: :lol:

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I'm not sure how I feel about a Newt Gingrich presidential run, but one thing is certain: in one-on-one in debates with Obama, Newt would wipe the floor clean with the current POTUS. The days of most people fawning over Obama's every word are done. And by the time he has to spend any time on stage defending his record against a debater like Gingrich, Obama would slink off the stage like the sad, spineless Sham-wow-like spokesperson he has proven himself to be.


If the GOP nominee has one challenge to face, it's the fact that Obama is able to repeatedly tell the American people how terrific his signature legislation is. Obamacare is...ummm...y'know, come to think of it, Obama never mentions his health care law. Well, he'll probably talk about how successful his stimulus bill was. Wait, no. That's not possible. Well, maybe he'll tell everyone that story again about how he single-handedly pulled the trigger on the weapon that killed Bin Laden. No, wait. Maybe he'll tell everyone how he led the charge to help free the people of Libya in just a matter of days. No, wait. Maybe he'll tell everyone how he shut down Gitmo on his first day in .... no, wait.


Well, I'm sure he'll have SOMETHING to tell the American people. Oh, how about that shovel-ready means something different in Obamaville. Or how when he said "change you can believe in," he didn't mean change you can believe in TOMORROW! :lol: :lol:

Ya, because Newts rambling, half incoherent debate responses have been great so far. :/


Newt sounds smart to stupid people. His rants against the "liberal media" won't cut it. Neither will his idiotic, simplistic ideas of dealing with Iran.


He will be a slightly better Sarah Palin, really, that's it

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Ya, because Newts rambling, half incoherent debate responses have been great so far. :/


Newt sounds smart to stupid people. His rants against the "liberal media" won't cut it. Neither will his idiotic, simplistic ideas of dealing with Iran.


He will be a slightly better Sarah Palin, really, that's it

You keep telling yourself that, Skippy. :lol:

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Ya, because Newts rambling, half incoherent debate responses have been great so far. :/


Newt sounds smart to stupid people. His rants against the "liberal media" won't cut it. Neither will his idiotic, simplistic ideas of dealing with Iran.


He will be a slightly better Sarah Palin, really, that's it


I guess you would know.

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