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Newt Has Surged To A Statistical Tie

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Wow!! This speaks to the dreadful campaign of Romney that he can't even shake a tarnished, tired old scandle ridden blabber mouth of a retread politician like Gingrich.





The latest NH Journal poll of likely Republican primary voters conducted by Magellan Strategies shows Romney and Gingrich in a statistical dead heat for the January 10th primary. If the election were held today, Romney would earn 29% of the vote and Gingrich would earn 27%. Texas Congressman Ron Paul continues to show resolve by earning 16%. Herman Cain gets 10%. No other candidate is in double digits.



The question has to be asked. Is Romney only a "front runner" because he like Cain, Bachmann, Newt, Palin, Perry, Trump and who ever else the cat draggs in, is there because he has not faced full scrutiney yet? What if Romney's flip flops become the story next and he drops into the single digits? Is there someone else out there or will Perry rotate to the front of the line again?

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Wow!! This speaks to the dreadful campaign of Romney that he can't even shake a tarnished, tired old scandle ridden blabber mouth of a retread politician like Gingrich.








The question has to be asked. Is Romney only a "front runner" because he like Cain, Bachmann, Newt, Palin, Perry, Trump and who ever else the cat draggs in, is there because he has not faced full scrutiney yet? What if Romney's flip flops become the story next and he drops into the single digits? Is there someone else out there or will Perry rotate to the front of the line again?



Hey Dave, check out this link if you want to see what a real scandal is:



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Oh why?? Why??? Why can't the left wing media leave Newt alone? They are gonna bury this guy. Gees, I'd cut off my pinky finger to have this clown the GOP nominee.



This is so sad watching Newt front and center....

Laugh all you want bright boy. Obama's shitting his pants at the thought of having to go toe to toe with Newt. You'll have a new appreciation for the term "why you gonna go against an army with a handgun?" Obama can't fall back on trite cliche's and defer to the teleprompter because Newt's got the facts and can expose Obama for the intellectually vacant speech reader that he is.

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Laugh all you want bright boy. Obama's shitting his pants at the thought of having to go toe to toe with Newt. You'll have a new appreciation for the term "why you gonna go against an army with a handgun?" Obama can't fall back on trite cliche's and defer to the teleprompter because Newt's got the facts and can expose Obama for the intellectually vacant speech reader that he is.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! Newts a jack a@@. Total, 100% jack a@@. He doesn't have a chance. The fact he is leading the GOP field is almost proof enough of what. Joke he is. Will Donald Trump come back and bump him out of the lead, lol!

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Hey everyone, look, the bottom feeders are after me!

No Dave, things just LOOK upside down when you're standing on your head. No one is coming after you down there. But they are defecating on you with precision, so you should probably just be quiet and take cover.

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Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!! Newts a jack a@@. Total, 100% jack a@@. He doesn't have a chance. The fact he is leading the GOP field is almost proof enough of what. Joke he is. Will Donald Trump come back and bump him out of the lead, lol!


So what does the fact that the party of a sitting President with a pretty bad approval rating and ****ty economy and high unemployment can't find anyone to challenge him? So he's the best they got??

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Newts got baggage, but he runs from none of it and welcomes scrutiny. And like its been said, he knows the facts cold, has a solutions-oriented campaign (whether or not they will work who knows, but the man actually has a written plan, not just nebulous, trite slogans like "change") and is a master debater (lol). The right will line up solidly behind him and the independents will be forced to give him a day in court. Why? Becuase if you throw some real ideas at people with an "America FIRST" restorative narrative they will have a hard time NOT at least listening to him.


I think he is a serious threat.

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Newts got baggage, but he runs from none of it and welcomes scrutiny. And like its been said, he knows the facts cold, has a solutions-oriented campaign (whether or not they will work who knows, but the man actually has a written plan, not just nebulous, trite slogans like "change") and is a master debater (lol). The right will line up solidly behind him and the independents will be forced to give him a day in court. Why? Becuase if you throw some real ideas at people with an "America FIRST" restorative narrative they will have a hard time NOT at least listening to him.


I think he is a serious threat.



I agree, he knows his schit. Can you imagine an interactive debate between him and Obama? It would be like Whack-A-Mole with the moles stuck in the up position.

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I'm done with this group of bozos the republicans are offering. Gingrich???? Please, he has that career politician stench and he's been working for Fannie and Freddie over the last ten years. Sorry, I don't think so. If he's out front then the republicans are in very bad shape.


I don't like any of these people at all. I really hope that Donald Trump is serious and runs for POTUS...




He knows how to make good decisions, he's been fully vetted and he's not beholden to anyone in Washington. I seriously think that Trump could win the presidency as a third party candidate. Either that or Palin somehow gets drafted in as the candidate during the republican convention. This current group are all a bunch of softie politicians. Other than Bachman (who I don't really like for POTUS), I don't see any of them as having a spine.

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Youre writing off Gingrich becuase he did contract work for Fannie and Freddie and is a Washington insider, but you like DONALD TRUMP???!!!???



Thats like saying youre opting for the 72 Pinto becuase the 09 E Class has two flat tires.



If you dont dig Newt, fine. But Trump over him? Come on.

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Youre writing off Gingrich becuase he did contract work for Fannie and Freddie and is a Washington insider, but you like DONALD TRUMP???!!!???



Thats like saying youre opting for the 72 Pinto becuase the 09 E Class has two flat tires.



If you dont dig Newt, fine. But Trump over him? Come on.


Washington is completely broken. This country needs a shake up like it's rarely seen before. I could never vote for someone like Newt Gingrich because he's literally been there watching over this DC train wreck for the last 50 years. I'll stay home because maybe this country needs to be brought to the brink with another four years of Obama before they are finally willing to wake up and smell the coffee. You want to see the future of America, take a good long look at Greece. You have states already declaring bankruptcy. The dems keep talking about taxing the millionaires when even if they were able to get their way it wouldn't amount to a pimple in terms of tackling the debt crisis ahead.


Trump actually likes to work, unlike guys like Gingrich and Obama. You've got your metaphors reversed my friend. Maybe Paul Ryan will jump in as a third candidate? He may be from DC but at least he's got his head on straight and doesn't mind doing work.


This was all so much easier twenty years ago, when you could vote the Frank Zappa/Joe Walsh ticket and know it was a joke.


Donald Trump. :lol:



Newt Gingrich? Mitt Romney? :lol:


Seriously, those two are more of a joke than Donald Trump.

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