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Beerboy on Jeopardy


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When he was younger, Beerboy was smarter, but still just as rude. I bet none of you knew he once appeared on teen Jeopardy.


I dug up an old clip


I call shenanigans. When BB was a lad there was no Jeopardy, no color tv and huddling around the radio to listen to Uncle Miltie was their favorite form of entertainment.

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I call shenanigans. When BB was a lad there was no Jeopardy, no color tv and huddling around the radio to listen to Uncle Miltie was their favorite form of entertainment.

No Beerboy isn't old and I can prove it. I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone but I do not respect Beerboy. See? That's proof.


Anyway, I don't respect him because he kept up his bad behavior as he got older. Sure, anyone can slip up and curse on Jeopardy, but it takes a real jerk to study for years to be a weatherman just so he can pull

on TV.
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No Beerboy isn't old and I can prove it. I have as much or more respect for old people than anyone but I do not respect Beerboy. See? That's proof.


Anyway, I don't respect him because he kept up his bad behavior as he got older. Sure, anyone can slip up and curse on Jeopardy, but it takes a real jerk to study for years to be a weatherman just so he can pull this stunt on TV.


I'm still calling shenanigans. There is no way BB could have been kicking ass like that in Jeopardy. I hear he's good at Operation though.

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I'm still calling shenanigans. There is no way BB could have been kicking ass like that in Jeopardy. I hear he's good at Operation though.

I didn't see the whole episode. Maybe they started him with $10k just to make it fair. Did you see the whole episode? It's him.


He's not smart but he is even

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I didn't see the whole episode. Maybe they started him with $10k just to make it fair. Did you see the whole episode? It's him.


He's not smart but he is even



No ... no... no.... it's his immune system and cognitive abilities that are impaired ... not his skeleton (though he has many of them in his closet).

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No ... no... no.... it's his immune system and cognitive abilities that are impaired ... not his skeleton (though he has many of them in his closet).

He really isn't smart, athletic, personable or skilled in any way. You can't really blame him though, he spent his early years on the run. His dad wrote TV commercials and

really pissed off Mao Say Tongue and the family was at risk.
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When he was younger, Beerboy was smarter, but still just as rude. I bet none of you knew he once appeared on teen Jeopardy.


My hair was much worse back in the day! :lol:


Since this is such a sympathetic crowd I'll tell you about my Sunday...get up at 7:00 and head to BWW in Arlington. Have a winter wheat and a burger to get ready for the game. Go to the Boss Hog Bowl, see lots of Bills fans, high fives etc. Game starts, game over. Three hours of absolute torture. Go with Mrs. BB to pick up the youngest who spent the night with friends. Get home @ 5:30. Everybody is scrambling, laundry to do, leftovers to throw on a plate, homework to do. 7:00...get a call from daughter at OU. She's been in a wreck, shaken up, airbags deployed etc. Jump in car with wife and youngest for the trip to Norman. Arrive 10:30 (after a delay where I watched a front end loader scooping up the the remains of a couple cars in the southbound lanes). Half way to Norman I realize I have to be in Philly today, 11:00am flight out of DFW. Comfort daughter, check everyone into hotel. Call Hertz at 11:45. Can get a car if I get to OKC airport by 12:30 when they will close...make it there at 12:26! Go back to hotel and try to sleep for a couple hours. Doesn't work. Alarm goes off at 4. Back on the road home at 4:20. Arrive home 7:15. Get ready for trip head out of house at 8:45 for the airport. Return rental car, arrive at terminal 10:00. Long long lines, get to gate 5 minutes before boarding. Promptly fall asleep on the plane. I actually woke myself up once because I let out a loud snore. I don't give a **** and fall back asleep. Snored and drooled my way to Philly, woke when the pilot announced approach.


Feel like ****.

Bills are ****.

Car is ****.

I'm still tired.

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Feel like ****.

Bills are ****.

Car is ****.

I'm still tired.

And you disclosed the location of our newest client. :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash: I TOLD you to NEVER do that.


Anyway, good luck with the transaction. I know you like this job better than when you tried to follow in your dad's footsteps by writing speeches for



Did you quit that job or get fired? I think you should do some pro sunny Bono work for Chan.

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My hair was much worse back in the day! :lol:


Since this is such a sympathetic crowd I'll tell you about my Sunday...get up at 7:00 and head to BWW in Arlington. Have a winter wheat and a burger to get ready for the game. Go to the Boss Hog Bowl, see lots of Bills fans, high fives etc. Game starts, game over. Three hours of absolute torture. Go with Mrs. BB to pick up the youngest who spent the night with friends. Get home @ 5:30. Everybody is scrambling, laundry to do, leftovers to throw on a plate, homework to do. 7:00...get a call from daughter at OU. She's been in a wreck, shaken up, airbags deployed etc. Jump in car with wife and youngest for the trip to Norman. Arrive 10:30 (after a delay where I watched a front end loader scooping up the the remains of a couple cars in the southbound lanes). Half way to Norman I realize I have to be in Philly today, 11:00am flight out of DFW. Comfort daughter, check everyone into hotel. Call Hertz at 11:45. Can get a car if I get to OKC airport by 12:30 when they will close...make it there at 12:26! Go back to hotel and try to sleep for a couple hours. Doesn't work. Alarm goes off at 4. Back on the road home at 4:20. Arrive home 7:15. Get ready for trip head out of house at 8:45 for the airport. Return rental car, arrive at terminal 10:00. Long long lines, get to gate 5 minutes before boarding. Promptly fall asleep on the plane. I actually woke myself up once because I let out a loud snore. I don't give a **** and fall back asleep. Snored and drooled my way to Philly, woke when the pilot announced approach.


Feel like ****.

Bills are ****.

Car is ****.

I'm still tired.


Most importantly in the story - daughter is OK. You'll catch up on sleep and the car will be fixed or replaced. Little Beerballs are not so easily repaired.

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My hair was much worse back in the day! :lol:


Since this is such a sympathetic crowd I'll tell you about my Sunday...get up at 7:00 and head to BWW in Arlington. Have a winter wheat and a burger to get ready for the game. Go to the Boss Hog Bowl, see lots of Bills fans, high fives etc. Game starts, game over. Three hours of absolute torture. Go with Mrs. BB to pick up the youngest who spent the night with friends. Get home @ 5:30. Everybody is scrambling, laundry to do, leftovers to throw on a plate, homework to do. 7:00...get a call from daughter at OU. She's been in a wreck, shaken up, airbags deployed etc. Jump in car with wife and youngest for the trip to Norman. Arrive 10:30 (after a delay where I watched a front end loader scooping up the the remains of a couple cars in the southbound lanes). Half way to Norman I realize I have to be in Philly today, 11:00am flight out of DFW. Comfort daughter, check everyone into hotel. Call Hertz at 11:45. Can get a car if I get to OKC airport by 12:30 when they will close...make it there at 12:26! Go back to hotel and try to sleep for a couple hours. Doesn't work. Alarm goes off at 4. Back on the road home at 4:20. Arrive home 7:15. Get ready for trip head out of house at 8:45 for the airport. Return rental car, arrive at terminal 10:00. Long long lines, get to gate 5 minutes before boarding. Promptly fall asleep on the plane. I actually woke myself up once because I let out a loud snore. I don't give a **** and fall back asleep. Snored and drooled my way to Philly, woke when the pilot announced approach.


Feel like ****.

Bills are ****.

Car is ****.

I'm still tired.

Sorry BB. Hope the rest of your week is better! :)

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