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oh Im well aware of the science behind it, and as an educator we are swamped with warnings and reminders for the flu shot, and as far as calling it "rolling the loaded dice" haha, thats laughable...its the FLU, not HIV




why do you need Clinton in office to have health insurance?



apparently you know no one who has died from complications from the flu.


so you are doubly lucky


and you are an "educator"? I don't even want to know.......

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One of the worst cases of the flu I ever had was right after I had a flu shot.

Was in bed for a week. My arm swelled up to twice its normal size.


That, and Guillan Barre make me hesitant about getting a routine flu shot every year.

There are no guarantees in life.

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apparently you know no one who has died from complications from the flu.


so you are doubly lucky


and you are an "educator"? I don't even want to know.......


Deep breathe man. It'll be ok. I've never had a flu shot in my life and never gotten the flu either. Doesn't mean the shots worthless but the way your arguing I half expect you to wear a helmet when you leave the house. The flu is no fun from all I've seen or heard but I'm guessing these guys try to live a healthy lifestyle and guard in other ways.


And as an isolated anecdote- the only person I know who has almost died from the flu was as a result of getting a flu shot.

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apparently you know no one who has died from complications from the flu.


so you are doubly lucky


and you are an "educator"? I don't even want to know.......


hahaha, yes sir, people do die from complications from the flu (which can be caused by getting the flu shot), people also die from car accidents, falls off of ladders, plane crashes, old age, gun shots, stab wounds, rabies etc....your point?


and im sure you definately wear a helmet when leaving the house -IF you even leave your house


and because I dont personally believe in getting the flu shot, im not fit to be an educator??? that makes complete sense

Edited by PaattMaann
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hahaha, yes sir, people do die from complications from the flu (which can be caused by getting the flu shot), people also die from car accidents, falls off of ladders, plane crashes, old age, gun shots, stab wounds, rabies etc....your point?


and im sure you definately wear a helmet when leaving the house -IF you even leave your house


and because I dont personally believe in getting the flu shot, im not fit to be an educator??? that makes complete sense



well, if you were to tell me you teach math or science...then yes, since you are trying to compare things that are the same as 'Being hit by lightning" with a car accident.


and, do you put on your seat belt? if you do, that's prudent because it lowers your odds of being seriously hurt.


but you're not listening so I'm done..

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how is my responding, "not listening"...your talking about the low probability of being killed by the flu (where pre existing conditions are necessary), so go get your flu shots!! I simply said that I dont get the flu shot and ive never had the flu, so im going to keep doing what Im doing. Simple as that.


I get it, you need your flu shots to survive...I hope irony does not strike and have that next flu shot give ya the fatal dose of THEEE FLUUUU!!!!

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