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Oh God Please Make This True!

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I've always admired Newt. We could do a heck of a lot worse (obviously) for a president. Who would want a pres that was a prolific writer, historian? I heard him on the radio yesterday pushing the fourth in a series of books on the Civil War. Wouldn't it be refreshing to have a guy in the White House that actually loves the country, it's history and its values? As opposed to the guy on the other side who is a weenie "community organizer" and has only read "Rules For Radicals" let alone write anything read worthy. Someone said earlier, a potential debate between him and Obama is reason enough to nominate him.

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I've always admired Newt. We could do a heck of a lot worse (obviously) for a president. Who would want a pres that was a prolific writer, historian? I heard him on the radio yesterday pushing the fourth in a series of books on the Civil War.


Let's be clear: fourth in a series of FICTION books.


I've read some excerpts from them. They're not only ****ty writing, they show less historical sense and knowledge than Sarah Palin.


And they're ghost written by someone else.


So yeah, he's a prolific writer and historian...in that if you set aside the fact that his inaccurate ideas are ultimately penned by somebody else, he's a brilliant author.

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He's alive and doing fine!







More proof that Conservatives recycle their trash! :w00t:

I wouldn't call him trash. He is probably the top candidate the conservatives have to offer. Very intelligent man, very energetic and you can't challenge his love of country. I highly doubt he could push his plans through Congress, but who can, anyways?

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Let's be clear: fourth in a series of FICTION books.


I've read some excerpts from them. They're not only ****ty writing, they show less historical sense and knowledge than Sarah Palin.


And they're ghost written by someone else.


So yeah, he's a prolific writer and historian...in that if you set aside the fact that his inaccurate ideas are ultimately penned by somebody else, he's a brilliant author.

That means little, you never have read a book you couldn't have done better on.

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I wouldn't call him trash. He is probably the top candidate the conservatives have to offer. Very intelligent man, very energetic and you can't challenge his love of country. I highly doubt he could push his plans through Congress, but who can, anyways?

The guys a parasite, and the only thing he's good at is spewing right wing nonsense. Heck, even conservatives have kicked this guy to the curb several times already. Thank god for short memories, I guess. He would be a nightmare candidate for the GOP. Obama would beat this guy 70-30.

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Newt is a parasite? How?

He sucks up vital resources from the GOP while offering no benefits in return and in fact cause deleterious changes in behavior and has demonstrated multiple host life-cycles seen as different stages in his political career and when thought eradicated it turns out he was merely dormant as he hid undetected in the head and heart of the GOP those most unused of organs.

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He sucks up vital resources from the GOP while offering no benefits in return and in fact cause deleterious changes in behavior and has demonstrated multiple host life-cycles seen as different stages in his political career and when thought eradicated it turns out he was merely dormant as he hid undetected in the head and heart of the GOP those most unused of organs.

Wow. You can deliver the hard facts.

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The guys a parasite, and the only thing he's good at is spewing right wing nonsense. Heck, even conservatives have kicked this guy to the curb several times already. Thank god for short memories, I guess. He would be a nightmare candidate for the GOP. Obama would beat this guy 70-30.


Morning Dave, it's a new day! How are you today? Hey while I'm thinking about it I have a question for you. What makes Newt trash, an idiot and a parasite?


BTW the reason the GOP kicked him to the curb (and no conservatives have not) is because the GOP stopped being conservative a long time ago.

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Duh, he's not a member of The People's Party

DinN: Uuuuuhhhh, Conservatives and Republicans are bad because the say republican conservative stuff, uuuhhhh.


PPP: What don't you like about Conservatives and Republicans?


DinN: They're idiots!


PPP: Why are they idiots?


DinN: Cause they say Republican Conservative stuff!


And repeat.

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Morning Dave, it's a new day! How are you today? Hey while I'm thinking about it I have a question for you. What makes Newt trash, an idiot and a parasite?


BTW the reason the GOP kicked him to the curb (and no conservatives have not) is because the GOP stopped being conservative a long time ago.

IF you get a answer it will be along lybob's lines-he sprews right wing trash. Razor sharp and full of indisputable facts.

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IF you get a answer it will be along lybob's lines-he sprews right wing trash. Razor sharp and full of indisputable facts.

I wouldn't call Newt trash, I'm a progressive so I'd call him a recyclable- of course it's only the utter failure of the extreme right to put forth candidates who can articulate coherent thoughts that has allowed the slim possibility of changing Newt's "hey don't forget about me book tour" into an actual political campaign. So Newt is the latest batter up in the anybody but Romney grinding war of attrition, Romney the favorite of Wall Street should be a shoe-in but more than 40% of Evangelicals won't vote for a Mormon. You almost have to consider that the GOP is throwing the race I mean it's amazing that someone has to win from such a sorry field. It must be very frustrating being a Republican and realizing that despite almost apocalyptic economic conditions that Obama has a better than 50-50 chance of winning.

Edited by ....lybob
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