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Vietnam in HD


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History channel is taking a break from picking pawn truckers in the swamp and will be running a 6 hour series on Vietnam this week. 6 1 hour episodes, 2 each yesterday today and Thursday.


just curious if any one else is watching. DVD'd both episodes last night and just started watching

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History channel is taking a break from picking pawn truckers in the swamp and will be running a 6 hour series on Vietnam this week. 6 1 hour episodes, 2 each yesterday today and Thursday.


just curious if any one else is watching. DVD'd both episodes last night and just started watching


Didn't know it was on this week (although I do like to watch Modern Marvels regularly). I will try to catch an episode tonight..

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Am I in it???


If you are looking for yourself in Vietnam footage, I will assume that you are a Vietnam Vet.


Which means you should look for footage of yourself on the History® Channel.

You should also look for people like me that will buy you a drink on Vet's Day :beer:


Then there is my father, who was part of the expeditionary force during the Cuban Missile Crisis. His enlistment ended shortly before the Gulf of Tonkin. He had offers to re-enlist as an officer, special forces, and helicopter pilot. I am grateful that my Grandmother talked him out of it


I suggested that he get a free steak tomorrow at Outback® or Applebees®. He said he would order his steak after his friends on The Wall finished theirs

Edited by /dev/null
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History channel is taking a break from picking pawn truckers in the swamp and will be running a 6 hour series on Vietnam this week. 6 1 hour episodes, 2 each yesterday today and Thursday.


just curious if any one else is watching. DVD'd both episodes last night and just started watching


I watched everything on Wednesday night, and caught first hour last night. I was a kid at the height of armed coflict. By the time I joined the USAF, the war had been over for 3 years. It's interesting to see the perspective on things now that the passage of time has allowed us to look at the war objectively.

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I watched the first 4 episodes. Really good stuff. My dad was drafted and served in Vietnam so this was a great insight into what went on over there seeing as he doesn't like to talk about it. I remember being younger and asking about what happened over there. He would always just say they did a lot of walking around and it wasn't really anything. I asked him again in my late teens about it and he finally opened up about it. About killing people(which for some reason hit me the hardest), diving into holes, setting off traps. He said if the draft was ever to happen again, and I was drafted he would drive me up to Canada himself so that I didn't have to go through what he did. The part of the documentary that hit me the most was the story of the draftee coming home and being proud that he served but then everyone, besides his family, being upset with what he had done. Giving him negative looks, judging him and even not sitting near him. He started crying on the show. Made me think an awful lot.

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Excellent series. Love the little factoids they drop in there, like how we dropped twice as much explosives from the air just trying unsuccessfully to stop movement on the ho Che Minh trail as we dropped on Germany in ww2. What a waste! That war was such a mistake.

Saw your name on this thread and thought whats he doing here? What a surprise. Criticizing the US.

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i watched 1 hour of it last night at midnight. it was very interesting.


vietcong is a funny ass word to me. they use it alot.



victor-charlie. not a funny ass word to the guys that were there.


I suggest for a read for those who can stomach it the book "Matterhorn" now in paperback. Best and most realistic war book since "All Quiet on the Western Front."


I don't need Vietnam in HD. I get it in flashback on pretty regular basis.



My late father-in-law flew Marine dust-offs in Vietnam. Every once and a while, not often, he would tell some heart rending stories.

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